Lauren Shea Hickok

On Saturday, November 19th a car full of teenage kids crashed just outside Macon, Georgia. Among the passengers in the car were Lauren Shea Hickok and her brother Luke Hickok, the two eldest children of Steve and Susan Hickok.
The vehicle had cartwheeled four times before coming to a stop. When Luke Hickok unfastened his seatbelt and got the door nearest to him open, he went to find his sister and found her under the trailer they were pulling. Luke was able to pull his sister from under the trailer and get her breathing.
Shea's boyfriend died at the scene.
When Lauren arrived at the hospital the doctor in charge said that he had never seen the amount of lung damage in an accident victim and prepared the family for the worst.
At first the situation appeared little more than hopeless as Shea was getting 100% of her oxygen through artificial means. Many of the bones in her face are broken as are her clavicle and two vertebraes abover her ribs. Although her lungs were not punctured, they were not functioning.
Shea was the most critical patient in the hospital, and was placed in a medically induced coma.
As word went out around the country, a host of people began a vigil of thoughts and prayers for the family. A group of 30 people traveled two hours to be with the family from Atlanta. Susan's brother and sister arrived to be with them at the hospital and have been there constantly since.
What has happened since... is a tribute to the grace of the creator, the care of the doctors and the thoughts, prayers and energy of hundreds of people in behalf of one of God's most amazing creations.
Just one day after preparing the family for the worst, the doctor brought two more doctors so "they could see a miracle." She is still in very critical condition, but the improvements we have seen to date are encouraging.
For those who know and love the Hickok family, we would like to provide this blog as a means of communicating daily updates.
This is the beginning of a very long journey for the family, and your postings will be read to Shea even while she is in the coma, and for as long as she is walking this most difficult path.
Thank you.
We love you Shea.
David, Joy, Sarah & Jonathan
I am a member of First Baptist Church Fountain Hills, AZ. Ken Mary posted us with the tragic news this morning.
As one Christian to another, we know that God is in control. my prayers as well as my wifes have gone up to our Heavenly Father, petitioning his healing mercy on Shea and Luke. No one knows why things like this happen. Perhaps it is God's way of allowing us to show our faith in him to others through our stong belief in Him and his healing mercies.
Whatever His will may be, we all know that there is a home awaiting us all in God's kingdom. With our faith and his Grace, we can handle the trials and tribulations of this earhtly life. God bless Shea, Luke and your whold family. In His Name,
Howard and Dottie Smith
Lori! its kathy! i miss you babe and i am praying for you every other minute, i know you will make it through this juat hold on tight, please! You have been my best friend since the womb (literally) and you know that i will always be here for you, even though your in georgia and im in az you know im with you! Thanx for keeping snuggles in good condition i think she loves you more than me now! shea i love you with all my heart! Ill write you every day because i know you can hear me I love you so much again! love kati
Lauren Shea -we just love you and your family! You are some of the sweetest people we know! Cassie still talks about how Jesse was suppose to be her prince. Our Courtney reminds me of you. It's been a while since we've seen you but I know you're strong and you have a strong godly family and God has a great plan for you. There are people praying for you all over the states! Know you are loved! Keep fighting!
Love, Jeni Gibbs
for the Gibbs family
Lauren Shea!! i miss you sooo much! i just wish i could come see you. Kati, Cameron, and I are coming out there asap. i'm praying for you every second.
i can't stop thinking about you, luke and your family. i wish i could just come hold your hand. i know God will help you through this. i'm always here for you. expecially during times like this.
you mean so much to me, i'm always here for you.
i love you shea star!
I miss you and im so afraid for you and luke. I know that my dad is already there but i think he si helping luke and jesse more but I hope that you get better and once again i am sososososososososo scared for you
My Dear Shea,
This is your friend Karen Moss, you know 'your red headed friend'. Please say you remember me....I mean how could you forget...they used my hair to shine the light off of when you sang on Sunday nights. Didn't we have a blast in choir! I know I never talked while the leader was directing us in about you!? Shea Hickok, do you remember how all of us loved to see what new hair do you would wear and what incredible lip stick shade you would come up with? Girl you have style. Shea Hickok you have to get better real soon because I miss you and want to talk to you about all the things we girls love to talk about. Remember what I said in the letter I wrote for your graduation...YOU ARE A LIGHT THAT THIS WORLD NEEDS!!!!!!!! I love you girl and I know you are fighting hard. Keep going girl!! I love you and admire you. I and hundred of friends are praying for you. I am sending you a hug right now.
With love and prayers,
Karen Moss
Dearest Steve,Susan,Lauren,Luke & Jesse-
Wer'e so sorry to hear about this accident. We have been praying nonstop for your family. We know the Lord will continue to give you all strength through this ordeal. Dear Lauren, we are so excited to see the many good results that the Lord has done. We are giving thanks to God for all His wonderful blessings! We are thanking God for what we know He will continue to do! Just keep fighting and know we all love you. Dear Steve and Sue, we are praying for you both during this time, that the Lord will give you added strenth to continue on through the days. Luke, we keep praying also for your continued health and your emotions you are dealing with during all of this. Just lean on the Lord- as you know He will give you what you need to get through it all. You all take care and please let us know if there is anything at all we can do for you. May God continue to bless you all and keep His healing hand on Shea. Love Wally & Debi Motrych.
This is Ed, the guitarist, at SBC. Laura the boys and I have been praying for and thinking of you. Our hearts are with you. From what we have been hearing and reading it looks like our Lord may have more for you to do here. Before Friday you were already a testimony of God’s miracles in your many layers of beauty and your multiple gifts. Today you continue to show us God’s miracles in your ability to overcome.
Sunday night we played “Song In Me.” From where I was standing I could barely hear the vocals of those singing and even if I did, I still would have only heard your voice. Shea, I look forward to the day when you and me and all of us can worship the Lord together in one place and sing “Song In Me” as an offering to Him for the many miracles he has given us through you.
Susan & Steve,
We are so sorry for the pain you are feeling. Please know that our hearts are with you. Tell Luke and Jessie we are also thinking of them. If we can do anything to help make this easier please let us know. If you ever think it would be best for Jessie to get away we have an extra room. Devin and Kyle would love to keep him busy. We can make travel arrangements. We all miss and love you all very much.
In Christ,
Ed, Laura & family
Shea.... im going to have a hard time laughing in class until you come back. You are so precious. Im glad and rejoicing in the fact that we have God who is in control of you right now and always. I love you girl, and i will see you soon.
Dear Shea,
I'm the Pastor of The Church at Decatur Heights and the father of two girls, one of whom lives in Macon. As soon as I heard of your accident, I began to pray for you and have continued to do so day and night.
With so many Christians interceeding for you, I feel confident that the Lord will provide insight for your Doctors, strength for your family, and healing for you.
Be assured of my continued prayers.
My love in Christ Jesus,
Alan D. Smith
Dear Shea,
Our family is praying for your recovery. We miss you singing at SBC, especially during Christmas. I love hearing you sing "O Holy Night". When you get better, maybe you can bless us with that song again!
You were always so sweet and asking me about my sons in Iraq and telling me how you were praying for them. My oldest is now out of the Army and I told him about your accident. He is now praying for you.
Steve & Susan, Luke & Jesse, we are praying for you as well. Praying God will give you strength to get through this; that you would have your family all together at home again soon.
Donna Maciag & family
Hey Shea! It's Brittany-Shea! You are the only other person I have ever met who's middle name is Shea and spelled just like mine. I told you that the first time I met you at the Bridge last year. I know I have told you this many times but you are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen and I know everyone else agrees with me. Ever since I heard about what happend I have been so upset. I cry when I think about what you and your family are going through. Please get better! Everyone wants to see your beautiful smile and hear your beautiful voice (especially when you sing!). I love you and miss you and am praying for you always.
Our family has been praying for you and your speedy recovery . . . that God's angels would not be hindered in giving you aid, comfort, and healing (Dan. 10:12-13). Our 4 year old son is concerned for you as well and went to bed troubled after I told him about you. He came out of his room because he did not know how to pray for you -- he is just learning. God will take care of you -- rest in that comfort.
The Moores
David, Melissa, David S., Cora, and Leah
Steve and Susan,
Please know that your family is loved here in AZ and that there is a constant stream of prayer going up for your all of you. I thank God for sparing Shea's and Luke's lives in this horrible accident and pray that God continues to amaze all the doctors there.
Shea, stay strong and fight. Don't let this defeat you. God can deliver beyond all that you ask or think.
Luke, you must be dealing with a lot of pain (physically and emotionally). I pray that you feel grace and peace right now. You were needed at the beginning of this miracle and you delivered.
Jesse, this must be very scary for you to go through all of this. Even though you don't always understand why God lets things happen, you can trust that nothing is out of His control. God is good and He promises that someday this will all make sense.
Todd and April Telenick
When I received the call about Shea, Luke, and Mike, my heart broke all over. I was in Philadelphia speaking at a marriage conference of over a thousand people. Normally, I don't share any personal needs with the people to whom I'm speaking. In this case, however, I felt the need was beyond urgent. I shared the situation with the entire group and asked them to please pray like they've never prayed before for Mike's family, for Luke's repair, and for God to show an amazing mercy to Shea.
On top of that, we had a prayer team that had been praying throughout the duration of the presentations at the conference. I alerted them to the need. They were so grateful to lift up the names of these wonderful kids to the Lord.
Please know that you are surrounded by an amazing army of friends, a shrewd and dynamic team of physicians, a fabulous family, and you are loved by a wonderful and gracious God.
Tim Kimmel
Remember the times that I used to come over to your house back in Phoenix and we would put the sprinklers under the trampoline and jump and jump until we were exhausted! Those were fun days! I always loved hanging out with were and still are one of the sweetest girls I know. I always admired you for your sweet heart and your love for the Lord! Jesus shines through you in so many ways! I miss seeing you and I was so sad to hear about the accident and all that you have been through...but, I know that you are a fighter and that you will make it through this! My family and I are praying for you and your family through this time. I know you have hundreds and probably thousands of people praying for you from Scottsdale Bible and Heart to Heart! We prayed for you at Calvary on sunday night too! I love you, girl and I'm praying you get well soon so that I can see your beautiful smile again! I love you!
Your old buddy,
Becca (Noland)
Our prayers are offered several times a day and include your entire family. Stay strong and remember God loves you! He will not give you more than you can handle!
Dear Shea,
You don't know me but I am a friend of Sarah Snodgrass. You have been in my prayers since the moment I found out about this. Our church, Santa Cruz Bible Church, has prayed for you and your family and Mike's family since we found out. My small group has also prayed for the situation. Please know that God is in control and you are being used in mighty ways in His kingdom even now as you lay sleeping. Please heal up soon. Sincerely, Teresa Wu
body: bruised and battered, soul: intact and shining, praise God from whom all blessings flow.
Dear Shea,
I just want you to know that in all things God will work for good what the enemy has meant for harm. I believe and I will be praying that not only will you recover, but that the testimony you will share will bring many to Christ. I am specifically praying that your lungs and voice will be better than they were before and that God will do a miracle and this will be a tremendous testimony that will go forth with a power and annointing. God created you in the first place and he can re-create you even better than you were before. We serve a very big God and He is totally aware and in control of your life.
We have been asking him for the specific miracles you have seen so far and we will continue to hold you up before the throne of the One who knows you and loves you most. We love you and your family so much and can't wait to hear what God is going to do for you and through you.
I want you to know that this has really impacted Rachel and that before this happened she was not really using her gift, but as she has prayed for you she has seen that you were willing to step out and really use your gift for the glory of God and she told me last night that she plans to pursue any open door that God places before her. Thank you for your Godly influence upon her and your friendship. Keep strong and keep fighting the good fight of faith. Nancy
Dear Lauren,
I want you to know that I have been praying for you ever since Sunday night when I heard you and Luke were in the accident together. That night I went out and watched the music video (A Heritage of Gold) that your Dad put together when Jesse was just a baby. You were an angel in the video and are still an angel to everyone that knows you. You are so special and I will continue to pray for you as you recover. Be strong and fight the good fight that you have been. You are a sweetheart!
Evy Noland
the night i heard i cried for you, we all miss your happy smile in church. I did'nt know you as well as others might have but, i wanted you to know that i was thinking of you. and that my prayers will be with you and your family. and i hope you recover from this swiftely and safely. and i can't wait to see your smile back in church, building friendships like you do best.
jess sterner
You are an irreplaceable, very special miracle of God.
Susan & Steve, your heavenly Father loves you so much. He wants you close to Him, so much so that He is asking you to cling to Him for dear life, for every breath. Let Him wipe each tear, it will be easy for Him to do because he has your head on His lap. He must know more than we do. He loves you and so do we. I am praying daily for you all.
Phoenix, Arizona
You are an amazing person, with an amazing heart! I have truly been blessed to know you as a person and work with you everyday, and not only that teach you in class every week! Your personality and your compassion for everyone around you shines brighter than you will ever know. I know you are fighting right now, fighting hard, but I believe that our God above has his hand on you and make a "miracle" happen. Shea you are a beautiful girl, on the inside and out, and I miss you sooooo much. Work is not the same without you here, and I am not just speaking for myself I am speaking for everyone here. Keep fighting girl!!! I miss you so much and love you and I know that our prayers and our heavenly Father will heal you in NO time!! Get better soon so we can have some more "cheese"!!
Love Always and Forever,
Whitney Pelletier
Dear Steve and Susan,
I haven't got a chance to meet you yet but just from what I can see in you daughter, and what a beautiful person she is on the inside and out, I know that you have wonderful hearts. I am praying for you and Shea and I know that everything will be okay and that God is watching over her. I can't imagine what you are going through but if I could take away your pain I would. If you need anything please don't hesitate to ask. Me and my husband Brayden(he cut Luke's hair) both work at Salon 124 and would do whatever you need. All of us miss her here but have been praying constantly for her, please remember that. Shea is fighting hard!!!! We love you and are praying for all of you.
Love Always and Forever,
I know you are going through a rough time right now, but please trust in God and everything will be okay. I promise. Your sister is fighting hard, and God has his hand on her and your family. Hang in there buddy and know that we are prsying for you constantly.
Love Always and Forever,
I can't find words to tell you how much we all are heart broken over this accident.
"God is bigger than, the air I breathe, the world we'll leave...God will save the day, and all will say, My Glorious!"
Sometimes when I can't find words, I just sing. That song is true. God is bigger than all of this, and He will save the day, He will save our Shea!
We love you, and we are praying fervently and constantly for your recovery.
With Love,
Karis and Mike Murray
Steve and Susan- we have even less words to tell you how deep our sorrow over this trial that you are facing. Your marriage, your family and your friendship have ministered to us in so many ways and we pray that the Holy Spirit will minister to your hearts on our behalf. We love you deeply.
We sat around the dining room table that you so generously gave us before you left town, and we all rubbed our hands over the spot that still has duct tape adhesive on it from when Luke and Shea sat there and made their wallets. We were so grateful to have that little piece of them as we lift up our prayers for them. We will never refinish that table.
Jesse- we love you and are praying for your big sister and brother and for you.
Mike's family- your loss is heartwrenching and we will continue to pray for God's peace and comfort in your lives. What a wonderful young man he must have been.
Dear Shea,
Jill Called us Saturday morning to let us know that you had been in an accident. We have been praying for you and your family since then.
Thank you for figthing this battle.
You are a miracle and we praise the Lord for giving you strenght and for being with you through this trial.
We love you Shea and look forward to hear more good news about your recovery. The Lord must have something very special for you.
Kristine, Jeffrey, Anne Justine and Lorentz
It is hard to believe how much you have grown since I saw you last! Your family will always be very dear to me. My wife and I will be praying for God to pour out his mercy and strength on each and everyone of you. We know that His angels are with you.
Josh and Morgan Linebarger
Hey Shea,
I know you don't know me very well but i'm in ignition and you were there every sunday night. I hope you get better vry soon beacuse every time (I'm not even kidding) I have a friend come to church I tell them " I have to show you this girl named Shea , she is sooooo pretty and she can sing sooooo good." I hope you come back realllly soon so i can say hi, cuz I MISS YOU!!! See you soon girly!
Alexa Furse:)
Hey Shea-
Just wanted you to know that I am praying for you and thinking of you constantly!! We all miss you so much at work! Shea girl you are a fighter and definately a miracle. God is using you in so many ways and you are becoming HIS MIRACLE!!! Thank you for showing us strength and faith. I promise to "cry out to Jesus" for you everyday! I love you!
Paige Hayes
Hey Shea,
Your my role model and I love you sssssssssssooooooooooooooo much!!! You impacted everyones life expecially the girls at ignition we all look up to you!!!You have just about the prettiest voice i have ever heard, your so pretty,and you have the sweetest heart!! I can't wait to see you Get well soon and come home soon!!!I am praying for you every second and know God is going to use you in many more ways to change peoples life!!!I love you!!!
Payton Polhill
Hey hey hey Shea star. So im still missing you here in az, I wish i could call you like always and laugh for like 2 hours straight! I heard some good news today though! I heard that you have snuggles with you, =) i bet you are happy you cant leave anywhere without that bunny! Oh, guess what? i saw jenn komar the other day again! Its so weird huh, anyway Its good to know that you are getting better everyday that puts a smile on my face, i just wish i was there or i could just talk to you. i thought of something really funny today, remember when we tried to marry your gerbals we made them like veils and everything and then they wouldnt stay on the toilet paper isle? what were we thinking? we used to lose those things all the time in your room. ha. i made you something last night youll get it in the mail and you are going to be so mad at me haha because there are some horrid pictures of us in it. ha i wish i could be there to hear your reaction when you look at them. Anyway i love you girl im thinking about you and praying for you always! Ill talk to you tomorrow babe! i love you much kati
Shea, I just want you to know that I long to hear your angelic voice sing soon. Surely you are perfectly and wonderfully made and already miracles are happening on your behalf. I praise God for you and pray for his healing hands to cover you.
Much love,
I am currently stationed in Okinawa, Japan. I called my mother Donna Maciag and she told me about what happened. I have always admired you and your family. It breaks my heart that this could happen to such a great person and loving family like yours. I will pray for your fast and full recovery.
-Aaron Maciag and the Marines of MWCS-18.
This msg is from a long time and close friend of both your mom and dad and grandparents. I remember you being born but not too long after I lost touch with your mom and dad. Til now I've only heard bits and pieces of your family and you. It is sad for me that your circumstances are the latest update for me about the family. Please don't misunderstand. I do care. I still wonder about that guy who got gum stuck in his hair by a younger foolish boy like me. If your dad remembers that far back, I hope he has forgiven me by now.(Does steve remember who that person is yet? think hard) Anyway, Shea, you are in our thoughts and prayers. We look forward to hearing that you have made a full recovery and will be able to share your accident with others as a witness that Gods love is great and that He is in control. Keep in touch and God bless.
with love and prayers,
David Dummel
Hey girly!I remember the first time you stepped foot in Peachtree Ridge High School with you family and i was so excited to have such a beautiful, sweet girl who was intrested in the same things i was such as hair and makeup, join our school. Every time i would pass you in the hall way, i caould always count on you to always have such a bright smile. I brighten everyones day who you comes in your path. As the time quickly flew by it was time for what we had all been waiting for...GRADUATION. When i went into the bathroom at the arena we were the only two worried about wearing reinstone earring, knowing it was againist the rules, but we did it anyways. As the time went by i started working at salon 124 and i heard about the new girl that was hired the same day i was, but was going to start in the fall when she was finished with vacation. I knew her name was Shea and i was so excited to hear you graduated from PRHS. From then on i knew it was the beautiful Shea i knew. On your first day i know how stressful it was and you were so overwhelmed. But girl you stuck it through and i knew no matter what mood i was in when i came into work that if i saw your car in the parking lot, my day would be made better. You have made me realize so many things and have tought me many things. I thank God that i have someone so special in my life that is so encouring and so smart in so many situations. I love you Girl and i am praying for you everyday!!
Love, Renea (mouse)
Good Morning Shea and Family,
Each morning brings a new ray of hope. His mercies really are new every morning. We are thanking God for your continual improvement. Steve and Susan we can't imaging what you are going through but we send our love. Luke you are a courageous young man. You honored your friend well. Jesse this is more than a little brother should have to go through, hang in there!
We also are thanking God for whoever is responsible for this wonderful web page so we know exactly what to pray for. Thanks for your servanthood.
The Macchiarolis
Though you don't know me you have been called very precious by one of my most precious friends, Jenny Ingram. She and Lynn Ingram informed me of the news immediately. You have been in my prayers daily since. Jen sent your picture my way too; so as I pray for you and see your picture I feel as if I know you. May you feel the love of Jesus pour through you during this time through all your amazing friends and family and those who may not know you yet. God is our refuge, our ever present help in time of need...He is there. Fighting with you Shea.
Kelly Meirik
Hey Shea u r so tough!!!
I love you so much and can't wait to see you!!! Ur the best!!!
Ill keep writing to u!!!
I love you so so soso soso much!!!
Payton Polhill
Dearest Shea, and family, we are part of the AMFM group and I am sitting here with tears in my eyes as I read this Web Site and saw your picture. My tears are of sadness, but also of joy that you are alive and your brother is alive. May the Lord bring many to know Him through this. My prayers are with you. Michelle Williams
I constantly have you in my heart. We at The Process and all of salons are in never ending prayer.We have so much more to learn from another. I feel we do not still know you for the person you are. We all work together and we think we know so much about each other, but we have discovered there is so much more within you. You have inspired me in your strength and in your faith. We know that you are truly a miracle. we all pray for you and your family. I know how much you have touched my life and I can't wait to here that sweet voice talking to us all once again very soon.
With all the love in my heart,
Teri Newman
Hey, Shea
I didn't do much today but my granparents came to visit for thanksgiving!!! One thing im thankful for is that God made you to be an inspiration to so many people!!!
I was just writing to remind you how beautiful you are,that your voice is like an angel, and what amazing faith you have even as a 18 year old!!! Your my Rolemodel and i wanna be just like you when I get older!!! I love you so much ,keep trusting in the Lord and being strong!!!
I love you so much and I am praying for You every second of the day!!!I love you and you are beautiful!!!
Payton Polhill
Dear Mrs. Susan,
I love yall all so much im so sorry what happened!!!
Your so strong for holding on and having faith in God Shea is beautiful girl with a beautiful heart and will always be!!! Your so lucky to have a girl like shea she has changed so many lives including mine and many girls at church There is no dout that she is my rolemodel!!! Im glad I got to see luke the other day and cant wait to see all of yall!!!Keep having faith in God!!!I love yalls whole family and tell Jess Parker says hi!!! I can't wait to see you and im praying every second of the day!!!love ya!
Payton Polhill
I just heard about this from Haze Conner and I wanted you all to know we are praying for all of you that Shea will continue to improve to complete recovery. We also pray for God's peace and comfort for the whole family.
Randy Thompson
Hey Girl!!!
Shea your an amazing girl and I love you you mean so much to me and your beautiful!! It just amazes me how much faith you have and how sweet your heart is!!!
You have made a difference in my life and many other girls at church !!! For thanksgiving my job is making mashed potatos is really hard and boring!!! I love you so much and cant wait to see you!!!
Im praying for you always!! Luv ya!!!
Payton Polhill
hey shea i had a good thanksgiving we went and saw that new movie yours,mine ,& ours its a great movie u would love it mabey sometime later we can go see it together!I love you and keep reminding you how beautiful you are, what a beautiful voice you have and how extremely awesome your faith is!!! You r such a blessing to so many people anI love you!!!Im praying for you every step of the way and know god will help you through this!!!Love ya!!!
Payton Polhill
We are in northern CA. and are praying for Lauren Shea and the family and the Jones family. Our hearts go out to you.
You don't know me, and I didn't know you until now, but Krys VanSlyke requested prayers for you, Shea, and your wonderful family on the Central Christian Church WebPrayer site. I know you can hear the messages that they read to you, so please know that you have our best and most fervent prayer warriors praying for you constantly. Our Lord has something very special in mind for, and I know you will recover to fulfill His plan for you. It won't be easy, but you will recover. I will keep in touch with you through this blogspot. Love from Mesa and your new friend, Joanne Butler
To Shea and Luke.
I just found out today Friday Nov 25th about what had happened last weekend.
I was at the mall and I saw an old friend from Chaparral cause i had moved schools to Desert Mountain that you have been in a severe accident.
I could'nt bear to hear what had happened so i immediately left the mall and came home and find any way possible to contact your family.
As you know my brother Brian past away and his 2 years is this next coming friday Dec, 2nd.
I love you all and i hope everything turns out how God has planned it... I am so happy to find out that you both are recovering. I wish i could fly out there to be there with you but im so busy. I want you to know that i am praying for you constantly and all i can say is i wish you all my luck and i give you all my love; And to your family...
Your so lucky to be alive and with the lives taken in the accident; Be strong and you can make it through. I know it's hard but know that there is always someone there that will be there for you. I definetely will be...
I am so so thankfull that you two are doing well.
If you weren't I don't know what i'd do.
I really don't know what to say to all of this cause i am still in shock.
Please when possible please email me back or call me at the number
I am here for you and i hope everything turns out okay.
All my love.
Katie O'Leary
Dear Shea,
I just wanted to let you know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. I hear you are great! Everyone at work just loves you.
April Ward
Genesis Salon
hey shea star you look really pretty in that picture! its like glamour shots, ha just kidding you have always been naturally beautiful! i am so happy that we have these updates on how you are doing because without them i would be worrying my mind out! Today has definately been the best one that i have read, i am so glad to know that you are doing better. i miss you so much girl i want to talk to you so bad! i hate this. Okay well im going to go, dont forget that i love you and you are in my thoughts and prayers practically every 5 minutes! i love you shea star! kati
Good morning-
My name is Carrie Tishhouse. I live in Michigan now, but I lived in Atlanta about 23 years ago. I still have several dear friends there - one of whom e-mailed the news of your children's accident. My husband and I have four children of our own - a couple grown and a couple yet at home. I am checking the blog for your daughter daily- and adding my prayers to yours, and all the others that are going up before our Lord. I know that God is doing a miracle in Shea through the steady helaing process that is going on. I grieve for the family who lost their dear son. Please let them know I pray for their comfort as well. God is building an incredible testimony in what is going on- and I know that He will receive much glory through the witness you bear while you are in the midst of the fire. But remember that the three Hebrew boys - although in the fire - walked around in there with the LORD! and came out of that fire without even the SMELL OF SMOKE on them! And God was GLORIFIED! Make sure that you take care of yourselves as well. We're praying for you all!
Carrie :)
" I trade these Ashes in for Beauty, and wear Forgiveness like a Crown. Coming to Kiss the Feet of Mercy, I lay every burden down, at the Foot of the Cross" K. Scott
Hey everyone. I was sad to hear about this tragedy but I am happy to see that Shea is recovering steadily. It is nice to have a family so full of love and who's prayers have so much power.
Love you all
from Dick and Diane Schroder in Scottsdale...we have heard the good news and will continue to have your family in our thoughts and prayers. With love in our hearts...dick and diane
When we first heard of your so unfortunate accident we were scared for the worst, but then as we kept vigil we began to feel your energy and are so happy for your good progress.
You, and your loving parents and family, are constantly in our thoughts and prayers.
Aunt Kay
Dear Lauren Shea,
I just heard of your accident.It took a little while for word to reach me seeing is how I'm in TX.You and Katy were the sisters I never had.Its sounds like you are giving this one hell of a fight, so keep it up.Trust in the heavely father and know our prayers are with you.
Luke-You were just like another little brother to me.I wouldn't have had it another way.Rely on God and stay strong.
Steve and Susan-It was just like having another set of parents.Through all of your trials are tribulations God was always there for you.There is no doubt in my mind he will get you through this.
Steve Van Wie
Haey shea I'm so glad I got to see you!!! You look great and I can't wait till you get to come back home!!! Your an amazing girl I love you so much and im praying for you and your family I love you so much get well soon!! Love ya!!!
Love, Payton Polhill
Hey Shea Im so glad your doing better right now im listening to your beautiful voice on the computer!!!Your the whole package your Beautiful,you have a great voice,your strong,but best of all you have major faith in God!!!You are my role model and I love you!!!
I hope you get better soon and Im praying for you always!!!
Payton Polhill
I am a stranger in the Seattle area. When the request to pray arrived, I did. I saw clearly that Shea would live. Please let us know specific requests; we will pray. It is my request that miracles are done for Shea!
my name is Leann Underwood. I go to Kennesaw State. I knew Shea's boyfriend a little. You are all in my prayers. I am glad that you have this blog so we can see how she's doing. I wish you all the best you are all in my prayers. With much love
Dear Steve, Susan, Shea, Luke, and Jesse,
Hundreds of hugs, kisses, and prayers multiplied by infinity are sent to your family from ours.
Brad, Dawn, Bria, Mcabe, Galilee, Jemima, and Zion
Hello Hickock Family,
I've been spreading the word to my family and all my Christian friends to pray for Shea, and for your entire family too. We are so happy and excited to see the progress Shea is making. And what an amazing birthday present for Luke when Shea looked into his eyes!! God is so good!!
I listened to you sing, Shea, for the first time today and I must say, it certainly brought tears to my eyes. What an incredible voice you have! I have been thrilled to share it with everyone I know and I can't wait to be able to purchase your CD just as soon as it comes out. I'm sure you don't know who I am Shea, but I got to know your mom through a book club we were in when you lived here in Arizona. At that time, you and your family were thinking and praying about moving to Georgia, and we too thought we'd be going there, as our son, Kevin, thought he would soon be transferred. Kevin and his wife, Tanya, wanted my husband, Jerry, and I to move too as they just had their first child. We wanted to go and we even flew to Georgia to look at some homes. I loved it there, especially because I have two horses and we could get so much more land. But it turned out not to work out that way, at least not yet, so we are here until the Lord wants us somewhere else.
Please know that you all are never out of my thoughts and prayers. My heart goes out to each of you as you all go through this ordeal together. I know you can feel the love, prayers and concern from people all over, including some you don't even know. And I appreciate so much the blog page, as I can check it everyday to see the amazing progress Shea is making.
Shea, your beautiful voice has helped to light up my life as I listen to you. What a gift you have and I can't wait to see what God is going to do in your life! God bless you all!!
Love, Linda Schneerer
"For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope." Jer: 29:10 (This is my very FAVORITE verse!)
"Lord, you have brought light to my life; My God, You light up my darkness." (Psalm 18:28)
Dearest Steve, Susan, Shea, Luke and Jessee,
Our hearts broke at the news of your family's tragedy, but they soared after reading how much love surrounds your entire family.
Thank you so much for letting us know of Shea's accident. It is amazing how thoughtful you remain, Steve and Susan, in this difficult time.
We know your love and faith will carry you through this, but please know how much we love and support you from Arizona.
Frank & Eve Collins
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