Lauren Shea Hickok

A daily update on the health of accident victim Lauren Shea Hickok. All comments will be read to Shea for encouragement during this ordeal and kept for her review once she has recovered. Shea's latest CD is now available on iTunes. Go to the iTunes Store and search for Shea Hickok to order.

Monday, January 16, 2006

Celebrating Life

Today Carie and I left our little family in Georgia and flew back to Arizona. We took with us many precious memories of our time spent there with the family that we love so dearly. I believe we have all learned to truly celebrate life from our little Hickok family. When the wrinkle of Shea's scowl crept across the bridge of her nose and extended on to the left side, there was a moment of great celebration. She is truly learning to maneuver around those 8 plates and 45 screws that are in her face. Her eye is looking better, and even though her orbital fracture around it hasn't grown together yet, we are seeing changes and swelling decrease and those changes are duly celebrated. Pieces of the accident and Shea's missing month spent in the coma are slowly falling into place. The blog has been a wonderful part of that experience for her as she is now able to read it on her own. It also appears right now that she will not have to have surgery on her knee and that was grounds for more celebrating. Though she walks with a brace from thigh to ankle, she has completely abandoned her walker and her nickname "Scoot" as well. Shea is also beginning to think of ways that God might use her in the future, to use this experience to help others who are struggling with difficulties similar to hers. So celebrating purpose in all things was also something that we were able to share in.

Apart from our busy lives at home, we were able to feel that time had slowed down and there was time to reflect over and over on God's goodness. We were able to encourage Luke that he too is going through a healing period. His scars are as deep as Shea's injuries, and we aren't able to see visible signs of healing on a regular basis as we do with her, so the turmoil of his emotions need to be turned over daily to the one who can heal his heart and mind. He is so precious, in the blink of an eye he was suddenly thrust into manhood. This has changed his life forever. Our prayer is that God will use him mightily for His glory as he learns to depend on Him for each step of his life's walk.

Steve and Susan spent a difficult week with sickness and pain. Susan is still dealing with a great deal of numbness down her leg and the bottom of her foot, but is slowly beginning to feel better. The Lord helped Steve Sunday morning to be able to lead both services at church in spite of a bad throat and cold. It was the first Sunday for two services and God certainly blessed there. Their bodies have let down as have their emotions and it is a time for healing for them as well.

We were also able to celebrate life with their new dog Cali. We can truly see why God sent even this little animal to them and the timing of everything as we watch Jess lying on the couch side by side with dog's legs intertwined in boy arms when they aren't romping in the woods together. Even Cali has been a blessing and therapy for little Jess.

Saturday morning the boys were gone and only the girls were at home, 2 mothers, 2 daughters, sitting around the table in the morning sunshine reading the Psalms and praying together. We were thanking God for his faithfulness and his goodness to us in so many ways, again recounting and celebrating life itself with our Shea. What a wonderful time that was for me. I will never forget the peace and love as we quietly sat around that table enjoying the joy of the Lord together, laughing, loving and truly basking in the presence of God. It reminded me of Lamentations 3 where it talks about it ...being of the Lord's mercies that we are not consumed because his compassions never fail, they are new every morning, great is thy faithfulness! The Christian walk is done one step at a time that starts every morning with renewed compassion and faithfulness. What a wonder that though we are miles apart, God should allow us as a family, to take those steps together as we walk this life with Him. Thank you all again for your words of encouragement, and please continue to pray for the Hickok family.

DeDe Forbes


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Hickok family,
what a blessing you have all been to me, that in the mist of your trials and everthing that has happened you are still rejoicing and giving God all the credit. This is truly a great teatimony to me. It reminds me that in the mist of my trials that I should be praising for all the good things He has done in my life.
Keep on doing what you are doing.

11:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just three words for you all -- Oops, sorry! I mean "y'all". . .

We love you!

Again, thanks for the continued encouragement that you've been to all of us who check the blog for updates on your progress.

As others have said before, your faith and willingness to be used by the Lord for His purposes contines to inspire us (and put us to shame, when we realize how far short we have fallen of the ideal).

We continue to pray for Steve & Susan's health, as well as the emotional and spiritual strength of the entire family.

We know that God has done great things, and yet, the road ahead is long. May we not forget the Hickoks, even though "the worst is over."

"Father, Maker, Lover of my soul:
Bring healing to the Hickok family, as only You can. And may we each be faithful to remember them as we pray, lifting them to You upon Your throne of mercy and grace."

12:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sweet Shea, I am leaving you a quick note before I have to go to school. I have missed you and keeping up with you while I was up in West Virginia with the Youth group from church with Luke. It was great. I wish you could have been there. We listened to music alot on our way up and back. I asked Dennis Hansen if he happened to had your CD..but sadly he didn't. When we got back yesterday I over heard Luke calling your house and you answering. Him saying "Shea!". Shea..I miss you dearly. God has great plans in store for you. I love you!
Give your mom, dad, Jess, Luke (though I just saw him) and Cali (of course we miss her deeply) a hug for me.
I love you

Megan Kucala

7:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Hickok family,
I understand that there may be competition for the possession of Cali. Please, let me make myself clear, I LOVE CALI, and if she is ever to want to have a doggy vacation to go to another Suwanee home, please let her come visit the Jones/Lazzara family.

9:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi. Even though I don't know y'all (and am Jewish so I don't really pray in the manner you describe), I continue to be amazed and touched by the love and compassion of your family and of the power of your faith. It's truly a wonder to see.

10:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Shea,
We are back from our ski trip. It was awesome… totally awesome. For the first time in my life, I was able to snowboard. I really liked it even though for most of the time I was going down the hill on my bottom. My whole body hurts, every inch of it. I decided to start to work out and get ready for JH trip. It was good to see Luke and hang out with him. He was mister popular. Everyone really enjoyed hang out with him and getting to know him better. We truly missed you though.
Here is one more letter that I have for you to read. I hope that I am not boring you with all these. I would like to call this letter ‘Trust’. Here it is:
I was reading devotional book one day, there was a story of a women that recently lost her mother. She was struggling with trusting God with a paralyzing weakness; she said that one day she heard her mom’s voice her head speaking to her. She asked her a question, ‘what have you learned in heaven?’ She said something that opened my heart so wide to the reality of who God really is that nothing that day could be any more or any less then these words. She said ‘He is more faithful than you could imagine. You can trust Him.’
I don’t think that there is anything else needs to be said about trust our God. I can imagine many things. I can drive myself absolutely in scene about some things, but His faithfulness to what He is doing in you and me today is beyond my comprehension. And the beauty of it… is that He is faithful to complete it. One day when we see Him He will say ‘well done good and faithful servant…. Well done.’ It will be done.
I cried as I read that story and it was not tears of sadness or sorry, I was sobbing because of what I have been missing all this time. I knew that I could trust Him. I knew that He is faithful, but what I did not know was that HE IS FAITHFUL TO ME….ME and THAT I …I CAN TRUST HIM…HIM.
It is like something clicked inside and it was so simple and clear that all I could say was… nothing… absolutely nothing. Where was I all this time? What was I thinking? How could I miss so much? I know that He said that same thing fifty two thousand times before, but He knew that that day I finally realized and understand the fullness of ‘You can trust Me.’
Today I pray that you can trust Him with all that you are… with your soul, mind and heart. That you will see who He is… and that He is more faithful then you can imagine.
Have an awesome day. Love, Natasha

12:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keep it up Shea. I pray that God will continue to reveal His vision for your life to you. He has something amazing coming :-)

Hey Luke. I don't think that I actually ever met you, but I've heard plenty about you. You're a strong guy, Luke. I don't know how many people could handle such a situation as you have. I'm sure that you don't feel strong, and you are very aware of your own struggles, but to rely upon God to see you through is a sure sign of strong faith. Hang in there. Your wounds are deep and painful, but not so much that your heavenly Father can't heal and comfort.

Steve and Susan,
Get well soon! But, take this opportunity rest and recuperate. Allow your friends and church family to continue to help you out. They love you :-)

I'm praying for you all. Have fun with your new dog!

In Him,

1:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow, what a gorgeous picture you painted for us dede. how awesome to be able to sit surrounded by the glory of god's love, with such amazing women of god. Well, Shea, does that mean soon you'll be posting blogs???? I can't wait to hear from you. And how cool that you have been able to feel some direction as far as where God wants you to go from here. I know it helps when you can see a goal or even a small purpose for the hard times we go through. i'm sure you have already heard this, but one of the scriptures i read over in hard times is in job, the last four chapters in particular. I find it amazing the things that he went through and his rock solid faith through it all. You actually mirror that faith. I just wanted you to feel encouraged that I really look up to you. You will never fully know the impact you and your accident has had on my life. I have read this blog through some very hard times in the past several weeks and have been motivated and inspired. God is so at work here.
( And i use the term "here" loosely because obviously, there is a whole country in between us! lol )

And im glad to hear you are starting to show some expression across the left side of your face. I don't think I realized how many plates and screws you had in there. I hope its encouraging to you, are you beginning to feel good about that yet or is it still really hard? We only see what is posted so I was just wondering if that is still a huge struggle for you. Well, I love you, and I'll be back to talk soon!


1:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

DeDe and Carie,
Thank you for your jounalings!
We miss you and your family!

Dear Hickok family,
Wow! It just keeps getting better.
We continue to be excited and rejoice over Shea's progress. We haven't written in a while but we still check your blog a few times a day.
We pray for strength for all of you! Love to you all!
Jeni Gibbs

4:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Shea,
You don't know me but I have been reading the blog and praying for you since your uncle began this blog. I've been so blessed by your lives and testimonies even through the hardest of times. It's been so exciting to see God working miracle after miracle in your life. I'm praying that you will have complete healing and that God will continue to use you in so many lives. Praying for your brothers and parents also.

I knew your parent's in college -- not personally, but who they were -- don't think they would know me though.

God bless you!

5:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow shea.
i absoulty(sp) lol LOOVE you. you are truley missed a whole bunch. i cannot wait until i can se you girl. i love you oh so much. praying for you tons and tons! :)
love and prayers,
haha i juss had a thought about that last ignition like it was like after hallowen or whatever wow i juss thoguht of something and i gotta share it with you soon. lol. i love you girl!!
god is too awesome for letting you get better and better each day. we all love reading your blog to see how you are getting better and finally you reading the blog.
well i gotta go do all my makeup work from school. *sigh* lol. i did a break so i could get on the computer and write you this. lol. love you shea! if i could i would give you tons and tons of kisses! ;)

7:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Shea! Just wanted to say hey. I just got back from Palm Springs... it was gorgeous! We had a blast! I had your CD playing. People were amazed! I was excited to get home and see how you are doing? Love, Jules

8:22 PM  
Blogger tug said...

Shea (and Hickock family)

Glad to see you're doing well, Shea. We've been praying for your whole family and look forward to seen God continue to be glorified though you and the hundreds who come to this site to praise Him every week.

Have a great day!
Trevor, Andi and Macie Palmer

10:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lift your eyes and look to the heavens: Who created all these? He who brings out the starry host one by one, and calls them each by name. Because of his great power and mighty strength, not one of them is missing. Why do you say, O Jacob, and complain, O Israel, "My way is hidden from the LORD; my cause is disregarded by my God"? Do you not know? Have you not heard? The LORD is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary,and his understanding no one can fathom. He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. Isaiah 40:26-31

But blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him. He will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.
Jeremiah 17:7-8

I am continually amazed at your progress! His mercies are truly new every morning! I am praying for you and your family every day, that God will restore joy and physical and emotional health to each of you Hickoks! Continue to be strong and courageous, resting in the truth of God's promises.
With love and prayers, Marian Madden

9:14 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My sweet sheaster,
This morning as I was driving in the car and I passed the road that you live on, I was thinking about how Shea Hickok is one of my favorite things about moving here to Georgia. I cannot imagine my time here in the A.T.L. without you. We were just buddies from the start.
I loved getting time with luke this weekend....of course because he's awesome, but also because he's a piece of Shea.
I went into Starbucks last week that you and I had gone to just a few days before the accident and the Keanu Reeves body double was working and I talked to him about you. It just made me really sad because the last time I was there, I was there with you and he was working. But I was telling him about the miracles that God did in you..God is sooo using your story. And I have a feeling it is just going up from her on out.I was thinking about how cute you were when we went and how you really wanted to treat me to buckies because you had just gotten your paycheck. Always thinking of others sheaster!
I just love you and wanted to let you know that I have really been praying for you a ton even though I have not written in a while. I think about you all the time...I almost feel like we are dating or something. I am praying for your time today and that God will give you favor with the doctors decision.
I was listening to a song by Ginny Owens today...I think it is called "Through the fire" . I dont know if you have ever heard it but it is amazing. She is blind and has such a beautiful voice. She sings be thou my vision and it makes me cry every time. If you dont have it I will get it for you.
I love you Shea-bay.I can't wait for the day to give you a big sqeeze.

1:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey beautiful Shea,

I'm sorry I haven't written to you in a while, I was out of town last week and have been very busy this week so far, but i miss you so much. I shampooed luke when he was in last week with Brayden for a haircut, and I realized that was the closest I could get to talking to You, so I took advantage of the situation. He was probably like this girl is talking my ear off, but i just wanted to know how you were doing. It's hard to tell how you personally feel, because usually the blog just updates on how you're doing physically, but i know your emotions are going crazy right now and you probably don't know how to feel.. and you're probably bored sittin at home, but don't worry girl, I've been there, and only time will heal and prayer of course..I just want to let you know that i want to come see you so bad!! I want to bring you an : Extra hot,Non-fat,4 splenda,1 pump vanilla,1 pump raspberry,grande latte from Starbucks, like old times! Whenever you are allowed to have coffee again let me know!!I love you girl and can't wait to see you and just sit and talk with's kinda like you were the chosen one :) ..God is working through you to bring people closer to him. Anyways, God is good!

Love ya, Dani

7:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey girl!
I am just soooo incredibly amazed at your spiritual maturity. You are a living example of a true 'Woman of God'. Thank you for ministering to me through this situation... you are truly my hero! I really miss seeing you and I still pray for you everyday. I love you shea!!!!

11:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi gorgeous. how are you doin today?? i forget how many hours you have in therapy each day, but im sure there are still idle hours in the day that get frustrating. i guess my prayer for you today would be for contentment. i'm struggling today, shea. i feel like i have been given this gift of time because of a weird school schedule but i struggle to fing god's purpose in it all. i get so bored and have severe anxiety. I just pray that you have found such a peace in your life at this point. or, if not, then that we can pray together and bear the burden.
i think this came to me today because i was in a beauty college getting a wax and just wondering about you, who you are now, where you're at. Do you have your license yet? Do you have clients? i don't know, its just weird to see these girls who are our age, and to talk and laugh with them and think that you may have been doing the same thing in another salon across the country.
Well, its late, i should try and get to sleep. thanks for listening. nite

12:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Shea,
I just want you to know that I have a really cool birthday present for you. I kind of want to give it to you early but I know I should wait. Just get really excited! Well maybe not too excited because then it may be a let down. What a wonderful birthday gift Jesus has given you!
So many miraculous healings in your little body. Next birthday you will probably be on tour with you CD or something like that=)
I know there is a couple weeks until your big day but I just wanted to tell you about it. I love you Shea, please let us know your prayer requests!
your biggest fan, Jenny Ingram

10:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

god bless you hickock family.
i still pray so hard for you all.

9:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Shea girl,

So I’m probably somewhere over Texas or something right now…it’s 1:30am EST and I still have an hour and a half left of my flight! I’m so ready to be out of this plane! I started to get SUPER restless…the plane is PACKED and I have like two inches of room to myself. So, I opened up my computer and needed to find some music to soothe my nerves a little. So I chose to listen to you. In the midst of being very very uncomfortable, I do love hearing your voice. =)

So I’m sitting next to the guy who was Lindsay Lohan’s best friend in Mean Girls. At first I was all, do I know you from somewhere?, and then I realized who it was. I almost laughed out loud at myself—I could have made myself look really lame. He’s sleeping right now….mouth totally open….nice right? =)

I got my hair cut by Melissa today and she asked me to please tell you hello and she drew your name for the Secret Santa thing that your salon does and so she has a present for you.

Anyway, obviously I don’t have wireless in the plane so I’ll post this after I land. But thinking about you and hoping to see you soon. Love ya girl


5:17 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shea, you don't know me and I don't know you, but I want you to know that the Lord is already at work in and through your life, and I personally have been touched by your story. Continue to stive after the Lord and remember that the only things in this entire world that will ever have any value are those things done for Christ. I do believe that the Lord has a plan for your life. I do beileve that you will touch lives by sharing your personal struggle, and I do believe that the Lord will be glorified through it all. God bless you and your efforts, and thank you for all you have done for me.

9:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

good mornin shea! well this is the second letter i have written you today, my first comment got lost cuz i pushed the back button and lost it! now THAT is frustrating. But i hope you aren't having a frustrating day. Hope PT is going well, as well as it can go!

i was looking through your comments and was so glad to see how supportive all your friends are there. I have really begun to see, more recently how valuable a true friend is, someone who is with you, through it all. who knows all about you and still loves you, i just praise God for all my true friends and the love that they bring in to my life.

Oh, as i was looking through those comments I noticed how many people have your cd. and IM JEALOUS! Please keep me posted on where an when i can get that cd. can't wait till i can get in my car and turn on that angelic voice of yours.

well now that its almost noon i should probably.... get out of bed, what do you think? lol :) i know im lazy but i don't do well with the whole greet-the-day "Rejoice for this is the day that the Lord has made," stuff. im more of a pull the covers over your head and beg God for a few more hours in the day for some sleep!!! jk. but i do need to get up and be productive, so ill talk to you soon.

1:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Hey Hey my Beautiful Shea,
I was laying down in my bed and for some reason i got up, turned on my computer to look to see how you were doing. I know i havent been on lately, but girl i have been so busy. I still continue to pray for you and i keep thinking that i cannot wait till the day that you walk in the back door just to say hey. The Salon together has grown so close together and learned so much. I just cant wait to see and hear my Shea. I put my favorite picture that is blown up of you on the fridge and i still talk to that picture andi know that you can hear me deep down in your heart. I hope you have gotten my text messages. You continue to get better and better and that is such an answer to mine and many other people. You are always on my mind and i cant wait to get a phone call or even see your face. Shea by the way i heard Danis Cd of yours and i was wondering when Luke was going to bring some by the salon so that i can get one. I will check on you soon...i hope you are having sweet dreams and i love you so much my Beautiful Shea Bunny!!
Love Always, Renea

12:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Shea and family,
It was many Saturday's ago when Kate told me what had happened and an awful fear came over us. As we cried to God, I couldn't help but think of all the times when His answers were not what we hoped for. But this time, He answered "yes" with many miracles to follow. This has caused me to see the power of the one who is greater than all the Universe, but sometimes so hard to see. Many nights we have read the blog together and cried. This Saturday I am so touched by DeDe and Carie's words, because beyond prayer for physical healing we have prayed for your heart. And it seems like He is answering that prayer..."beyond all that we could ask or think." And for your sweet parents and brothers...I know they are weary and pray for rest and healing. So glad to hear that Cali has joined the family! We think dog's are God's way to teach us unconditional love!
Love you all!
The Farrars

3:47 PM  

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