Lauren Shea Hickok

A daily update on the health of accident victim Lauren Shea Hickok. All comments will be read to Shea for encouragement during this ordeal and kept for her review once she has recovered. Shea's latest CD is now available on iTunes. Go to the iTunes Store and search for Shea Hickok to order.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Happy New Year 2006

Yes, and a blessed year we have enjoyed again in 2005. It is good to rethink on the goodness of our Great God in bringing our Shea so far so quickly from that fearful moment in the early hours of November 19 in multiple miracles to Christmas at home and to outpatient therapy for the New Year.

What an honor for me to be writing these lines and what a joy to share in continuing the good news that Shea has been released from Shepherd's in Atlanta.

And then to know that Dr. Carey, who did Shea's reconstructive oral and facial surgery, wants to see her on Wednesay this week in Macon. I'm sure the entire staff at Children's Hospital will be happy to see their miracle girl and her progress in the short time since her release from that I.C. unit.

My heartfelt thanks to all who were willing and able to be there for Shea and for her testimony to the grace of her amazing God.

Jerry Anderson (Shea's Grandpa)


Blogger nate hughes said...


Praise God, you are home! Happy New Year! The camp that I was at went very well and my talks were very successful. The students were transfixed as I read about the miracle God did in you and at your response. I was speaking about Joseph and so you and he were my examples of people who were (are) able to trust in our God amidst difficult circumstances. Thanks for being a light that God is using!!

"As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good, to bring it about that many people should be kept alive, as they are today."

These are Joseph's words to his brothers in response to their worries that he would punish them for what they did to him. My prayer is that God would continue to use this trial in your life to bring LIFE to those who hear of God's miracles!

Steve, Sue, Luke, and Jesse

I pray this for you as well that you would continue to be a light and a life giving presence to all those that you come in contact with because of this ordeal. I have no doubt that God will continue to use you guys.

Love from the Czech,


4:05 PM  
Blogger M said...

Sweet Shea! Happy New Year!
Jonathan and I got a couple days behind on reading the blog, so today when I turned around to tell him you were home he said, "You mean, home--out of the hosptial home?" We are always amazed at what we read here. Thanks for your encouragement to us through your story. Please know that I am praying for your heart and Mike's families' hearts. I can't imagine what you feel, but I can't wait to hear, in the years to come, how God uses your story in other people's lives. We love you!

5:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a way to start a NEW YEAR!!! I am thrilled Shea is in her own bed and Susan and Steve can sleep in their bed with all their childern. Pete and I have been gone since Wed and I could not wait to read the update. I was blown away with the change since Wed. Again I am so excited for all of you.
You guys have an awesome, loving, caring family. Thank you for sharing your journey with us. We still miss you and can't wait to see you soon. Call if you need anything. Love, Phyllis

7:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We are so grateful for every detail you share with us each day, and for the way God has grown our hearts and faith through you! A while back I was praying that Shea would be home for Christmas - It is so wonderful to read that it happened!! As I read about the sermon you all listened to, it occurs to me that as well as "remembering in the dark what you learned in the light" you all will be able to stand on "what you learned in the dark." The lessons of His Presence during the dark days will stay with us all.
We'll be praying for continued healing and blessing!
The Farrars

7:48 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...


The emotional and physical healing of the next few months will be arduous but we are ever faithful that you have been granted the perfect strength to complete the tasks ahead.

We too are in awe of the miracle of your healing and the testimony of your courageous spirit.

We sincerely pray that grace and mercy continue to be manifested unto you.

The Jackson Family
Phoenix, AZ

It is of the Lord's mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not.
They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.
Lamentations 3:22-23

10:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy New Year to you,Shea,and your entire family.
When we were asked by our pastor to pray for Kathy and Charlie's niece in my church{and theirs till they moved to Knoxville} I had no idea what an impact it would have on my life. Over the weeks I have had the opportunity to see God working a miracle for one of His children I just can not get out out of my head the song "How Great Thou Art". What faith and love I have seen in one family!
Continue to heal completely,Shes, as God has big plans for you in the future. To your Mom and Dad I say "get some well deserved rest".....anyways God has everything under control...just like He has from the beginning.

7:36 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy New Year to you,Shea,and your entire family.
When we were asked by our pastor to pray for Kathy and Charlie's niece in my church{and theirs till they moved to Knoxville} I had no idea what an impact it would have on my life. Over the weeks I have had the opportunity to see God working a miracle for one of His children I just can not get out out of my head the song "How Great Thou Art". What faith and love I have seen in one family!
Continue to heal completely,Shes, as God has big plans for you in the future. To your Mom and Dad I say "get some well deserved rest".....anyways God has everything under control...just like He has from the beginning.

7:36 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey you guys, this is Natasha. I am back from my vacation, I had a very good time. I am so glad to hear that you all were home for New Year. What a blessing? I told all my russian friends about our miracle girl and about God power.
Steve, what is going on with your phone? I get this calls from you and all i can hear all of you talking in the back ground. I think it dials by itself when it is in your packet. It is alive, it's alive.
Hey you guys, I miss you bounches. Luke, you better spend some time with me when you come on the ski trip. Jesse, how is that game going? Do you like it? Susan, we need to talk...about what you might ask????? about everything....I miss you so much. And Shea....girl if you only new how much I need you in JH. Remember Megan Hoag? Well, she is not letting me go by without holding on to me. Help me please!!!!! I am praying for you. Get well soon because I want to take you to that jewerly place. Miss you all. Natasha

9:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Anna Marie calls me every day and our conversations always includes you and your family. The Jones/Lazzara family made it through a tough Christmas, but I know seeing you yesterday helped more than anything to make the holiday a little easier to handle. You, your Mom and Dad, Luke and Jesse mean an so much to the Jones/Lazzara family. Thank you for your continued grace and support of the family.

Also, my David, Mike's 15 (almost 16) year old cousin is your biggest fan. He plays your music around the clock. One day he went to school and left your music playing in his room. I sang your songs in my head, accompanying the CD, all day long. You have an amazing gift of song.

I have been spending a lot of time trying to help David and Christopher understand the accident and why God has chosen Mike to join him in heaven. Your Grandpa's bible verse is exactly what was needed.

I send you lots of love from Kansas. Welcome home!

Susan Huckabee
Topeka, Kansas

10:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My brother was in a boating accident on New Year's eve and has been in a medically induced coma since they were able to get him stablized. When I asked a friend in Atlanta to pray for him she sent me the link to your blog for encouragement. How wonderful it has been to hear about your miracle. Your story is true inspiration to others.

8:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you, Mr. Anderson, for sharing your thankful heart. We continue to anticipate great things from our awesome God as Shea's recovery progresses.

10:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My sweet Shea! It's been great on hearing how great you are doing! My mom and I came to your house on Sunday night. The Jones's were just leaving (how great it was to see Bill and Anna!). It was great to give your parents, and Luke a hug and talk with Jesse again and love on Cali! Your mom and dad said you were exhausted! I could imagine! But I bet you would say it was worth it talking to the Jones's. Shea, we miss you so much! I can't wait to see you! I'm really excited to see Luke and your dad up on stage again this weekend. You're truely a miracle from God! I thank Him everyday for sparing you!
I can't say how thankful I am for you. You are impacting my life along with the lives of others!!
I love you, Shea!

Steve and Susan, it was so great getting to talk to you guys on Sunday. Though I was quite out of it, but I was glad to see you all again. I loved seeing you, Steve getting all excited over the food. That was great! I love you both so very much! I can't wait to hear you singing up on stage again, Steve!!

Jesse, boy, you're amazing. I bet your happy to have your whole family home, along with Cali. I could just see the joy on your face. Not to mention that paper you showed me..that's truely amazing. I love you, kid! Give Cali girl loves for me!

And last but definetly not least..Luke, I was happy to see you again! I'm sorry I wasn't to talkative..I pretty much had just woken up. I can't wait till the ski trip to get to spend more time with you. I love you!!

-Megan Kucala

7:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow! I'm so excited for you. I've been out of touch for almost a week and am amazed with what God is doing! So glad you can finally be home and be a family in your own home again. Our prayers are still continuing to be with you. Love you all! Perry and Nancy Mumme

7:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i misssssss you. Im so overjoyed for you AND your family. I am so glad that you are at home, where you belong! The Lord, through you has shown himself, his faithfulness to his children, and his control over life, and any and all situations. Clients at work constantly ask about you, what happened, how you are doing, and i see about 30 wide-open jaws a day. Its so important for people to see Christ in this... he is this! Im blown away every single day when i think about how big our God is, and how big this circumstance is to him.... yes even God. I read what your family writes and how awesome they are, how Christ-centered these posts are, and im just over-joyed. What a blessing your family is to you and what a blessing you are to your family and salon 124! (and our cutting class!!!!) Back on november 19.... i thought and prayed long and hard that i could see and understand exactly why this happened, and what the Lord had in store. I wanted to know the plan. I know i've mentioned this before, but i love it.... This peace came. It told me that everything would be fine. Maybe not exactly the way we all wanted...I just needed to trust His plan was perfect. And it is. I can't wait to see you, and hug you, and talk with you. I love you girl... see you soon

9:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shea, this is a new year and with this will bring more miracles. Remember that God spared your life. I hope and pray that all of your difficulties that you are facing come true, that the nerves are restored and you heal every day. But remember that you are here and this is right where God wants you. Take each day slow and cherish them.
Love you,

10:33 PM  

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