Lauren Shea Hickok

A daily update on the health of accident victim Lauren Shea Hickok. All comments will be read to Shea for encouragement during this ordeal and kept for her review once she has recovered. Shea's latest CD is now available on iTunes. Go to the iTunes Store and search for Shea Hickok to order.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Soggy Crackers

Most of Friday Shea stayed in bed and slept off and on. We brought her meals to her --nothing too interesting -- different pureed soups, yogurt, applesauce, etc. We talked some, and then Shea took her meds and drifted back to sleep. Her face has become more swollen, but yesterday we noticed a crease in her eyelid, so the swelling is already going down! Her left eye is sewn shut for now, and she has a number of stitches in her mouth too. On Monday we have an appointment with the plastic surgeons.

It's interesting how one person's mood affects others. They say " a mother is as happy as her unhappiest child," and I know that goes for dads as well. Steve and I are trying to keep the morale up in our home. We have two boys who need their parents and they respond differently. The hospital, the surgery, the recovery brings back all the memories of the accident for Luke, and he talks about it some, but I know he also wants this event to finally be behind him even though it has shaped him and will always be a part of him. Jess, at ten years old, has been through the trauma with us and although we wish he never had to go through what he did and see what he did, God knew, and it will be used for good in his life somehow.

Last night Steve and I slowly walked up the stairs after a long day. As we got to the top, Shea opened her door and said, "Hey, do you guys want to go downstairs for a snack and talk?" YES!! She was her old self. It's interesting that her Nepridine ran out and Dr. MacKay said he would not refill it. Alleve, Tylenol and others will have to work for now. Being off the narcotics so quickly was a surprise to us, but we're happy to help her manage the pain in different ways and have Shea back. Shea dipped graham crackers in milk until they practically fell apart, and you would think we served her a gourmet meal!

"O, taste and see that the Lord is good!"

Steve and Susan


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Still praying for you everyday Shea! I hope someday we will meet on a stage.


6:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Will be praying the Alleve and Tylenols will handle the pain so there is no return to the other drugs. "Come to me all you who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest. Come to the table I've prepared for you together: Comfort food of Grahams and milk! GLORIOUS! One of my favorites, too! In all things, grace, grace, and more grace ... Love, a friend in Darien :)

8:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Shea-
I am glad to hear that things went well with your surgeries. I am praying for you daily as you go through the recovery and healing phases. You are such an incredible girl and I am a better person for knowing you. Thank you for being such an awesome testimony of hope and faith! I miss you terribly and hope to see you soon. I am at The Process now taking clients!! Can you believe it?!?! You'll have to come see me and I'll do your hair:)
Love you so much!!
Paige Hayes

8:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A little earlier today, I was thinking of you all and thinking of the same things you just shared. Oh, how we all keep you lifted up in prayer that you may help keep each other up. When one of you is so tired, may another be strong and an encourager.
What a special night last night must have been!!! Just to hear that Shea got to enjoy some graham crackers and milk is such a blessing!!!!
Joining everyone in prayer that the advil and others will work!!
May God just cover you each and hold you up and be your strong tower when you are weak.
Keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers,


9:17 PM  
Blogger W. H. Conner said...

Shea my dear...

I was thinking about you yesterday and was reflecting on the fact that when we get updates on how you're doing and then sit down to write to you, there's kind of a feeling of helplessness that enters those of us who are wired to want to say or do something appropriate to "fix" things for you. I've felt that way since last fall. When it comes to praying for you, many of the needs are obvious: relief from physical pain, rest for your spirit and emotions, speed in healing, and ultimate success in your surgeries and recovery. On the other hand, I was reminded of the verse that refers to the fact that, really, we don't often know what we should pray for, but the Spirit makes intercession for us instead. I have no doubt that we who love you have no knowledge of some of your greatest needs, and therefore have no way of articulating them to God. My prayer this week will be that you will feel Him during your times of greatest struggle, and that as He begins to reveal and meet needs that even you didn't know that you had, your times spent with Him will take on a depth and sweetness that overwhelm you. To all of us you continue to be a bitter-sweet picture of love and grace in the midst of pain, and I can freely speak for everyone in saying that none of us are the same because of you.



11:03 AM  
Blogger HoagFamily said...

I am smiling with tears in my eyes! I LOVE to dip grahm crackers in milk Shea, ah yes...gourmet! :) Oh how GOOD it is to hear of your recovery Shea. Although we know you have a ways to go...hang in there with Gods grace! He is SO good. And oh the love your precious family has for you. Your whole church family loves you as well. God bless you dear one! love, Julie for the Hoags. :)

11:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Shea:

I was just about to go to bed but now I have to try to find some graham crackers and drown them in some milk--warm milk! It is wonderful to hear the good progress. Some day I'd love to meet this Dr. Mills. What a character. Maybe you should consider creating a reality TV show with him where he rebuilds people's faces. Call it "Mills' Miracles'. It would be like that show called "Orange County Choppers" where they build a new custom motorcyle on each show. (I feel compelled to note that I only know about that show because it's Charles' second favorite after Myth Busters.) Ok, sounds like I've been up too late. Take care Shea. We love you.


Uncle John

11:32 PM  

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