Lauren Shea Hickok

A daily update on the health of accident victim Lauren Shea Hickok. All comments will be read to Shea for encouragement during this ordeal and kept for her review once she has recovered. Shea's latest CD is now available on iTunes. Go to the iTunes Store and search for Shea Hickok to order.

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Shea on iTunes!

This morning Shea got the call -- she's on iTunes!! Our great friend, Sarah Snodgrass, has been working on this for a couple weeks. What a great help she has been -- Thanks, Sarah!!

Shea's new 10-song album, "Song in Me," can be downloaded starting today. What an amazing opportunity for this music to minister to so many. The album was recorded about six months before the accident, and the words take on an even deeper meaning to our family as we listen to it now.

To God be the glory!


Blogger W. H. Conner said...

Shea, sweets...

Your album sounds really great; I especially like how strong your big "studio" voice comes across, since it's been awhile since I heard you sing. It's very developed and mature sounding, and your stuff is, needless to say, especially moving with the backdrop of all you've been through. I love and think of you all the time...


1:50 AM  
Blogger HoagFamily said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:37 AM  
Blogger HoagFamily said...

WOw, it was so cool to be able to download the album from iTunes.

Attention to ALL BLOGGERS. Please download the album and leave a review. If we generate enough traffic, we could be hearing Shae on The Fish radio before long.

Praise the Lord for yet another use of technology to share Jesus with a lost world through the miracles he has performed in Shae!

11:19 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is SO exciting!

Have you looked into placing it on It's very much like iTunes, but concentrates on smaller lables and new artists.

One more avenue!!

There is so much on the internet that is evil, but what man has used for evil, God will use for good. And where sin abounded, grace did much more abound!

Congratulations, Shea! Once again, you are part of something bigger than yourself, and the glory is God's.



2:32 PM  
Blogger HoagFamily said...

Shea (and Jules), I need to clarify something about the term "angelic voice", so the bloggers who haven't heard you sing won't get the wrong idea...

She sounds "angelic" in the sense that angels all sing like Pat Benatar...

Shae's CD really rocks, and the best two songs ( 6 and 8) have some incredible guitar rifs... those guitars really reach into me- in the same way Shae's voice does.

There are some "angelic" spots, and Shea's voice is truly superb, for sure. But I seriously want everyone to grab this from iTunes with the expectation that it really cooks, even when she is singing a hymn.

Shea, thanks for the amazing music. I hope you can visit Ignition on Sunday night. The girls really miss you (so do the leaders).

Bloggers, thanks in advance for buying it from iTunes and leaving a review of her CD in the iTunes forum. Let's send this to number 1, since Shea is number one to us!!

Jules, I've missed seeing you and Dave. I hope you are both well!

Steve, the music this morning was amazing!!! It was extra rock-n-roll, and I was definitely in the mood to praise God with a shout... I REALLY enjoyed the music this morning.

Thanks to the combination of Luke cranking on the guitar and your amazing arraingements... I was really blessed by the music today. Especially the hymns, and the opening jam... I hope you are writing those arraingements down somewhere - they are truly inspired!!!

Love to all the Hickoks and bloggers... God is good, all the time!


4:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


So excited to hear your cd on I-tunes. I will have my son help me with that and learn more about it. He is so into that and I know nothing!!! Excited to learn while hearing your awesome songs!!!
How faithful is God and KNOW that He us working amazing, amazing things through this!!!!
Your healing, your great Dr's, awesome family, great friends, now your music going out there; each such a gift from God!!!!!

Praising Him for what He is going to do through you,

Denise N

12:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMG shea I was so exited i got 2 see u at church!!!! I luv u so much!! i so bought ur whole cd on itunes cause u r definatley the best singer in the world!!! I cant wait to c u again!
I love u, Payton Polhill

5:04 PM  
Blogger HoagFamily said...

Hi Shea. I am in Montreal again this week, so you are an international singing sensation again...

Thanks so much for the blessing of your music. It's so kewl to be able to listen to it when I travel.

We'll continue praying for you this week, especially that your surgery dates can be moved up!

Love to all the Hickoks!


2:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shea girl, its been so great seeing you on Sunday's! I love it!

I am talking to a friend who lives out of state, and she got so excited because she knows your story, and she happened to be in town, and went out to eat last sunday, and she saw you and here's some of what she said,
"in fact, that's what i was thinking when i first saw her is, 'wow, she's really pretty...' then the thought registered with me and i realized it was her. i almost cried, it was such a blessing to see her...the one day i was in town and i got to see her talking, laughing, was great".

She was so excited. Well, so was I. Shea, your a blessing to everyone that knows you and knows of you.

I love you, beautiful! See you soon!

Megan Kucala

12:04 AM  
Blogger krystofer said...

for those of you who'd like to be able to send a direct link to Song In Me on iTunes...
here ya go...

7:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

YAY!!! YAY!!!! YAY!!!! I have been wondering when I can get a hold of some of your music. I need to download some new stuff for my work outs! Well, I haven't written to you in over a month!!! sorry about that. Everything from interviews to family in town to computers breaking down!! Im so glad to see that you are getting out and around. It sounded so precious to hear about the kids from church and those jr. high girls. What is that saying about god speaking through the mouths of kids? Im glad to see that recently things have been improving. God has recently been teaching me a lesson in faith. so many things have happened and I just am awed by his Perfect Timing, it is astounding, all these things that you don't even notice until you actually look, its all pieces coming together to create this intricate "big picture." Its so amazing to be able to watch that from the sidelines. Well i will talk to you later.

11:36 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I haven't looked at Stephen Curtis Chapman's reviews at iTunes lately but I'm guessing that no one has written any that reads:

hey Shea
u rock girl
ur so good
ur so awesome
iluv u

If anyone is inclined to write a "review" like that. PLEASE DON'T!

iTunes reviews are not like this blog. They are intended to inform potential buyers as to the value of an album. Posting a review that sounds like a blog comment devalues the album being reviewed.

If you are going to review Song In Me be thoughtful and serious. Give specific reasons why people might want to buy the album.

"Reviews" that sound childish or appear to have been posted simply to increase her rating actually are counterproductive. Shea is a serious professional talent and her music deserves to be treated as such.


10:45 PM  
Blogger Dan said...

Just a word to the wise...

I would agree with the sentiment above that iTMS reviews that sound like they were written by kids tend to turn people off to serious albums.

There are threads over at the Apple discussion forums that complain about the kind of reviews that are turning up for Song in Me.

In fact, if the person who wrote the

"u rock girl ur so good ur so awesome iluv u"

review is reading this, please go back to the iTunes Music Store and delete it. Then take a few moments to write one that will not make potential listeners of Shea's album dismiss it because of what you wrote.

I'm sure Shea appreciates your sentiments but I think she would also like to know that comments made at the iTMS are helping her, not the other way around.

9:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, hmmm...

Perhaps it's possible that whoever wrote those particular reviews ARE young kids. Many young girls at church look up to and admire Shea, and therefore are eager to post "props" for her regardless of their propensities to do so in tween-speak. While I get your point, it occurs to me that Shea is very talented and has released a moving album, but would not push herself as a potential rock star, nor encourage others to do so. Even peripheral friends need to be cautious of promoting her with the motivation of her hopeful fame and fortune lurking between the lines. It smacks of desperate door-to-door Bible salespeople, and happens to be an issue which non-Christians use to mock believers, rather legitimately, I'm afraid. Maybe we should post a policy on I-Tunes which reads "Reviews only allowed where the reviewer is over 16, has a victorian grasp of the King's English, and won't humiliate others by revealing that Shea has friends who may not be too "serious", since that would cork the cash and fame pipeline." Sounds pretty silly, I hope.

2:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I just bought your CD on itunes a few days ago and it has been on repeat on my ipod and my computer ever since. Its a great CD and you sound amazing. I love the tone of your voice. You are such an inspiration to me to follow my dreams of becoming a singer/song writer to glorify God. I hope to see you sometime soon and I hope everything is going well.


Beth Motley

4:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The "Well, hmmmm ..." anonymous poster is not entirely correct in his/her thinking.

There is nothing wrong with text-messaging ... except where it was posted.

iTunes is a business site.

Just as a swim suit is completely appropriate at the beach, the same outfit would be considered totally inappropriate at the mall or at Church on Sunday morning services.

The "whoop whoop whoop" tone of the text message that was left on iTunes as a "review" was inappropriate in that venue.

Here on the blog, totally appropriate!

In an email to Shea ... again, totally appropriate.

But not on a business site.

I cannot imagine a 12-year old truly understanding that. But if it was someone older than Jr. Hi, I certainly hope they will re-think their post and go back and remove it.

The iTunes site is for adults. You have to have a credit card or a checking account to purchase iTunes, correct? The childish tone of texting is out of place in such a venue.

And while a "Victorian grasp of the English language" is not required to write a decent review, if a 12 year old really thinks "love" is spelled "luv", there are bigger problems here. I feel certain that chilren as young as 8- and 9-year-olds are still required to write book reports or essays ("What I Did for Summer Vacation"), so even the younger fans could post a thoughtful review ... if they had some guidance.

One more thing, "Well, hmmm ...", if you are reading this, I believe you really owe Shea and her other supporters here on the blog a note of apology for your unfounded insinuations that this is all about a thirst potential stardom. You have missed the whole tenor and tone of this site and the beauty of these people and this family. If you had read more of this site, you would know that the proceeds of the sale of this CD are going to help defray medical costs. Turning off potential buyers by posting a frivilous and uninformative text-message not only keeps that person from the blessing the songs could be for them, but it deprives the family of a small amount of financial asistance. Your assumptions and accusations were way off base, and I for one would appreciate it if you took your comments back.


8:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is so sad to see; may we all just keep our eyes on God right now. May everything work out for good and just praying for gentleness, patience and kindness to flow. May this have just been a tough learning time for everyone; but trials can make us better!! Asking for God's strength and peace to keep you going; keep running the race. May God just use you all even more through this. You can do all things; but only through Christ.
Lay this all down to Him.
Praying for you all,

Denise N

11:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Ms. Shea,
We miss you and just wanted to drop you a line to say hello. Hope you are feeling well. We keep you in our prayers. Love you always.
Ms. Tina (RP's Mom)

7:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


My comments were soley directed toward the tone of the previous couple of posts, and were in no way accusations. There was no intent to initiate discord with anyone in any form, and I think you have to creatively interpret what I wrote to arrive at that conclusion. If you read my comment again carefully, you will note that its focus was on avoiding SOUNDING a certain way, SINCE I have no doubt that all of the motivations re. this project nothing but pure. I'm as I-Tunes savvy as anyone, as far as the purpose and workings of the sight; I simply don't want young kids feeling discouraged to post their reviews because they might sound too "childish". People that age create their own software every day. I utterly agree with Dave and Jules that God's plan for this family will be accomplished regardless of a silly post or two, and also with the other posters who wish for all of us to avoid any rancorous communication here. To that end, I hope this serves as clarification and that we can go back to being and sounding positive and uplifting, as is the intention of this site. I apologize to Shea and her family for any discomfort they may have felt at reading these posts, and I promise that the subject is closed...

9:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello there! My name is Kelly Snipes and I am one of Mr.Evans's students. I remember one morning in Bible class, Mr.Evans put up a picture of this beautiful woman and turned to look at the class. He said, "This is Shea Hickok. She was one of my former students when I was teaching the younger grades. Shea was recently in a terrible car crash which took the life of her boyfriend and almost her own." I remember seeing this wave of pain and grieve sweep over his face. He then started telling us the damage of the wreck and then prayed with us all at that moment. I remember leaving the classroom with tears in my eyes and hearing the soft mummble of whispers of what we had just been told. Now many months later, the picture of you, smiling the most beautiful smile, is still on Mr. Evans' white board. He sometimes plays your songs while we are doing our homework or taking a test. And I must say, you have a beautiful voice!! I often talk to Mr.Evans about your music. Well, a few weeks ago, I was surfing the internet looking for your music when I saw this blog site. I was overjoyed when I saw the blog that said that your were now on iTunes! I immediately went to iTunes and bought 'Broken Tree' and 'Intimate Father'. I love those songs!! I listen to them everyday and think of you! You have such an amazing voice! Great job! You and your family will always be in my heart and prayers. God bless you all!

10:27 PM  

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