Lauren Shea Hickok

A daily update on the health of accident victim Lauren Shea Hickok. All comments will be read to Shea for encouragement during this ordeal and kept for her review once she has recovered. Shea's latest CD is now available on iTunes. Go to the iTunes Store and search for Shea Hickok to order.

Monday, July 17, 2006

Surgery Successful!

This morning we awakened Shea and when she looked at us we thought she would groan and roll over, but she smiled and said, "Good morning." As she prepared to go to the hospital we heard her singing in her room. It was surprising to us as she has been very nervous the last few days. On our eleven-hour flight home from Italy her leg nervously shook. We had kept busy for two weeks and now the reality was setting in as she realized the surgery was in a couple days. So it was encouraging to all of us that she was in such high spirits.

Our whole family went together to the hospital this morning, and Shea chatted with the nurses as they prepped her for surgery. She said that she was excited about the party. When we asked her, "What party?" She said, "You know, the party in my room tonight"! We all prayed together again, and then the doctors came in. We asked her if she was nervous and she said, "Not at all -- I don't know why I'm so calm." Then we all smiled as she realized a host of friends and family were already busy uttering her name to our Lord. Thank you so much for your prayers. As the nurse wheeled her away I heard her ask Shea is she was nervous and Shea said, "No, I'm really excited." So when emotions would normally be really high, the four of us had a restful time this afternoon. Some of our great friends stopped by to pray with us and help time fly, and it did.

After 4 1/2 hours, Dr. Nunn and Dr. McKay came out to say that the surgery was very successful! Dr. Mills, Shea's dental surgeon, and his assistant observed the surgery and took many pictures of the different procedures. They grafted bone from her skull and utilized it in the eye orbit area. They broke her cheek bone and eye orbit area in three different places. Dr. Nunn also broke her hard palate and expanded it a centimeter. Unfortunately Shea's three front temporary teeth could not be saved, and we're not sure yet how long she'll have to go without them. This is tough for a nineteen-year-old.

They wheeled Shea out of recovery, and we were able to see her for a short while. We were surprised that she looks somewhat swollen but so good. The nurse said that she'll be more swollen tomorrow, but it was nice to hear her voice. She whispered to us, "Jesus got me through it." She was in a lot of pain and still is. They are trying to regulate her medication with morphine, but since her body has built up such a tolerance to medication, they're having a hard time keeping Shea comfortable. She is in ICU so we know she will be watched very carefully. One parent is allowed to spend the night in the room, so it's Mom's night tonight! Please pray for a pain-free restful night.

Before Shea's surgery she talked to us about "the peace that passes all understanding." She related that she would never begin to understand that verse if she had never known suffering. So even though it's hard to watch your child suffer, we continue to thank God for the trials as He "breaks" and molds our little girl and prepares her for a deeper walk with Him.

We cannot thank you enough for your kind words and prayers. We read the latest comments to Shea this morning, and we could tell she was hanging onto every word. Thank you!

Much love,

The Hickoks


Anonymous Anonymous said...

We were so thrilled to hear about the outcome of the surgery!

Our prayers are with Shea and your sweet family as she heals.

We'll be praying for a pain-free rest for our Precious Warrior.


Len & Brenda Evans

8:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm so happy! Another successful surgery! My mom and I prayed for you today while we were out walking. And now, I'm reading how He answered. God has used you to teach me sooooo much about himself.
I love you and will keep on praying. I'm praying that He will take all the pain away. Be strong!
Kaitlin Bishop

9:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Praise God, Jehovah-rapha, the LORD that healeth. I have been praying and watching for the report on Shea's surgery. I am so thankful everything went well. I pray you both will get some rest tonight.
Ps. 9:10 Those who know Your name will put their trust in You; for You O LORD, have not forsaken those who seek You.
Love, Bob and Greta Wade

10:00 PM  
Blogger Steve Eimers said...

I hope you are getting big bucks for all these teeth, dear cousin! Hannah is 6 and missing some of her front row, too. The Tooth Fairy is a frequent flyer to our house these days!

We are so glad everything went so well and sorry for the pain that comes with the "gain". Wish one could come without the other!

You are all in out prayers. So add us to the long list of intercessors. This is a very intense time for your whole family, I know.

Lots of love from our family to yours (boy, that sure sounds like a greeting card, doesn't it?),
Steve, Melissa and the Girls

10:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, YEAH! This one is done! I'm so happy for you, Shea.

I'll keep praying for your swift recovery from the surgery. I know it hurts right now, but hopefully not for long.

Are you dreaming of Italy when you sleep? The first night in my own bed after our trip, I truly thought I was still in Italy ... and I wasn't even on pain killers! :-) Think on the lovely things you saw, ate and experienced the last two weeks, and how amazing it was to have that time. And when you can, we would all love to hear about your trip.

Tonight, though, I pray for sleep for you. Peaceful, gentle sleep.

Congratulations on this latest hurdle! You're just the bravest girl in the world! (... and I know where your courage comes from.)

Looking forward to hearing updates.



11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Precious Shea and loved ones,
praise God for these good things. May each of you know sweet rest this night and grace upon grace in the healing days ahead. Because you know His help, may your heart sing in the shadow of His wings. [Ps. 63:7] With love always, Sharon & Gaylard Moore

11:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

God is so good. I have and will continue to keep you in my prayers. You and your music have been a great inspiration to me.



12:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Excellent! I will continue to pray for a miraculous recovery, and pain relief- I can't imagine the pain. I'm sorry for that. Again, our God is the Master Physician and Healer; He will make you better as he has proven faithful to do since the start of this whole process. Hang in there! I will keep uttering your name to Jesus as I go through the day and the days ahead.
Take care,
Marian Madden

5:49 AM  
Blogger HoagFamily said...

Good morning Shea!!! It is so exciting to read your blog and to hear of Gods goodness! We PRAISE him for successful surgery and pray healing will come QUICKLY! What a beautiful attititude you have. We love you and your family and will keep praying! Love, Julie for the Hoags

7:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update. What an answer to prayer!! May HE be praised! I will continue to pray for you, Shea..and you, too, mom and dad...
Standing in the gap-
that other mom

8:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good Morning Sweet Shea,

Our family is rejoicing in the good news of the successful surgery! We must be careful not to take this for granted.

During the night I was awakened, by God I think, to pray for you. I was picturing you in the ICU bed with tubes and wires and all, and your mom sitting by your side through the night. In the quietness, I lifted you and your mom to the Great Physician and loving Savior. I am eager to hear how your night went.

We'll be taking our place with all the others who, like the men of old, carried their friend on a cot to Jesus, lowering him through the roof to Jesus' feet. Like them, we are helpless to heal you, but we know where to take you! I can just imagine the look of love on Jesus' face as He hovers over you. Rest well. You are in good hands!

Love to you and your sweet family,

Aunt Kathy and all the Falks

8:48 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am so grateful this morning for this news! Last night the blog didn't come up, and I just KNEW it was being updated. It is a privilege to be among those who eagerly await the next bit of news about this precious child of God. Though I don't know you, except through the Spirit of God, I feel love and family with you. Shea, I pray this day for the peace that is abiding in you will continue to carry you through today ... for you to be able to rest well ... for people to be attuned to what you need as you live out today, whether it be people with you, or time to just be present in the Presence of Christ in solitude. I pray encouragement in your heart just when you need it ... Jesus is the "lifter of our heads" every time as we keep our eyes steadfastly on him. Much love, a friend in Darien :)

9:56 AM  
Blogger W. H. Conner said...

Shea, dear...

We love you dearly, sweets, and pray for easing of your pain in the same way that your spirit has been given peace. Life seems to follow a course of breaking, restoration, and renewal, and your now well-worn path is constantly serving as a loving example to all of us of God's heart in that process....

All our love,


10:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Sheaster! I am so thankful to Jesus for His constant hand over you sweet girl! I was praying like crazy all day yesterday especially during the surgery hours but will continue to pray for a wonderful and quick recovery. You inspire me Shea and I love you. You make me want to love Jesus more.
Jenny Ingram

12:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Shea,

Great news! We're so thrilled for you! We wish you could be with you in the recovery room but we're with you in spirit. Shea. We send our love and pray for your full recovery.

Love and hugs from Michael, Kay, Lorna, Kevin, Meg and Aaron, and little Annika, too.

1:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good afternoon, Shea!

I just love Marian Madden's notion of merely uttering your name before God throughout the day.

As IF we need to do more!

How magnificent that concept is ... we only need to mention your name, leaving the rest to God to know what you need in that moment.

Dear Lord Almightly,


Thank you!




3:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

our prayers and thoughts have been with you - as you enter in the evening hours - may you sense His sweet presence and the peaceful feeling of His wings holding you - Dan and Cheryl (Ruff) Bicker

4:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am so glad to see that your sergery went so well!! You are truly blessed to have such a wonderful family by your side thrugh all of this.. i believe God only gives us what we can handle and i can't think of many families who could have gotten through this like all of you have only growing closer to God ..I hope you will feel more comfortable soon ya girlie!

with love, Dani

9:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I have been praying and thinking about you all day. I am praising God with so many others for another victory on this road to healing.

You are a beautiful and amazing person and a blessing to many people. Thank you for the way you care for those around you-- I am someone who has benefitted from your heart that loves so freely. Your spirit of mercy is truly beautiful.

I love you very much.

Your cousin in Austin,


9:12 PM  

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