Lauren Shea Hickok

A daily update on the health of accident victim Lauren Shea Hickok. All comments will be read to Shea for encouragement during this ordeal and kept for her review once she has recovered. Shea's latest CD is now available on iTunes. Go to the iTunes Store and search for Shea Hickok to order.

Friday, March 24, 2006

Sharon Thomas

We have seen two doctors this week. On Monday Shea saw Dr. Kaylin for her follow-up appointment at Shepherd Center. It seemed like ages ago when we wheeled her down the halls of the Acquired Brain Injury Unit. We saw the therapists, nurses and some of the patients who are still there. Dr. Kaylin kept saying he was "tickled pink" to see how Shea has improved. At this point, we do not need to go back there anymore.

Shea had an appointment with Dr. Mills this week as well. Once again, we were there for hours! He is going to do his best to get Shea's first surgery moved up, so we will wait to see if anything can be done. At this point, her surgery is set for July 17th. Four months is a long time to wait when Shea could be healing from the first surgery and anticipating the second surgery, but we will continue to pray for God's perfect timing. Dr. Mills spent a lot of time talking to Shea as he is so interested in her story. He told her that his guess is that she will probably never look exactly like she did before the accident. It was hard to hear, but in comparison to -- "We don't think she'll make it through the day" and "There's nothing more we can do" we just nodded and listened. Doctors are oftentimes very wise, but we know from experience that God, Jehovah Rapha, is the great Healer. When we got in the car, Shea said, "Well, that was discouraging." It was, and it wasn't what we wanted to hear, but it was honest. We wil continue to pray for complete healing and trust God for it all.

Last Sunday Shea went to church. It was her first time to sit in the congregation since the accident. It was sweet to see her junior high girls gather around her waiting for a hug. We watched as moms and dads ran to get their little ones and bring them to see the girl they had prayed for. Here is living proof of a miracle -- a result of many prayers.

Amy Thomas, Shea's friend from Scottsdale who wrote the last blog, is back in Texas finishing up her first year of college. The girls had the best time together, and it was a tearful goodbye when Any left last Sunday. Shea just got a call from Amy this morning asking for prayer for her mom, Sharon Thomas. She has been on a donor list for a kidney and was called this morning that the kidney is available and they are ready to operate. Sharon has also had a heart and lung transplant and skin cancer as well, so she has been sick for a very long time -- ever since Amy was born. This is a very risky surgery, so we are asking all our blogger friends to please pray for Sharon and for her doctors today. Sharon has sent cards to Shea and prayed for her the last few months, and Shea really wants all of us to uplift Sharon at this time. Thank you.

Have a beautiful weekend --

The Hickoks


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is amazing that, because of the way you have shared your lives so openly and honestly these months, I feel such compassion and concern for a perfect stranger, Sharon Thomas. I know that her situation is heavy on your hearts. Sometimes God works so quietly that we dont see it happening but other times, He says, "See this, ONLY I could make this happen!" And I am so blessed to have the eyes at this moment to see that God is using the compassion that He created for your situation and He is multiplying it to be shared for another family's trouble. And though there is a feeling of fear for what may be, there is also such joy from knowing that God is working it all together for good. Praise God for what he has done and for what He has yet to do! Shea, there is such a contagious, supernatural beauty in you.
Jacki Walsh

2:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is a time for everything and how great is God's timing! Sharon was praying and caring for you, even in her circumstances. Now, there is a short season of your waiting and resting for what is ahead, and now you are praying and comforting Sharon in her great time of need!!! We join you in lifting her up and asking God's hand of healing over her!!!
Praying for your new Dr. that cares so much about you. What a blessing he is from God that he is so busy, and yet so caring!!!!
May you continue to rest in God's perfect timing and keep being the blessing you are,

Denise N

4:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Steve, Susan, Shea, Luke and Jessie,
Of course we will pray for Amy's mom. What a generous woman to be praying for you when she is going through and has been through so much. Obviously she knows the power of prayer as many of us do since we have seen the miracle in Shea's life.

I've been praying for Shea's return to church and was thrilled to see her on Sunday. Way to go girl! Being physically part of the church body can be healing in of itself.

We will continue to pray for GOD's perfect timing for the surgeries.

Barry, Teresa, and Cole

4:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My prayer for your Doctors is that God will demonstrate His power and grace by giving them the ability to do so much more than they've ever been able to do before.

He is working in their lives right now, too. And while YOU are probably good and ready for them to get to work, perhaps they are not ready yet. It may well be that God is preparing them and will use this experience to help their unbelief. Wouldn't it be a wonder to hear them say, "I should not have been able to do that ... it is a miracle!" They may not be ready to admit that yet.

I can see how working on and with you, Shea, could be a life changing experience for them. And God is preparing them now.

Please let us know how Sharon is doing. She is in my thoughts and prayers.

Love you!


2:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Our God, who we will never be able to fully comprehend, is powerful enough to put you back together exactly the way he wants you!!! Miracles happen all the time and I will be bold enough to keep asking God for more and more miracles to come your way! I was just praying this morning that the doctors would just be amazed at the results of your upcoming surgeries- that they wouldn't even be able to comprehend the amazing results- that God's power and work would flow through their fingers! God will continue to make you more and more beautiful on the inside and that is what shines through your eyes, smile, and your amazing voice and heart. God knows when your body is ready to sustain the next surgeries and that's when they will happen- all in his perfect time! I pray for peace and patience for all of you. I would be anxious to get on to the next step! I have been reading this weekend in books that have nothing to do with Christian themes, but they had information regarding the power of the mind in relation to our bodies. God is of course telling us this all through his word- just remember to renew your mind over and over, even about things such as your healing and your surgeries. God knows that our minds are so powerful and science/doctors sometimes do not fully recognize the connection between the two. God is so faithful and good, he has carried you so far. I hope so much for all of you Hickocks that you each have peace like a river! Love and prayers, Marian Madden

8:36 AM  

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