Lauren Shea Hickok

A daily update on the health of accident victim Lauren Shea Hickok. All comments will be read to Shea for encouragement during this ordeal and kept for her review once she has recovered. Shea's latest CD is now available on iTunes. Go to the iTunes Store and search for Shea Hickok to order.

Monday, February 11, 2008

God in My Healing

We haven't posted for a number of months, but things have been relatively quiet. Shea has continued to see her doctors and tomorrow (Tuesday) at 1:30 she will have her next surgery.

Dr. Nunn, Shea's plastic surgeon and Dr. Mills, Shea's dental surgeon, will perform the surgery together.

The goal of this surgery is to implant a device that will grow bone because grafting bone from her hip and skull in previous surgeries shrunk away and was unsuccessful. Shea needs to have five front teeth implants, but at this point there is no bone in which to implant the teeth.

This procedure is similar to Vertical Angular Distraction, but the plan they have is much more involved and to their knowledge has never been done before. They will implant a device in Shea's mouth under her nose and cut her maxillary bone vertically on either side and horizontally as well. Then they will place several screws in each side of the divided bone. A bar will stick out of her mouth where her eye tooth should be. Each day for the next month, Shea will need to go to Dr. Mills' office so he can turn the bar. In doing so, this should grow a half millimeter of bone each day. The difficulty is trying to grow bone both vertically and horizontally.

This afternoon Shea went for her pre-op appointment with Dr. Mills. He says her prognosis is on the lower side of fair, and the only way she could have a 100% successful surgery is with a lot of prayer. So once again we call on you, our friends and family, to pray again on Shea's behalf. We have seen miracle after miracle in her life and we will pray for faith to believe that God wants to bless Shea even more with His healing hand.

Yesterday Shea sang in church and the song was certainly a testimony of God's continuing work in her life. As parents, it's hard to watch your child (no matter what age) go through painful surgeries, but we are so proud of our girl and are seeing in her a deep love for Jesus like never before.

God in my living
There in my breathing
God in my waking
God in my sleeping
God in my resting
There in my working
God in my thinking
God in my speaking

Be my everything
Be my everything

God in my hoping
God in my dreaming
God in my watching
God in my waiting
God in my laughing
God in my weeping
God in my hurting
God in my healing

Be my everything
Be my everything

Christ in me
The hope of glory
You are everything
Christ in me
The hope of glory
Be my everything
Be my everything

You are everything
Jesus everything.

Love to you --

The Hickoks


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hickoks ~

Glad I "just happened" to look here this evening. We'll be sure to be praying throughout Tuesday's surgery!

May the God of all Hope be with you all as He continues His work!

Keith & Kathy

10:02 PM  
Blogger Brian Ring said...

Lauren Shey and Hickoks,

I will be in prayer for all to go well and God to be glorified in it!


11:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Shea,

What a long road you have walked, but you have done it with such grace, faith, and even good humor. We ache at the thought of your having to endure yet another surgery, but we follow your example and remind ourselves that when Christ is everything, everything is all right.

We will be praying, Sweetie.

Aunt Kathy and Uncle Charley

11:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am praying for you Shea. We have been listening to your CD so we can remember to pray for you ever since our moms talked yesterday.
I miss you girl!!
Love you!

10:35 AM  

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