Lauren Shea Hickok

A daily update on the health of accident victim Lauren Shea Hickok. All comments will be read to Shea for encouragement during this ordeal and kept for her review once she has recovered. Shea's latest CD is now available on iTunes. Go to the iTunes Store and search for Shea Hickok to order.

Saturday, January 21, 2006

Thank You, Gracie

It has been awhile since we last communicated, and we want to let all of you know how things are going with Shea. On Wednesday we had a meeting, at Shepherd Pathways, with all of Shea's therapists. We sat around a table and each therapist shared Shea's progress. It was all good news! She will be released on January 27th from full-day rehab! We have another meeting on Monday, and will get more information on the next program which will be more part-time, and we may even be able to find a facility closer to our home. So once again, we are thankful that there is more good news, and God continues to answer our prayers.

We continue to see slight improvements in Shea's appearance. A little wrinkle appeared on the left side of her nose as she tried to wrinkle it up for us! (Imagine praying for more wrinkles!!) Also, when Shea scowls, we can see muscles moving on the left side of her forehead, but when she tries to lift her eyes, as in a surprised expression, her left eye and the left side of her forehead show no movement. The surgery was seven weeks ago, and we are a little surprised that Shea still has quite a bit of swelling, but the doctor said this may take months to go down.

Shea is encouraged that her eyesight in her left eye is better! At first she saw a big black spot that eventually turned red. Now the spot is smaller and lighter in color as well. She doesn't want to see a doctor yet as she wants to wait to see God work. Today Shea was reminded of the verse, "Be still and know that I am God," and told us that that's exactly what she believes God wants her to do. it's easy to become frantic and rush to doctors to find answers, but now is the time to sit and wait and pray. Please continue to pray!

Every day after rehab we are all anxious to hear about Shea's day. She always has the sweetest stories to tell us. At first Shea was dragging her feet, so to speak, as she went off to a full day of rehab, but that has changed, and she is determined to look for those who need encouragement. Seeing many who are much worse off than she is amazes her that she has been spared the long recovery of a brain injury. Wanting to make the best of her situation, she asks the other patients about their accidents, One was a stroke in childbirth, another "car surfing" with his friends, a construction accident, gang fight, falling off a quad, dialing on a cell phone while driving. It's unbelievable that Shea is completely sound in her mind. We thank you again and again for your prayers.

Today, Shea talked to her almost four-year-old cousin, Gracie, on the phone. How sweet to hear that little angelic voice.

Shea, oh, your voice is beautiful
It's good to hear your beautiful voice too, Grace
We all cried -- mommy, daddy, me, gramma, papa
Shea, I pray for you
Thank you, Gracie
Are you all better?
Almost, sweet girl
Little Gracie prayed to Jesus and Jesus heard her prayers, that's why
Are your owies all gone?
Not yet, Gracie, but I'm getting better
I'll still pray for you, ok Shea?

What could be sweeter than the faith of a child? Shea has received cards and letters from classes of children. They aren't afraid to draw pictures of a wrecked car, sad faces and tears on stick figures. Shea is also encouraged by their honesty as they boldly speak of death and sadness.

We are rejoicing today as God continues the healing process in Shea's body.

Love from the Hickoks


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear "All of You": It's been a while since I've been able to sit and read and return. My husbands mother has been diagnosed with a very large tumor in her right kidney that has engulfed the kidney and the outlook doesn't physically look good. Even sadder is the eternal outlook. She doesn't know Jesus as her Lord and Savior. I have a heavy heart, but am so thankful "in His time He makes all things beautiful" as eccl. tells us.
I am delighted to hear of Shea's progress. I can never know the joy or sorrow of another, but I do rejoice when you rejoice and I weep when you weep. Every little thing in our lives that makes us need Jesus is ultimately good. Very good. Jesus is so very sweet.
Many years ago I read that when Jesus is All you have, He is all you need. I've quoted that many times, but you know the Lord in His Mercy does bring me through every day life and allow me to experience waves that come crashing in so that I will KNOW WHAT IN THE WORLD I'M TALKING ABOUT. HA
I pray Gods face to Shine down upon you all. Where can we go but to the Lord. In Christs Love, Debbie Miller, (Linda's old friend)

7:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

God continue to shine his light upon you and grant you his peace, day by day. A prayer given me by a friend many years ago I pass on to you ...

"Day by day, hour by hour,
Father, I breathe in Thy lifegiving power.
Power to be well,
Power to heal,
Power to love,
Power to endure
one day at a time. Amen"

Rest in His love,
A "friend" from Darien :)

8:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a journey this has been that testifies to our Redeemer's faithfulness!! To have hope through prayer and than see God's Hand working so awesomely!! How so many of us needed to be reminded of what a powerful and awesome God we serve!! How we thank God and rejoice with all of you, as, step by step, God is leading and healing, and you are so FAITHFULLY following!! How awesome, Shea, that you are caring for others who are so hurting. That is so sweet and so powerful!!!
I got your cd yesterday and just am being so blessed by it!!! I had heard Chuck Swindoll a few weeks ago talk about how we should be longing for Christ's return. It really spoke to me and then yesterday hearing, I'm Waiting to See You. How that needs to be our heart's cry, and that song is my cry. I just love it and I just love, Intimate Father!!! Love the whole cd; it's beautiful!!!
May the swelling continue to go down and down and your expression come back more and more.
There is no greater thing than what you are all doing; living for Christ with all your heart, soul, mind and strength. Loving Him and loving others, and bringing them closer to God.
Thank you so much for sharing with us; we so rejoice with you!!!!
May the Wounded Healer, who knows each and every hurt you each have, continue to comfort and heal so faithfully,

Denise Nicolette

9:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

God Bless you Shea! your still in my prayers! and i just want to thank you! you are a true inspiration.
God Bless

10:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey beautifel shea shea,

It's me and renea.. we are just hanging out, and can't wait until you are all better so we can come hang out with you. We just wanted to tell you hello and that we were thinking of you..we were glad to see an update and we're glad to know you are still getting better and better each day, and that you will be done with everyday re-hab soon. That's great!! The day you finish full time rehab is the day that is a year from my accident..
Well hello my beautiful angel, ths is now Renea and i am just so happy to know that you are doing better and better everyday. We have been waiting so long it seems on an update. That is so awsome to know that you are about to be finished with the full day rehab. I know you are getting better and i cant wait just to be able to see your beautiful face and hear your sweet voice. You are still thought about, talked about and we are all still praying for you.
WE Love You!!!!
Renea and Dani

11:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Shea, I see someone from Darien wrote you-that is so amazing isn't it. I still get goose bumps when I read the blog. I miss seeing you-which probably sounds strange but its true. Tell your dad I made copies of the sermone from the day after your accident and am sharing them with some pastors and special folks because I think it is good stuff to know when you have to help someone in a dire place. Before I go, I have to tell you something funny. I went to get a trim on my hair and my regular beautician had me take off my glasses as usual. When I put them back on I screamed-my hair is only one inch long. He has been my beautician for many years but I don't know what he was thinking. If you wanted a laugh, you should see me now. Give Luke and Jesse a hug. How's your dad doing catching up? How's your mom's back? Sorry about the small talk, but I just keep thinking of you a few times a day and praying.
Much love,
Aunt Liz

11:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Shea,
Even though I don't write as often anymore, you are still in my thoughts and prayers. My little Gracie is becoming quite demanding in her 15th week of life. She just started to giggle, and she eats like a horse!
I'm so excited to hear all the progress you continue to make and the encouragement you give those around you (as well as us bloggers!) You are really going to have to keep in touch with all of us because I believe with my whole heart that God has an amazing journey for you. The way that you continue to use this tragedy to touch so many lives...God is watching you and what He has in store for you...I can't even imagine.
Again, I am thankful to have been called to pray for you and be a witness to God's healing touch.
You go are beautiful.

Christy Cole Bertrand

11:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Steve & Susan, thank you so much for giving time to share the week's news -- of Shea's progress, her soon-release from rehab, and her active concern for others who are suffering. We continue to pray for you all. May God continue to restore movement to Shea's face, may He heal Susan of back pain, may He restore Steve's physical stamina as he ministers at church as well as to his family, may He continue to show Luke His great love and care, and may He strengthen Jesse's growing faith. May He continue to pour out grace upon grace to you all. Bless His Name! With love, Gaylard & Sharon

12:20 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Our girls are right there with Gracie, still praying for you to be "all better."

You are the first "close to home" miracle in their lives.

You remain in our prayers,
Lisa (& family)

12:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So happy to hear that you are improving...even if it slowly..
God's timing is always perfect.

still praying for you and looking forward to the availability of your CD..

2:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Shea i love you so so so much and i cant wait 2 see you u are awesome and have extreme faith i love you and i look up 2 u bye the way u rock!!!love you so much girl, Payton Polhill
P.S. im obbsesed with your cd!!!!

6:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, only if we all could have the faith of a child!!! Shea, honey, I'm always so glad to hear all the time how God is working wonders in you, your family, and in others touched by you and your story. Keep going, pushing, praying and healing! By the way, I've gotten your cd, and it rings sweet in my ears! I can't wait to hear your voice again, live and in person!!!! You take care of yourself, and all you Hickoks take care of each other!
Love in Him,
Amber Record

7:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WOW!!!!!! PRAISE GOD!!!!!! It reminds me of the verse in Psalms where he talks about raising Jerusalem out of the death and destruction, away from the rubble, i think it says. That's what this miracle reminds me of, God pulling Shea out of the devestation of the car wreck and bringing her into His glory! What an inspiring story. Shea, they really ought to make a movie out of your life!
So, im sure you are glad to leave full-day rehab, with a little bittersweet mabe? i dunno, you are just such a people-person it must be difficult to leave these people behind. I mean, i had to switch to closer doctoe last month and i still feel sad about leaving my old doctor! lol.
Things seem to be going so well. i was telling some friend how nice it is to have life be 'good,' but how even better it is to have those little "oops's" in my day. Those little things that go wrong that have a hidden blessing. God works onme that way all the time, because i seem to have my set schedule and my objectives for the day and i hate it when other people mess with that, and yet so much good comes when my world is tipped upside down!
Well, i pray that God continues to show you direction for this next stage. i don't know i you will have much down time, but in those hours of still quiet, that you will have his peace and contentment foryour life. And if you are bored, call me! We could spend a few HOURS catching up, im sure, well, love you,

1:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I got your cd at Scottsdale Bible on sunday night and I have to say that it's amazing! I don't know what you were talking about...feeling sorry for the doctors who had to listen to your cd during the're such a goof! I'm surprised they didn't ask for your autograph on the cd after listening to it! ;)

Anyway, they were talking about you in the service at SBC this week and encouraged everyone to continue's so exciting to hear about how God is continuing to work in you and in your entire family. I was so blessed to hear of the way you have been a light to others in Rehab....I've noticed in my own experience working at the hospital that people are often more open to hearing about Christ in times of need and frustration, so I really think that God has placed you there "for such a time as this." And I'm sure that everyone who meets you can see the love of Christ shining through you! I love you, sweetheart! You and your family are in my prayers!


Becca Noland

2:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shea, I sit here thinking about you. Thinking of all that has happened and of how your faith is still so strong in the Lord. It's truely a testimony and God's amazing and has been praised every step of the way, and will continued to be praised.
When we went on the snow trip with the youth group. We were sitting up in the lodge hanging out and I was watching some of the tape on the recorder. I had started at the beginning and was going thru it, then it came to two beautiful girls, which just so happened to be you and Laurie, doing the 'queen wave' out the window which looks out to the black top of Sugarloaf Community. I loved getting to see that, to see your beautiful face which shines for God, and will continue to shine.
Shea, I truely miss you. But I am glad I have gotten to see Luke on the snow trip and yesterday at church and youth group. Not only cause he's an amazing guy, but because he's a part of you, or your a part of him, and I love that.
I love you, Shea! You are always in our prayers. Give your whole family a hug for me. And give Cali loves and hugs for me, and tell her I miss her.
I love you!

Megan Kucala

11:22 AM  
Blogger W. H. Conner said...

Shea, my dear...

I don't know if you are able to have a sense yet of what a gift you're giving the other patients in rehab. You know, first hand, what a bleak sort of existence life has become for some of them, and I can promise you that little shining lights such as you dropping in provides truly rare and beautiful moments for them that will always be remembered. I have no doubt that the drudgery of slogging down there each day has been lowest on your list of "rare, beautiful moments", but what a cool thing that you've let yourself be used, in spite of your own pain, to touch these other hurting people. We all, and I, love you and continue to pray that those details in your life that can be so frustrating and draining will be smoothed and eased for you.


Hayes (By the way, you sounded great on the voice mail, sweetz...I'll talk to you soon)

12:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Shea Star,
Have you been good in school this week? Emily and I had to laugh at Megan's blog. I never knew it was going to be a family fight to get a computer cable. Chatt wants to know if Cali can come over and visit. He wants her to bring her toys this time.
We have been helping with Megan's application to nursing school. Funny how she has a personal story now to relate how she wants to be a nurse. You will be famous in the world of nursing applications - the famous Shea story is everywhere.
Love you girly,

6:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, Shea. I had the privilege of passing out your CD's the last two Sunday nites at the info booth at SBC. (Yes, I'm still working at the info booth!) I miss having you and Kelly L. come and see me there! People were so excited to get your CD. I, of course, love it, not just because it's wonderful, but because I love you! You are my American Idol! Are you watching this season? No one is as good as you, but we've already discussed that! I'm so happy to hear of your progress and how God is using you to minister to people you would have never otherwise known. Your blog has been a great encouragement to me, and I hope it's an encouragement to you. Be real with those who love you. They want to know how you're feeling, both in the good times and in the bad! I love you Shea, Cynthia Taylor

9:58 PM  
Blogger HoagFamily said...

Hello Shea. I am sitting in Montreal where it is cold and snowy, and I thought I'd check your blog while I have a break in my meetings. I really miss the daily updates.

Here is a challenge for you to consider: Are you up to writing in this blog yourself soon? I would sooo love to hear what you are thinking and how God is working in your life as he heals you.

Perhaps you would consider that? I still listen to your CD every day, and I can't help but thinking it would be fun to "hear" from you on this blog.

We continue to pray for you and your family every day!

Love to you all,


9:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Shea, you don't know me too well, but I remember you very clearly from Chapparal. I remember our sophmore year you were in Foods class with me and we were in the same group, in the kitchen and I remember you always being so sweet. I just now heard about your accident and I hope that this will soon be past you and that you will be back to being completely healthy and happy soon. Get well soon! - Taylor Nordburg

9:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Good Mornin'! We sure hope that you just go out and have a great day. That is what we are praying for, for you to have just a wonderful day. Take care, sweetie. Love, the moores (the stephen and shannon ones ;) )

12:44 AM  

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