Lauren Shea Hickok

A daily update on the health of accident victim Lauren Shea Hickok. All comments will be read to Shea for encouragement during this ordeal and kept for her review once she has recovered. Shea's latest CD is now available on iTunes. Go to the iTunes Store and search for Shea Hickok to order.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Weekend Update

Once again, it has been awhile since we last posted any news. We did write a pretty lengthy one a couple days ago but lost it as I was typing the last line. This may be short, but we'll let you know what's been going on this past week.

Shea has had more down times and, though it's expected, it's still hard to see her struggle. She's also having trouble sleeping as she awakens in the night, thinks about all that has happened, and then can't get back to sleep. The same is true with Luke and most likely all the kids involved in the accident, but we're praying that with time, things will begin to get better.

The other night Shea was sitting on her bed - down and discouraged. I asked her if she could talk to anyone right now, who would it be? She said, "Kyle and Blair." They were both in the accident and Kyle is Mike's brother and Blair was Mike's roommate. I suggested that she call them, but Shea just shook her head. About ten minutes later, the doorbell rang and who do you suppose stopped by from Kennesaw University? Kyle and Blair!! They came up to Shea's room and shared their hearts and their struggles with their mutual loss. Her countenance changed when they left. What an encouragement. Talk about God answering unprayed prayers!

Today Shea did the face test again for us, and we are amazed at the changes in the last few days. She continues to get more movement around her left eye, and the lower lid has moved up and doesn't appear to droop as much anymore. Thank you for your "earnest prayers" as we see improvement and blessing over and over.

We'll write again soon.


The Hickoks


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey sheaster.
aw im praying for you tonight. its pretty late at night right now. im doing an essay for school and i had been doing it for ever and i deiced to take a break and write to you. shea all the JH igntion misses you tons and tons! =] we cant wait until we see you! our barbie girl! hehe. i finally went to church today(havent been to church since a while cause of busy plans i had!) and it was great seeing your dad and luke! i pray that you will get a good night sleep tonight! and that your beautiful face is healing more and more! i hope you had a good time seeing the super bowl today! pretty fun huh? hehe. im not so much a football fan but its fun with all the food and everything. lol. shea i pray for you and your family every night! i cant wait to see our beautiful shea. you are my hero, that i adore so much! =] i love you shea and i really can't wait to see your beautiful self and hear your amazing voice.
love && prayers to you and your family,

11:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My Dear Shea,

Praise God for the improvement in the facial nerve response! What good news! Slowly but surely our prayers are being answered.

When advances are coming this slowly, it is difficult, I know, to keep from getting discouraged. We all want instant results and hate the waiting process. It's okay, Shea, to be discouraged. It's okay even to cry out in anguish to God. I think sometimes that you must feel a burden to be super spiritual in your response to the trials God has allowed in your life. Everyone is commenting on how brave and strong and beautiful inside you are, and I'm sure that you don't always feel all that brave and strong and beautiful inside.

I just want you to know that I think you're all of the above, but I'm also reminded of the verse from the Psalms that says that God remembers that we are dust. He knows our limitations, and He's not angry or disappointed with you when you get discouraged or disheartened--even when you feel like you have failed. I just pray that you will be able to quietly and confidently rest in His steadfast love for you and His desire to be your strength. You don't need to prove anything to God--or to those of us who are looking on in love.

Forgive us if we have put too heavy a burden on you. You are an 18-(almost 19!)year-old teenager who has faced some huge obstacles. I shake my head in awe at what you have gone through, and if you don't have moments of despair, doubt and even disappointment with God, I'd be pretty amazed. But God is big enough to handle all of that, Shea. It doesn't affect His love for you at all. You can give Him all of your frustration and fear, all of your impatience and all of your questions. Your Abba Father knows it all anyway.

Well, here I've gone on preaching! I didn't intend to do that. I just wanted to encourage your heart. I'm hoping that you'll come visit us before too long. Grandpa, Charley, Evan and I would surely love that! We haven't seen you since the day you woke up from your long sleep, and we'd so love to talk at length with you.

All our love to you and your family,

Aunt Kathy for all the Falks

11:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Shea, Susan, and Steve, it's so good to hear from you, and we continue to hold you close to our hearts. What a sweet miracle of God, to send Kyle and Blair to your door at just the right time. He knows us through and through, and He actively cares and loves. I'm sending a "sleep tip" to your e-mail. We love you, dear family. Sharon & Gaylard

11:44 PM  
Blogger W. H. Conner said...

Shea, hun...

A lot of what your Aunt Kathy wrote is exactly what's been on my mind for you lately, so I won't repeat her other than to echo the thought that I hope all of our holding you up as a very real, heroic example to us hasn't added to your conflicted feelings, at times. Even this blog format, which is somewhat anonymous, has the potential to make you feel like we're web-camming your life in some ways, and I want to re-iterate that no "performance" is or should be expected. Your pain, fears, doubts, and frustrations are, at best, poorly understood by all of us who would remove them, if we could. I know your family well enough to know that they are not looking for some spiritual display, but rather long for your healing in every way possible. I personally have found that expressing exactly how I feel to God (anger, irritation, apathy, cynicism) can be used by Him to reveal to me exactly how He understands and loves me in all my moments, even when I least feel like talking to Him. I pray for similar connection for you with Him in those times, and I love and think of you every day...


(Call anytime you feel like it, day or night.)

12:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey beautiful, Its been a long time since i've written to you. I'm so sorry to hear you're having such a rough time, I can understand needing to be isolated. more recently I have found such a comfort in journaling. Have you tried that? Mabe that's still difficult for you physically, Im not sure, but it is so healing to pour your heart out to the pages of a book, my prayers to God, wheather im angry, or humbled, confused, or feeling like a complete pschyco, I just write my little heart away and somehow, by the end, I feel....better, almost empty, but not in a bad way. Mabe im just so tired that i can't think straight past the tears and the speed of my thoughts! lol. But either way, it has helped me get through some very trying times. I don't know what you need. I've never been in a position like yours but i have always thought that all i needed was my close friends to surround me, pray, and then just to veg, talk about life, watch some good chick-flicks, or, you like the scary stuff right? i don't know. Just know that I would love nothing more than to stretch my arms out across the continantal united States and wrap you in the biggest hug ever, I would love to cry with you and share your burden. I'm so sorry this happened. I love you, and just know that God couldn't have allowed for a more faithful, loyal, or strong woman to go through the trials that have faced you in the last few months, words do not even come close to describing how much i look up to you. I know that i would not have delt with this the way you have.
And I hear knitting is a blast, im more of a sewer myself. The next time I see you, lets bust out our needles and thread and catch up like two grandmas would!!!! lol.
I love you, and i promise ill be more faithful in writing to ya,

12:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A couple of weeks ago I wrote to you almost word for word what your Aunt Kathy wrote. When I got to the last line I hit the wrong button and it was gone and I decided to wait.
I ditto what your Aunt has said. I can only give you eyewitness testimony of a dark time in my own life,when I had experienced great loss and the death of a dream. I was sad, discouraged, and angry too, and I started to "camp" in the Psalms. I figured if David, a man after God's own heart, could be that honest with God, so could I. It was hard for me to read other things, but I could read the Psalms. It was hard for me to pray, but I could pray the Psalms.
Somewhere along the line I had come to believe that being sad, discouraged, even angry with God wasn't spiritual. Other, well meaning people often said things to me that sounded like "Don't worry be happy". If what they had to say had the word "just" in it--I often tuned them out. (You know, "just" do this or "just" do that) And then I read David's honest writings--Psalms 13-How long O Lord??? and Psalm 42, My soul is downcast within me, and Psalm 6 I am worn out from groaning; all night long I flood my bed with weeping and drench my couch with tears.
These words, slowly over time were ointment on my wounded heart and comfort to my restless mind.
I encourage you, as your able, to check out the Psalms.
Know that your are loved and prayed for.
A friend

8:58 AM  
Blogger HoagFamily said...

Dear Shae and family,

We continue to pray for you every day, and we mourn with you when you have tough days. Not that we know what you are feeling, only that we are sad when you down or blue.

Steve, what a blessing the moring music was to me this sunday. I love the fact that I get to hear it twice, and I'm bummed that I'll miss it next week.

Luke, you are an amazing blessing on that guitar. You were really "digging it out" of your guitar on that hymn, and it brought me to tears. Somehow the guitar reaches a part of me that can't be touched by anything else. I love to hear you play, and it is so good to have you playing on Sunday night.

Susan, you must be very proud of your family. I'll bet this is all quite exhausting some times, too. We are praying for you to hold up under the burden of keeping so many things together at the same time. Let us know how we can pray for you.

Shae, the Jr. High girls are still praying for you and missing you at Ignition. They are such Shae fans. As I was listening to your CD on the way to church yesterday (I'm not sure I can actually get that CD to eject from the player now, it's been in there so long), I was thinking of what a family vacation must be like with all that musical talent. We used to camp a lot in the Colorado Rockies, and we always went to "Ranger Programs" and sang campfire songs - and sang in the car on the way. I can imagine it would be pretty intimidating to be riding in the car with your family singing, or have you all show up around the camp fire. It might be like having the last 5 American Idol winners all show up at once and harmonize "the bear went over the mountain, the bear went over the see what he could see...). Let's see - Steve would have to be Ruben, Luke would be Bo Bice (who should have won), you can decide who the rest of you would be... I'm sure you get the point.

I would love to see that happen some day - just to see the surprised look on the Park Ranger's face!

I hope you are enjoying the "snow" this morning. This is the closest thing we get to "winter" in Atlanta.

Love and prayers to each of you. We are blessed to to be a part of your extended family in Christ.

Tim and the Hoags

9:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have followed your story since the beginning when I heard Patrick Gibbs telling a fellow former Heart to Heart friend about it at church. I am inspired by your faith and your love for one another. It is obvious even through this blog. Thank you!
With Love,
another family praying in Phoenix

10:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keep digging in the Scripture and finding the promises of God for you...they are in there. This morning I was reading the blog and asked God for a Scripture for you..."But I will restore you to health and heal your wounds, declares the LORD." Jeremiah 30:17 The context this is written in is the nation of Israel, but God is not so far off that he cannot speak those words to your heart today!

1:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Shea and family,

How I pray for you all. Shea, I am so thankful to God for answering your prayer about seeing your friends!!!!! How He was showing you that He is listening to your cries and how He loves you SO much!!! What a really special answer!

Your continued eye movement is So awesome too!!!! I just really pray for you to be able to just sleep tight and really rest. For all of you!!

When I was going through some really hard times, the Beattitudes were a big help to me. Knowing that the pain you have, none of us can comprehend. It is just so comforting to know that God cares so much for you and WILL take care of you!!! Hope these words encourage you too!!!


God blesses those who realize their need for Him, for the kingdom of heaven is given to them.
God blesses those who mourn, for they WILL be comforted.
God blesses those who are gentle and lowly, for the whole earth will belong to them.
God blesses those who are hungry and thirsty for justice,
for they will receive it in full.
God blesses those who are merciful,
for they will be shown mercy.
God blesses those whose hearts are pure,
for they will see God.

Shea, Susan, Steve, Luke and Jesse,
right where each of you are at, God knows and So cares!! May God's promises comfort and stengthen each of you so much.

As you continue to walk with the King, may you be so blessed,

Denise N

1:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Steve and Susan,
I've prayed for Shea and I'm very thankful for the progress she's made. God gets all the credit! Anyway, I have not read all the updates, so I might have missed what I'm about to suggest -- counseling. She's had a major trauma and needs a competent Christian counselor to help her process it.
Prayers Continue!
Nonie Maupin
Minister of Lay Counseling
Scottsdale Bible Church

5:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


9:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


i miss you so much and i still find it hard to think about all that has happened. I just wanted you to know that you are still loved and prayed for everyday! I can't wait till the day when I get to see you and talk with you. I have so much to say and I want to give you a big huge hug! I listen to your cd while driving, and i feel more safe behind the wheel, kinda like you're my guardian angel and hearing your voice makes me wonder what you're doing and how you're doing.. i know you dont want anyone to see you, but I feel like I could make you feel better if we could just sit around and sing and joke around like we used to. I guess I just feel so useless not being able to talk to or see you, like i'm not doing anything for you, and i want to help. Well, just know that nothing would make me think differently of you, NOTHING!! I love you girl! Call me whenever you're ready!

Love, Dani :)

Happy early Birthday!

9:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just wanted to wish you a very happy birthday. I hope that you have a great day in the Lord.

9:16 AM  

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