Lauren Shea Hickok

A daily update on the health of accident victim Lauren Shea Hickok. All comments will be read to Shea for encouragement during this ordeal and kept for her review once she has recovered. Shea's latest CD is now available on iTunes. Go to the iTunes Store and search for Shea Hickok to order.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

God Bless You

Shea is settled, so I'm finally taking a few minutes to update everyone. What a day.

Dr. Mills wanted Shea to take a strong sedative last night, and strong it was! When we put her to bed (yes, she's twenty-one, I know, but this pill was debilitating!) we prayed for her doctors -- that they would have peace in their homes, no distractions and amazing sleep.

This morning Dr. Mills called and said, "Guess what? Last night I dreamed Shea's entire surgery from start to finish -- it's as if I've already done it!" He was excited and ready to get started.

We didn't mention in the previous post that Shea decided to forego anesthesia for this surgery. In her past surgeries she has struggled for months afterwards -- anxiety, irritability, etc. so she felt that if she had medication and plenty of numbing she would be fine. Well, it was a rough one, and I doubt she would ever brave it again. We were able to watch the entire surgery on a huge screen -- we actually only peeked once in awhile, because it was too difficult to watch, but we could hear her crying at times and that about did us in.

When the surgery was over Dr. Mills and Dr. Nunn said that the surgery went much better than they expected. Shea's bone was thicker and harder than they realized, and they are very hopeful that the procedure was very successful. Dr. Mills looked at Dr. Nunn and said, "You know, there were a lot of friends and family praying for Shea today."

As Shea was recovering, Dr. Mills came in and told her that a lady had just come in who had an accident this morning and had knocked out her teeth. He asked Shea if she would go to that lady's room to encourage her. When Dr. Mills left the room, Shea looked at me with tears in her eyes and I said, "No, you don't have to go talk to that lady -- sometimes it's okay to just take care of yourself." She seemed relieved. Awhile later Dr. Mills came back and once again urged Shea to come with him to this lady's room. Shea was so emotional from all the medicine that it was hard for her to keep from crying, but Dr. Mills seemed to know how far he could push her, and he did! We all followed as Shea went to the woman's room. We peeked in and saw that her face was all swollen and bloody -- a number of cuts too. She had been crying. Shea walked up to her and began talking softly. I couldn't hear everything that was said, but I saw the two embrace, I heard Shea say, "Jesus loves you and He'll take care of you." -- "You're going to be all right." Shea began to stroke the woman's long hair, and they both cried. At the end, Shea (with her bloody swollen lips) kissed her on the forehead and said, "God bless you," We could hardly compose ourselves, and Dr. Mills just smiled and nodded.

Thank you again for your notes, calls and especially your fervent prayers.

We love you --

The Hickoks


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness! I can hardly stand to think of your going through that surgery without general anesthesia, Shea! But how unbelievably sweet of you to go to that hurting woman and encourage her when you needed some encouragement yourself. I'm sure she's telling her family that an angel stopped by her room to tell her everything would be all right.

You have been the subject of our conversations and our prayers today, and we'll continue to pray as we wait to hear how you are recuperating. Sleep well!

Aunt Kathy, Uncle Charley and Evan

11:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I pray that in the end it will have been worth it to forgo the general A.

Just think of all the stimulus of the daily visits to the Doctor! Hopefully now at least that experience will not be as hard to handle for you.

I can't imagine how hard everything has been for you, Shea. We love you and try to commiserate for you. I wish it would actually help you. I know that there are so many of us out here that wish we could divide up all your pain and collectively bear that burden for you!

Heal quickly! We are praying that you will once again amaze your doctors with God's hand in your life and your healing.

I am proud of you for talking to that woman. I am sure that despite your momentary anxiety, your words and your presence had lasting impact on her.

Keep your chin up the best you can! Don't feel bad if sometimes it sags; just lift your eyes to the Lord for comfort.

3:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What wonderful news that the surgery was a success. I'm sure it was very difficult without general anesthesia, but hopefully the recovery will be quicker and without as many side effects. You're a trooper, Shea, that's for sure!

It was beautiful to hear how you reached out to someone who was hurting when you were in pain yourself. I'm sure God used you in a special way in the life of that woman.

We love you!
Aunt Karen & Uncle John

3:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Sweet Shea...
Rick and I have had you in our prayers constantly since we heard the news of your surgery. You are such a powerful instrument in the hands of our most high God! For you to so generously reach out to another patient through your own pain is such a hallmark of spiritual grace. Someone once said that Christianity is merely one beggar reaching out to another to let them know where food and comfort may be found. You are leaving a wake of miracles in your mission field! Rick and I are adding our prayers to those of so many others in a mighty praise for your courage and a request for Dr. Jesus to do His most wondrous work yet again in you! You are loved by us! Chloe and Rick

10:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy is the one who endures testing, because when he has proven to be genuine, he will receive the crown of life that God promised to those who love him. James 1:12
Someone just sent this to me and it seem appropriate for Shea too. We are praying for you Shea.
Keep Smiling - - - -
Anna and the Jones/Lazzara/Bell bunch

9:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, you are one brave girl. What a sweet thing you did for that woman. I know it was not easy for you. I love you and I'm praying for you.


10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So good to hear from you again...we praise God for your continuous amazing story that is touching so many lives. God bless you for turning your suffering into heartfelt ministry to others. A song from one of your dad's old CDs came to mind as I was reading these two latest posts..."Sonbreak". I remember the lyrics and I believe the woman you spoke to lived them when you were with her. God is so good.
Shea, we are still praying for you, keep trusting Jesus.
The Walsh family

8:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


You are wonderful. "This, too, shall pass..."



7:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you are such a sweetheart shea! i always wonder how you are doing! it's good to hear an update..i miss you and your inspiring attitude! i hope you get well soon! love ya!

Dani :)

11:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hadn't even been checking your site that often anymore and just decided to see if there were any updates. So sorry you had to go through that surgery without anesthesia! I hope your recovery will be more rapid since you didn't have it. I can't tell you how much you and your family have been an encouragement to me as I have kept up on your blog from the first month. God Bless you and give you his peace and strength each day.
Lois, from NM

5:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sweet Shea,

Amazing that you at 21 are so much wiser than many people more than twice your age. How you managed to bear the surgery without general anesthesia - what courage. Surely, you know yourself well. Your trust and love of Jesus is evident in the way you shared His compassion with the patient in need of surgery. Still, it would not have been 'wrong' to rest and say "No."

Your life is an example to others - many you don't know - but lives you have touched nonetheless.

Blessings always,
Sue Wild

11:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Heeeeeellllloooooooooooo out there. How are you doing? Karilee and I are getting ready for garage sale tomorrow to clean out her house for the baby. I need your mom here to help me shovel out MY garage! Hope you are doing well and not weary in well doing!
love beards

11:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Shea and family,
I live in Mesa, AZ and we have been praying for you since the begining. We would love to have an update on your health and life. I am a membet at Central Christian Church of the East Valley.
God Bless,
Joanne Butler

8:27 AM  

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