Lauren Shea Hickok

A daily update on the health of accident victim Lauren Shea Hickok. All comments will be read to Shea for encouragement during this ordeal and kept for her review once she has recovered. Shea's latest CD is now available on iTunes. Go to the iTunes Store and search for Shea Hickok to order.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Home Stretch!

We're excited to tell all of you that Shea is on the home stretch . . . at least we think! You never know, but we're excited to see a glimpse of the end.

Shea has a surgery tomorrow morning at 8:30. This time they will implant the posts into the bone that she has grown over the last number of months. They will also graft more bone and do skin grafts as well. Hopefully, if all goes well, this operation will last about three to four hours.

Last week we met with Dr. McKay, one of Shea's plastic surgeons, and instead of waiting six months after tomorrow's surgery, he is confident that in eight weeks they should be able to procede with the final surgery -- a rhinoplasty, fixing Shea's collapsed nose, reconstructing deteriorated bone in her jaw and repairing a number of scars. It's hard not to get too excited because we're always fearful of a setback, but we're praying that all will go well. In November, it will be three years since the accident, and although Shea has been unbelievably patient, she's ready to move on with her life.

This morning I heard an explanation of Proverbs 14:10, and it reminded me of Shea and all that she has suffered. "Each heart knows its own bitterness and no one else can share its joy." Sometimes she meets others who have endured similar sufferings -- car accidents, diseases, loss of teeth, anxiety, etc. As they share their experiences, no one has the same story -- each suffers differently, and even though we have walked this road with our girl from the very beginning, we will never really know the deepness of her suffering. It has changed Shea profoundly. She understands the preciousness of life, and desires to know her purpose. "No one else can share its joy." The uphill climb is extremely overwhelming at times, but this downward (yet bumpy!) ride is a joy that is truly hers.

A friend of ours who has been by her husband's side as he endures the final stages of cancer, shared a great quote with us -- we don't know who wrote it, but it was just what Shea needed the other day. "It is not what I would choose, but it is what I will use to bring honor and glory to Jesus." We are grateful that beauty grows from despair no matter how hard it is to see -- we have to look with squinty eyes sometimes, but it's there.

Thanks for enduring with us, for standing in the wings and cheering Shea on to the home stretch!

We love you --

The Hickoks


Blogger Melissa E. said...

That quote that the wife of the cancer patient shared with you is not only so true but it is has more strength because you know she understands fully what she is saying.

I think often of the New Testament exhortation to "endure hardship as discipline" (discipline like what athletes have; not discipline as punishment.) This is something I remind myself of and occasionally share with my children but I am aware of how easily it rolls off my tongue since my "hardships" can barely be called such.

Choosing to glorify God in the worst as well as the best of circumstances has to be a choice, doesn't it? Shea has done this beautifully. And, like the words this lady shared with you, Shea will be able to encourage others in a way no one else will. Not a privilege she would have chosen; but it is where she is now.

Praying that her surgery goes well today! And it is good news that in eight weeks she can be done with her nose, too! My guess is that that seem like small comfort tomorrow, though! I will be praying for her to have strength that comes from God.

Love you lots!

8:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We continue to pray! Blessings to you all!
The Jackson Family

10:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shea, sweetheart.....

You are loved and thought about far more than you could possibly know. I've wished often that we had been able to do anything since the accident other than offer you our words as comfort, but even traveling this time with you by prayers and good thoughts has brought a great sense of connection to you across the years and miles.
Heart to Heart, Shea, my very blond, hilarious little sister-type, and all our lives together feel like a very long time ago, but life has a way of reminding us how much we love those who we value greatly, regardless of the physical separation. Please know and feel that at whatever time you need it most....



12:58 AM  
Blogger A Full House said...

We think of you and your family often. We get so excited when there's an update (especially a positive one).
Until the next post...
Gob Bless and much love!
The Gibbs Family

10:10 AM  
Blogger Gina Marie said...

I am praying for you Shea. I hope to read another update soon. May God bless you and yours.

With many prayers,
Gina (Giordano) Weeks

10:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Sweet Shea,

It's been a week since your surgery now, and our hearts ache for you because of all you've had to endure. We continue to marvel at the grace and maturity you have shown in the face of the physical and emotional pain you have experienced, and we can only guess, as your mom said, what deep spiritual issues you have had to face.

I love the quote from your friend whose husband has cancer. How humbling it is to hear that kind of response to such deep pain. You may not have articulated that wonderful thought, Shea, but your life has been a testimony to its wisdom.

Today I asked my Bible study class to lift you up in prayer. We will continue to intercede for you with earnestness and love.

We love you!

Aunt Kathy

8:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Run, Shea, run! You can do it.......I really do feel as if I am watching you run the last few steps toward the goal. This post brought such joy to my day! Bless you.
Jacki Walsh

9:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dearest Shea - I'm a friend and Bible study class member with your Aunt Kathy, and she has introduced me to you and your story through this blog. Very few people, including me, can relate to the depth of suffering you've endured these past three years. It's evident from the comments people have posted that you have maintained a steadfast testimony of perseverance. You are a living epistle of the grace of God and what the word 'perseverance' means--a strong, heroic abiding under, not passive; a quality that does not surrender to circumstances or succumb under trial; to remain courageous and expectant in a God-honoring way. That’s you, Shea! As that quote said, you didn’t choose it (no one would choose 3+ years of multiple surgeries and excruciating pain), but you are using this trial to glorify the Savior and show His adequacy to the rest of us. Since you are justified and standing in His grace (Romans 5:1-5), you are teaching us to “stoop down and scoop up the grace of God in which believers stand” (a quote from Kay Arthur) in the trials of life. Keep clinging to Him, keep hanging on (even on those ‘hanging by a fingernail’ days), keep stooping and scooping up His matchless grace. Praying for you during this home stretch and cheering you on from Knoxville—

Love in Christ, Ruth Geiger

P.S. I’m a closet Anderson family reunion wannabe. :) :)

9:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What wonderful news! Thank you for sharing it with us. We continue to pray!


Leonard & Brenda Evans

1:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Shea,

Paul Westphal, a friend of your dad's, is having a new hip and a new knee put in tomorrow. I'm going to tell him and his wife about your blog so you can share your post-surgery experiences.

4:20 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a long road you all have traveled these past three years! We pray that all will continue to go well with the reconstruction processes. We eagerly await good news! May God continue to comfort, bless, and use you in encouraging others. Sharon & Gaylard

4:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Been thinking of you since the three year point passed.
Hope all is well.

That other mom.

5:45 PM  
Blogger M said...

Hey Hickoks,
I just went back and read some of the first entries of the blog. Such an amazing story. Thanks for sharing it with all of us. I can't help but feel God's power and grace when I read and remember and try to feel what was happening in those days. I love you guys. Hugs to all.

4:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay, so months after -
The Lord has put you all on my heart tonight. I want you to know that whatever is going on right now ... I'm praying for you.

8:03 PM  

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