Lauren Shea Hickok

A daily update on the health of accident victim Lauren Shea Hickok. All comments will be read to Shea for encouragement during this ordeal and kept for her review once she has recovered. Shea's latest CD is now available on iTunes. Go to the iTunes Store and search for Shea Hickok to order.

Saturday, November 26, 2005

Friday Update

This may be Black Friday in the shopping world, but it’s bright Friday in Macon. (And btw, Macon, Georgia, is a pretty great town. It’s a place with great civic, educational, and medical resources. When Shea wound up here, a lot of us wondered—nervously—what kind of treatment she would receive. Well, they wouldn’t move Shea anywhere else in the world. That’s a good story.)

Shea is on a new ventilator and doing exceedingly well. Every 4-6 hours they reduce the output of the vent just a tick and Shea is picking up the slack. They have Shea on a new kind of vent—one that makes it easier to wean a patient. The respiratory therapist said that of all the people who’ve been on this new model, Shea is doing the best. “The manufacturer’s rep would love her,” he said, “she’s doing exactly what the patient is supposed to do, working perfectly with the machine—and they don’t always do that!”

Nothing new, really, on the air pocket in her abdomen. One of the Docs said that sometimes when the lungs get good and squished, as Shea’s did, some air just escapes into the cavity between the two lungs. Then it just has to dissipate on its own. There could still be a hole somewhere in her lungs—but the Dr said that if that is the case he is almost certain that it will heal itself with time. They don’t feel they need to be doing anything now but watching it. And that, of course, is a good sign.

A closer look at the CT scan of Shea’s brain shows a small area of cerebral spinal fluid near the front of her head—roughly the top of her forehead. This is not blood, and not a great cause for concern at this time. This is something they typically see in any kind of trauma case like this. There could be some edema—or swelling—at that point and that produces a small fluid build-up. There is always fluid—it’s just that this is a small pooling of it that they’re watching. The trauma surgeons we talked to said that this was not a cause for alarm and was “almost an incidental finding.” Nevertheless, any brain injury is cause for alarm when it’s your loved one! The neurosurgeons who came a bit later to see Shea concurred: the brain is stable and looks very good, and in that larger positive context this is something to watch. They said another scan in five days will tell more.

We asked how soon they could do an MRI, and their answer (tellingly) was that they didn’t think they needed one right now. It wouldn’t change the course of treatment. It did not pose any big problem at the moment, and they weren’t pressing for that right now. Their response suggests clearly that this is not something to worry about. But it is something to pray about, and Susan and Steve said today that they’d really like people to pray for healing of Shea’s brain.

Shea may have to have a tracheostomy (a breathing tube inserted through her throat).
She will likely have to have a tracheostomy before she has surgery on her face and jaw—so they can be free of the tubes that are now going through her mouth. And, the Dr said that extended intubation (through the mouth) increases the risk of pneumonia, and that if you’re going to have to do it eventually, you might as well do it sooner rather than later.

Otherwise, Shea is showing the same strong signs of recovery that we recounted yesterday. One of the nurses was telling us that they’ve had to up her sedation meds because she’s a bit too active—moving about, almost trying to sit up—and they want her to rest. Heal. So even though we all like to see the moments when they bring down the sedation and see how she responds, they want to keep dear Shea quiet—so the blessed healing that has begun in her may continue.

We met with two great social workers today, who helped us strategize about how best to deal with the boys’ school—and also how to deal with this situation for the whole family. Susan, Steve, Jeanne, Joy and I all met with them, and that was a good start. We’ll need to do more of that as this becomes more of a long-term case to manage (but that’s a good thing, considering where we were just a few days ago!). Jesse was picked up this morning by friends from their church who have a boy Jesse’s age—and they took him for the day. Jeanne and Susan took a trip to Target—this is great. Doctor’s orders are to get out of the hospital regularly: take walks, get exercise, essentially get a life! J This of course is the best gift you can give the patient.

I must leave tomorrow morning, though I would love to stay right now. Once you get here and get on this girl’s team, you don’t want to leave and miss the emerging story. But things have settled down here, and all shall be well.

David Anderson


Blogger DrZockoll said...

BRAVO! The Lord is wonderful! Steve and Susan, I deeply pray for you and the peace of Phllpns 4:7 for the family. You need REST, so make sure you get a chance to find a quiet spot somewhere.

We seriously contemplated coming to visit, but a very kind person answering your home phone said that so many people were showing up, you were in danger of becoming exhausted.

On a light note: Here in Knoxville, something within the large Thanksgiving buffet for my family and relatives was JUST NOT RIGHT. Over 3/4 of us came down with food poisoning. I am just recovering (Saturday), but it's almost comical the way most of us are turning our noses up at ANY food.

Now, should you need a chance to escape for a few days, take a four-hour ride and come to Knoxville. Steve, I would LOVE to have you come and speak in our school chapel.

Much love from Brad and the rest of the queasy but recovering Zockoll clan.

8:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good morning Shea - I am so grateful the Lord has blessed you with a team of wonderful hands to hold you and coach you through this. My prayer specifically for you this morning is that the CSF would reabsorb and that any leak that may have caused the excessive fluid in your brain would heal itself. Surely your entire being is knit together by the hand of G-d and even now his weavers are at work transforming you. I pray that the trach would go well and that your vocal cords and lungs would stay intact. I pray that though your body is grounded, your spirit should soar with angels. That your skin would not break down. And that your heart and mind would be again built up.

David...thank you for the beautiful updates. Steve and Susan, Luke and Jesse -- though I haven't seen you recently, your art and music still fill my life -- your stength amazes me and I pray the Lord keeps you from growing too weary as you run this marathon. I love you all in Christ..

9:54 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good morning Shea! You are incredible we love you so much! praise the LORD you are doing better! We love you sooo much Shea! Can't wait to see you back at church! You can do it! Keep on!
Phillipians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
~Megan Hoag

10:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shea, I just had a very close friend over for lunch yesterday and she informed me that she is thinking about you every day, and reading the updates on this blog to make sure everything is ok. You have a host of people praying for you, including me, and several of my dear friends and even a few Rabbis (!) from the temple where Aaron plays every week. We all love you very much.


10:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Hickok family:
We are so encouraged to read about Shea’s miraculous progress! When I first opened my Bible this morning to read from Psalms, I opened to Ps. 139, and my eyes fell on v. 13. Surely this was no accident:

13 For you formed my inward parts;
you knitted me together in my mother's womb.
14 I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
Wonderful are your works;
my soul knows it very well.
15 My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth.
16 Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them,
the days that were formed for me,
when as yet there were none of them.

We continue to keep you all in our prayers. As I mentioned to friends at church, this tragedy has given me a discipline for prayer, allowing prayer to be a minute-by-minute part of my life like never before.

Stay strong, all of you!

12:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Hickok family,

Liz & John (Anderson) are wonderful friends, and when we got the news of this accident, we immediately put all of you on our church prayer teams letters, emails, etc.

Noroton Presbyterian church, my husband, David, and I, are holding you and yours up in our prayers and praises!

May you feel God lavishing His grace, love, peace, and COMPLETE healing upon you.

In God's love,
Rita and David Zuidema

3:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

HI Bret,
I went on your church's website last night and found all the information on Shea! My heart breaks for her and her family! We will be on our faces in prayer for the situation! I am glad you contacted our church for prayer! That is definitely a priority in our church! Please let their family know that us Californians are so in this! We had Christians praying LITERALLY all over the globe for Rick when he went through his cancer treatments and WOW did we see God's hand at work!! He is good and His ways are perfect! I believe He will do a HUGE work through this situation with Shea and everyone involved! From what I read I understand her dad is your worship leader, correct? It doesn't surprise me that Satan would love to rob and destroy a family in this way because of service and faithfuln! ess to the Lord...especially through a worship leader who obviously loves Jesus! But I TRULY believe that he will be defeated through this and there will be a GREAT thing happen that God WILL be faithful to reveal Himself in! As a mom of three driving teens (either on their own or with friends), this is so tough, because you bathe them in prayer when they go anywhere, and it must be so shocking to receive such horrible news that all of us parents dread! We will NOT stop praying!!!!!!!
Your church website was so beautiful and I really sensed a feeling of family on it, so I know this is effecting everyone! May it continue to draw you closer to one another and closer to our God! He is the El Roi...the God who sees the big picture and know the outcome! The Yahweh Rophe...the God who heals! El Elyon...God Most High! He will NEVER leave nor forsake us! He has a plan! ! The hardest part is for us to have to trust Him!
Take care, and please keep us posted! Lord bless you, Sandy

3:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey Bret, i'm Martha and saw your post on the dbts
digest about Shea Hickok.I didn't want you to feel
your request went unnoticed, so i hope you don't mind
me replying off list.My prayers are said, and even
though many on the list didn't say so onlist I am sure
many of their prayers are with them also. I am in
contact with a large number of other people who also
help with channeling healing energy.(Distant Healing
Network) We are all aware and intent on assisting Shea
and her family through many ways,prayer,reiki/etc.for
whatever their highest good. I believe everyone, in
our own ways, are all meant to be healers for
ourselves and others and for the earth.Being a healer
isn't about personal power. its about connection &
knowing all life is connected, interdependent & that
even our smallest acts can make a great impact on the asking for help on someone's behalf..

3:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Lauren, I hope you feel better. I'm praying for you. I'm glad you are doing better.

Love, Alli

4:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Hickoks,

We love you, and are praying for each of you. Chris and Marta and a lot of the Bob Jones crowd are praying for you too, as are the folks at Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa.

Yours in Christ,

The Yardleys

4:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah Shea! Another encouraging day. I praise God for His healing and pray that he will continue. I'll be praying for complete healing for your brain and that your weaning from the ventilator will continue to be even better than "textbook case." And no infections! I'm reading your updates over speaker phone to Sam and Courtney and the Butlers each day they're at the ranch.

Love you! Keep getting better!

Betty Anne

7:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi shea, it's me again! you are so strong..keep up the good work! keep doing your part and you'll be just fine! i can't stop checking these updates..i just want to know everything that happens! i love you girl !

10:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Hey girlfriend! Yay! you are getting so much better!!! God is AMAZING! I love you Shea star hang in tight okay? And I see you have a lot of new stuff going on over there and yet there is still nothing new over here in good old az. Except today at the dutch girl (which you know it would be your job too) the conveyar belt broke! yeah only that would happen to me because terri is out of town. lets see.. what else.. Big C attempted to put up the christmas lights last night. yup, stopped half way. haha you know how he is, probably out there all frustrated. anyway i wish you were here love! ill talk to you tomorrow with some more updates in the woodworth life! i love you girl, keep staying strong! Im praying my heart out for you! kati

11:31 PM  

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