Thursday Update

November 24, 2005
Thanksgiving Day Indeed
Another very good day in Macon.
First thing this morning Shea came off the “oscillating” ventilator and went onto a conventional ventilator. That enabled them to take her for a CT scan (more on that in a moment). They have taken her off the paralysis medication. When she was on the “oscillating” unit, they didn’t want her to fight the vent, so they gave her the paralysis meds. Now they want her to breathe with the unit.
The Dr. showed us the morning’s chest x-ray and said the lung image was “awesome.”
She is off all blood pressure meds. This happened faster than we imagined.
The left drain in her chest is out. The Dr said that all lines and tubes into the body are potential infections spots, so they remove any lines and tubes as soon as they can be jettisoned. She still has two drains on her right side.
The feeding tube that was put in on Tuesday has moved into place perfectly. They snaked it as far as they could and then let the body take over—the parastaltic motion of the stomach and intestines eventually pull the tube through the sphincter valve at the bottom of the stomach and into the small intestine—right where they want it. Now that it’s in place, they are upping the nutrition flow 10 cc’s an hour. She is handling the intake of food well. As I type this, Susan tells me that she moved her bowels tonight. This is really quite good. The body systems—which can sometimes take a long time to resume normalcy after trauma—are just coming nicely on line.
At the end of the day, her temp was up slightly. They have done numerous cultures at all the sites where infection is likely. Have started her on antibiotics. If the cultures come back negative, they’ll discontinue the antibiotics.
The big news of the day came around 5:00. The CT scan showed that the brain looked normal and showed no sign of damage from loss of oxygen. As we reported yesterday, this is a very good sign, but there may yet be small areas that do not show on the scan (and the MRI will be a better picture, when that is possible). Nevertheless, this is a great sign. We breathed a great sigh of joy and relief.
Other positive neurological signs: Shea partially opened her eyes on command—and following a command is the best sign of brain function. She also was able to “localize pain.” When they stuck her with a needle in trying to put in an IV she tried to push it away. This is a sign that, more than just a general response to pain, she is able to “localize pain”—able, that is, to sense that someone is sticking her in the right wrist and to withdraw from that specific pain. This, combined with the good brain scan gives us ample reason to hope. We need still to remember that Shea has sustained head trauma and that even in the best scenario there will be a road back to full recovery. She is not out of the woods.
The CT scan, however, also showed a problem. There is an air pocket in her abdomen.
This indicates that the air system has a leak, and it’s collecting in her abdomen. Since she has the two drains in her chest cavity, this is not a serious problem at the moment—the pressure is being bled off. They thought it might be a tear in the esophogas of the bronchial tubes, but (and this was after the conference call at 8:00 pm tonight) they scoped her trachea and upper lungs—the bronchial tubes—and found nothing. They couldn’t see the bottom of the lungs and there could be a hole there. But they think that perhaps there is a small hole, and the pressure of the ventilator (to say nothing of all Shea’s lung have endured) may be putting an unusually high pressure in the system, and that when she begins to breathe on her own it may just heal of itself. So—the plan now is just to watch this.
We had Thanksgiving Dinner at the Ronald McDonald House. It was a lovely spread, with turkey and a groaning board of side dishes. I sat next to Lauren Nicole and we talked weddingweddingwedding. Fun. CJ and Sarah joined us and it was great to meet them. Luke and Jesse were in good shape today. There is grace here. I will always remember this Thanksgiving as the most memorable in my life.
David Anderson
Shea and Luke Hickok are in my thoughts everyday..i hope for the best!
I had forgot to mention, i met Shea only once. I went with AGM to one of their shows in Clarksville, ga. I road with my friend Hannah Callier, Blair, Richard, and some other kids..We met up with Mike and his dad at QT. Thats when Hannah introduced me to Shea. I will never forget that night..i hope she remembers me..we kinda have a similar name..
once again, Godbless,
Man, I've go to tell you all... faith has always been my weak spot... I'm usually one who is more inclined to doubt. But in watching this play out, checking for updates MANY times a day, seeing what's happening with Shea, I am really learning something. And not just from Shea's recovery, and that by itself is indescribably amazing -- but in all this that you other people are saying. This is really something. I have never in my 35+ years of knowing Christ been reminded so many times a day to stop and pray. It's like the Holy Spirit walking along side me poking me in the head and saying, "pray, and pray some more".
So... I am doing just that. And just look at what God is doing because of His faithfulness... and in honoring the faithfulness of his own, I am witnessing the goodness of God in its most visible form... His people. Thank you all. And thank you Mr. David Anderson, your Thanksgiving post showed more of the Grace of God I have seen in many years.
Shea, I hope and pray that someday somehow you will really know what's going on around you right now.
Shea Stahrr,
I love you so much. Every time I hear good news about you it brings me to tears. Just know there is alot of love comming your way from Tuscon, Scottsdale, and California. All my friends in Tucson and Scottsdale are praying non stop for you, and All my family in California are also praying for you. Shea you are always in my thoughts and prayers. I can see God providing us with a miracle here. I am so proud of you and can't wait to give you a hug and sing some opera. Jerimiah 29:11. I love you so much.
-Kyle Wade
What incredible news! So thrilled to hear of Shea's progress. I wake up each morning, excited to read about Shea's recovery. We know it's going to be a long road, but look how far she's come already!
Andrea Nickell
Wonderful the matchless grace of Jesus! I'm praising God for all this encouraging news. Shea, our God is amazing and so is His work in your body. Keep getting better!
Betty Anne
I sat next to Aunt Liz in church last week and heard Shea's story. My prayers join the many and there is some joy as I watch this miracle unfolding. I Googled Shea and loved reading about the duct tape wallets! What a clever girl - in so many ways! Liz tells me that her 3 enjoyed being reminded of the fun they had with that project! Cousins ROCK!
- a Connecticut friend
Dear Shea,
We are praying for you every day and thanking God for the healing that He has already brought to you. You are such a dear, sweet person, and we want you to know that we think of you with fondness and tenderness. Steve and Susan, Luke and Jesse, you are in our prayers too. We're so glad to hear that you are doing well in the situation. We'll continue to pray that God's power and his people's love will sustain you all. We love you.
Vincent and Sandee Coppola
hey shea!
its jen and megan!! we are printing out little papers saying"i pray for shea" we are doing a little fundraiser for you. and we thought it would be helpful to give you some money to pay of some medical bills or whatever you need for your family. we pray for you that u will come back to us very soon. we are glad that we wake up in the moring and read your website and read your improvments. we can not wait to see you when you come back. hang in there girl. your one tough chick. we love you and miss you dearly.
jen and megan!
Dear Shea,
Just to let you know that many Christian brothers and sisters around the world are praying for you. I came across your website by sheer chance and you are in our thoughts. Every blessing from London (Gordon & Katie).
dear shea,
No one in your family or even in your town knows me. I am writing from Florida! Isn't it amazing how God works! So now I will share your story with everyone I know and even more people who have never met you will be praying for your recovery! Your friends and family will also be in my prayers as they stand by your side to help you make it through this. Also in my prayers are the family of your boyfriend. God bless you all for having to deal with this. May God speed your recovery so that you can be his testimonial to others.
Much love from Florida.
Good Morning Shea Shea!
We are so blessed to hear of your progress!
Do you remember in 2nd Grade at Heart to Heart, you and Katie Woodworth introduced me to a song called "My God is so BIG".
"My God is So BIG
so strong and so mighty
there is nothing my God can not do
for you!"
After reading the updates and the wonderful progress you are making, I keep thinking of that song. We serve a God who is BIG,strong and mighty.
Keep up the good work sweetie!
We are proud of you!
Steve, Susan, Luke and Jesse,
We are praying for you and are blessed by your strength that you have had through this. God has really shown Himself to us, and has taught us many things.
May God continue to bless you as you have blessed us.
Gripped by Grace,
Keith and Kathy
"You are the God above all others...You are the one who paints the sky...and I will never cease to praise You...You are the song in me..."
Shea, I always loved that song, and especially your rendition of it. You sang it so beautifully. The sparkle in your eyes and the smile on your face matched the heart of the song, and I look forward to hearing you sing it again. The thing is, I know you're singing it in your heart and spirit even now....that's the most beautiful blessing of all.
I am praising God moment by moment for every bit of work He is doing in you, Shea. Stay strong, girl!
Tina Riggs
(alto section, next to your mom and Karen, in the Scottsdale Bible Sunday night choir)
I can't wait for the day that you can be embarassed that it was posted on your blog that you had a bowel movement!
Love ya,
you don't know me but I am dan and liegh's niece. i pray for you and you family every day.
Thanksgiving this year will always be indelibly marked in my memory as having been a day of thanks like no other.
As I scan this site each and every day and praise Him for the miracles He is doing not just in Shea...but in the entire population of people who care so much about Shea and her progress...the way He is so magnificently reaching into our hearts and using this to impact each one of us individually...right where we are...right now; I am reminded powerfully that our God is faithful and true...that He is SO full of grace and mercy. His loving, healing hands still reach to each of us in ways we often don't even comprehend.
It blows my mind how God takes tragedy and turns it into a SPECTACULAR victory for His glorious kingdom.
I find myself reduced to tears often while reviewing the progress. Tears of relief. Tears of joy. Tears of thanks to God...for demonstrating His mighty and miraculous healing hand before our very eyes in the sparing of our precious friend, Shea...for wrapping an enormous blanket of love, comfort and peace all around Steve, Susan, Luke and Jesse...for reminding all of us to pray and for displaying to us all once again, the power of prayer.
Yeah...I will always remember this year's Thanksgiving like no other.
We love you Shea...We love you Steve, Susan, Luke and Jesse.
Don, Hartley & Preston
I miss you.We are all praying for you at work.You are such a beautiful person,and have a wonderful sprit. God loves you. You are a miracle.Hurry back to us.
Love Maeghan
Beautiful Shea Stahrr 4 Life!
I am so thankful, especially on this thanksgiving, and amazed at the awesome miracle that God is working in yours, and all of our lives. It is so encouraging that you are doing so well, it is truly an amazing answer to prayer. I am home in AZ for thanksgiving and everyone that I run into asks how you are doing and they all let me know that they are praying for you and everyone that they know is too! Along with that, everyone from school in Texas calls for updates and tells me how they are thinking of you, even though they have never met you. I can not wait to see your shining face again and hear you laugh and sing. Your loving voice echoes in my heart everytime I think about you. Stay strong Shea Stahrr, God is looking after you. I love you.
Amy Heart <3
Your're strong, fight
like you've never fought before.
Kati's dad.
i love you oh so much babe!your in my prayers every day! when i read this website and see how well your improving i relize how the power of prayer really is powerfull. and how God is doing miricales . your improving and i know your going to make it! stay strong!
Sometimes we have to pinch ourselves to be sure all this good news is really happening. We are all so grateful and thankful. Laura went to a football game here and one of her friends who was back from college asked about you. It's like wherever we go and whoever we talk to, people know your story and are praying for you. It truly is amazing.
This weekend I found a picture of you and me at Nate and Elise's wedding. I didn't realize I had it. I've got two copies. One is going up in our kitchen and one is going with me to the office. As always, you look fabulous.
Good night Shea. Our prayers are with you every day and every night.
Uncle John
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