Tuesday Night Conference Call
There will be a conference call this evening at 8 pm.
A daily update on the health of accident victim Lauren Shea Hickok. All comments will be read to Shea for encouragement during this ordeal and kept for her review once she has recovered. Shea's latest CD is now available on iTunes. Go to the iTunes Store and search for Shea Hickok to order.
To the Hickok Family,
I heard about your family's tragedy on Nov. 19 through an e-mai sent Pastor Steve Johnson in Arzona. My heart goes out to Shea, Luke and your family and I have been praying for her. I immdiately e-mailed the following prayer, but I don't know if you received it:
Dear Gracious and Loving Father, you love us more than we can ever imagine.
> Your power and might are greater than anything that could possibly come
> against us in this world. We honor and praise You for All that You are!
> Father we lift up in prayer to you right now Shea, the daughter of Steve and
> Susan Hickok, you know them Father. Please be there in that operating room
> with the surgeon and the assisting medical staff. As the Great Physician,
> Lord, please direct this surgeon's hands and save the life of precious Shea.
> Give her the strength to continue battling for her life as you perform
> another miracle. Lord we know that you love Shea more than anyone and we cry
> out to you that you let her live and let her life be a testimony of your
> great love for her and that she dedicate her life to honor and glorify you
> all the days of her life.
> Father, continue to watch over Luke as he heals and keep him close to you,
> being faithful in pray for his sister. Give comfort and strength to Steve
> and Susan as they prayfully wait on you to get Shea through this next
> surgery. Strengthen their faith and trust in you Lord, and give them wisdom
> and guidance to make any decisions that lie ahead. Let them hear your voice
> and give them the confirmations they need to act quickly when necessary. We
> trust in your love in faithfulness, in the name above all, Jesus Christ, our
> Lord and Savior. Amen.
I continue to pray for her and with this blog and the soon to be released CD, I will pass this along to others so they too can pray and purchase the CD.
Blessings on you all,
Denise Hulcher in Arizona
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