Lauren Shea Hickok

A daily update on the health of accident victim Lauren Shea Hickok. All comments will be read to Shea for encouragement during this ordeal and kept for her review once she has recovered. Shea's latest CD is now available on iTunes. Go to the iTunes Store and search for Shea Hickok to order.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

3 in 1 Day

Today was Shea's appointment with plastic surgeons Dr. McKay and Dr. Nunn. Dr. Nunn saw Shea first and his whole analysis of Shea's situation seemed pretty grim. He told her that they may not be able to make her look like she did before the accident. He could see that Shea's face is not symmetrical and her left eye is lower, but he reminded us that she still has a lot of swelling and sometimes it takes six months for it to go down. He did notice that her jaw is off -- her bottom jaw goes off to the right a little. Shea said that she's fine with it cosmetically, but if her jaw is off at all, it could cause trouble for her in the future. Dr. Nunn gave a few different scenarios as to how we could avoid invasive surgery as there are always risks. She could look worse, there could be nerve damage, etc. He told Shea that she would have to make the decision. She got a little teary-eyed and Dr. Nunn said, "I'm sorry, sweetie, but you want me to tell you the truth, don't you?" He hadn't seen the CT scan yet as they were having trouble pulling it up on the computer.

A little later Dr. McKay walked in. He and Dr. Nunn left to view the CT scan. They took us in and showed us the difference in her left eye orbit and her right. Big difference. It was very obvious to them both that Shea would need the surgery. The hard thing for Shea to hear is that the only way for them to adequately get to that area is for them to make an incision at the top of her head down to her ear -- like a headband. Any girl hates to hear that they're going to mess up your hair! The good news is . . . they don't have to shave her head as they did years ago. She will have a long scar, but over time it will be unnoticeable. In order to repair the cheek bone they will probably take bone from Shea's skull, and at the same surgery they will graft bone from her hip to make the bone above her front teeth.

This Monday Dr. Nunn will sedate Shea and remove all the metal from her mouth. She has metal bands around each tooth and also a plastic plate that will be removed. When Shea asked when she could get temporary teeth, Dr. Nunn said, "Let me see what I can do." He came back and told us about Dr. Edward Mills, an excellent dental surgeon who has many well-known stars who come to him -- he named a number of them to us. The only problem is, he's very busy and it could be a long wait before he could see Shea. Dr. Nunn gave us his number and said he would call him right away and we should call him today as well. On our way home, Dr. Nunn's office called us and told us to call Dr. Mills' office right away -- we were instructed to ask to talk to Dr. Mills personally. After a few tries we got him on the phone, and he was very pleasant. He told us that Dr. Nunn said to take very good care of these people. "Can you come in right now?" We were almost home. "Sure we can." We turned around and went to his office in Roswell. As we were filling out the paperwork, Dr. Mills came from behind the desk and looked at Shea. "Are you Shea?" Shea nodded and smiled slightly. He stared at her for quite awhile. After hearing about all her injuries from Dr. Nunn he was expecting to see a girl with an extremely mangled appearance. "You're a miracle, you know that?"

After viewing Shea's x-rays and seeing all the plates and screws in her face, Dr. Mills just shook his head. He called in his colleagues and said, "Look at these x-rays and then look at her. It's incredible!" They all looked at the x-rays and then at Shea. "Shea, this kind of thing just doesn't happen. You have no soft tissue scarring." We smiled and agreed. Dr. Mills asked if we had any documentation of all the doctors Shea had seen in the last three months. We told him about the blog, and he pulled it up on his computer. He sat and read away - like he was reading a good novel! We were in his office for 2 1/2 hours! He asked Shea more and more questions, and Shea told him that she appreciated the fact that he saw her so quickly, but that we didn't ask for any special treatment -- she was just surprised that he would take so much time with her. He smiled and said, "I like you -- let me give you a hug! He did and kissed Shea on the cheek! He is a very busy doctor and does a lot of teaching overseas. He's leaving in March for Japan and the Dominican Republic, so he's going to do his best to work Shea in and get her case moving along quickly.

The reason we're amazed is that we never once asked if they could give us special treatment and hurry the process. We just showed up for our appointment and got the very best of care. Thank you for your prayers as we see that God is in all the details and desires the very best for Shea.

So from the time we left the house this morning until we got home tonight, it was nine hours! Three doctors in one day! It has been a long day but a lot was accomplished.

God bless all of you, and we can't thank you enough for your prayers.

Steve and Susan


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Hickok family.It's me Joni Williams checking in. Shea, I bet you will sleep in definitely deserve it. I enjoyed reading this segment today. All that keeps going through my mind is that while you were seeing the doctors today.......especially the last one.....did they feel the presence of God in the room with all of you.. I don't know how they could have not. God comtinues working on one of his masterpieces which is you ,Shea.I am so happy to be able to read about the journey as He works away. As always I love "feeling" the love in your family as I read. Good night to each and everyone of you,the Hickok family, and sleep well. The miracle continues.............

12:48 AM  
Blogger W. H. Conner said...


It sounds like you had kind of a down then up day, and it's so cool that it ended on the good note that it did. We're so grateful for the pieces falling into place to accomplish your ultimate healing, and hope you feel great encouragement. Through all of your tears, lows, highs, and even laughter you continue to amaze and inspire all of us to look to God's great grace to create bridges to healing in our own lives, and we love you for that, too.

Good Night, sweets...


2:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a great day! This is just one big long process isn't it?! In the scheme of things it is such a short time from the accident, although I'm sure it may feel like years. You are moving along so well and yes, your story is such a miracle. I am continually amazed at how God is using you in so many lives. I am so excited about this dentist God brought to you. I will continue to pray that each of your doctors has wisdom to give you the best possible care. May God use their hands to perform more miracles. God will continue to amaze even the doctors. I know He will! I just know it! Our God is so big and mighty- there is not one thing he cannot do. Continue to have faith and hope. Our great Healer will continue to knit you back together. I hope you have the best weekend!!
Love and prayers for all the Hickoks!! -- Marian Madden

9:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Shea,

That song keeps coming back to me, Our Redeemer is Faithful and True,
Everything He has said- He will do!!! You are so much the example in that song!! Just like your Dr. said, "This isn't supposed to happen!" Shea, may you feel God strengthen you; as you are surely uneasy about what lies ahead. Even with the bad news; again, God showed His mighty hand, that is watching over you. How, you are His miracle girl; touching more and more people each day!!!!! I am praying for you all as you take the next steps. Praying for the decisions that need to be made, and for each and every doctor. There is a sweet aroma of the Holy Sprit, flowing through Atlanta, coming from your family!!! God is blessing your humbleness, patience; not expecting any special treatment. What a sweet testimony of how God leads the way, when you just follow.
May God's faithfulness carry you every step,

Denise N

3:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As I sit here reading this, I am shaking and crying, just in awe of what all you've had to go through..I just can't imagine..It seems like it's all a big nightmare..i remember the day I found out, it was Mrs. Collins Hill night, and I had to hold it together so that i could do 10 girls hair and makeup...I know God was there with me, because i don't know how else I would have gotten through it... You have come so far, and I know it probably feels like a setback to have to go back in and do more surgery, but it will all be better soon, I just know it! I just can't wait till the day you share your testimony with will be amazing hearing it from you! I love you girl! I miss you Soooooooooooooo
oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much!

P.S. I'm going to be taking clients full time soon, so you're going to have to get better, so you can come take my spot and be the lead assistant! :)

Love, Dani

5:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Shea, wow, 3 doctors in one day, sounds like my life!! lol. im actually seeing my doctor in like an hour, yeah, she makes house calls which is so nice!!!
Well, there is so much going on, its hard to even comment. I wonder if that dentist is a christian, he seems so filled with compassion and like he knows what you are going through. Im glad to hear you have the support of someone like him.
But at the same time, its hard to hear how much youre still going through. Its amazing what God has done, but im sure it is hard to remember that when you hear about needing surgery or feel like you aren't yourself. You know one thing i have learned about beauty, though? It really does come from the inside, not just having a beautiful heart, but there are those people who although do not look physically beautiful, they have a confidence and estem that sets them apart, makes them stunning. They are those people-magnets. I heard about a girl like that who was a high school homecoming queen and in a wheel chair. She didn't allow those physical boundaries to interfere with who she was. I think mastering that kind of esteem is something very few people do, but Shea, you have it. Plus, you already are beautiful, this is just a bump in the road ( ok, more like a speed hump). Me and a very close friend are learning about this right no in a book called captivating, its by staci and john eldridge. If you have the time, i promise, this book would change your life, its amazing!

I read about your Valentines. I have been cautious to talk about Mike because i din't know where you where at. Just know that I am praying. I can't imagine a loss like that, and saying that "god knows" and "there was a purpose in this" seems a little hollow in spite of the ache you must have. i know when i am in pain, i always fall apart in the most inconveinient places, the grocery store, my work, or whatever. I know it can't be easy, with everybody around wanting to know how you're doing, and you just wanting to be left alone. I don't know if thats where some of your anxiety comes from, but i know when i was going through a slightly similar situation, i needed to go on an anti-deppressant, just to deal with it for a while. just a thought, i used zoloft and sometimes have to go back on it. Anxiety is a scary thing and it always helped me to talk to somebody who knows whats its like to go through a panic attack, the rapid heart beat, shortness of breath, just like your body is calm but on the inside you are freaking out. mabe this isn't even an issue for you, but i figured i let you in on my secret, especially since your whole life has been posted across the internet for the past few months! ( it seemed only fair )

And happy belated birthday!!! Hope you felt special, i think thats the most important part of a birthday, even if you do nothing out of the ordinary, if you feel special, the day did its job! lol.

its freezong out here, in the 60's!!!! i was at work yesterday and that girl came back, the one i told you about. Gorgeous, red hair, works at a salon, her name is Shea. She came in, had a bowl of soup and just talked to everyone around her, she was so peaceful and sweet, and i almost cried. i was thining about you, praying your day was a sunny and bright one. One day mabe ill tell her about you and how cool it is to see her and have daily reminder to pray for you. ( do you think that would freak her out, or what??)

I love you. i miss you. have an amazing day

7:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Stephen was on a trip the other day and one of the flight attendants he was working with knew your story. She was praying for you too. I don't know if it's a small world, or just that so many people love and care about you very much. Probably the latter. We continue to pray for you. Love, Stephen and Shannon Moore

9:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

... a lot to hear ... a lot to take in ... and in it all, the miracles continue to flow from heaven to earth. As you lay your sweet head on the pillow tonight let these words draw you into slumber: "Be still, and know that I am God". Love from a friend in Darien, :)

9:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Hickok's, thank you for sharing with us your incredible day. "Before they call I will answer; while they are still speaking I will hear." (Isa. 65:24) What a God, in whom we trust. Praying that all will go well, as you move ahead. With Love, Sharon & Gaylard

11:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Shea
just remember you are always gonna be beautiful in my eyes we all love you so much and cant wait to see you God is using u for a special reason and everthing is gonna go great i love u sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much and im praying for u everytime i get the chance!!! Also ive let some of my freinds listen 2 ur cd they say u have the best voice theve heard!!! God is with u all the way through!!!!Also Ur faith amazes me and u are defenaitly my role model i love you so much!!
luv ya,Payton Polhill

12:10 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

God sure has a great way to show you that YOU ARE SPECIAL to Him! That's what is on my mind right now after reading this last update. Wow. I have not met you (well, unless you count when you were real little and even then it was probably just a "hi"). But I know you are a beautiful person who let's God's image shine through you. How else can you explain why Doctors are so drawn to you? I believe they are drawn to God's beauty through you, His image bearer. Thank you for such a good testimony by letting people see Christ in you.

11:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good for you - the journaling! Laugh through it, cry through it, get mad or cheer - just keep writing. Your loss of your life as you once knew it
you really do have to grieve and there is absolutely no right way to walk through the grief. This, too, shall pass. Jesus WILL calm the storm.
In the meantime, roll with it. God understands and He won't let you fall.

12:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey beautiful!♥
well i just got home from the ski trip! wow it was soo amazing. that was the best trip EVER! it was just great. we were heading to west virgina and i got a little sick so i sat up front with the russian.(natasha) and she was telling me, "OH MY GOSH HAVE YOU READ SHEA`S BLOG?" and im like no because i guess you guys haden't had a chance before i left to write this blog. and natasha told me about what it said and i was soo happy that you guys got to see that doctor. it was quite funny because i kinda was car sick and wanted to throw up until natasha was telling me about the great news and at the same time we were all hearing your songs on your cd.. and like i felt non-sick. (is that a word?) but it was so weird. like hearing about you and the miracles god is doing to you is just amazing. like i kept thinking about you the entire trip shea! i was just like hm i wounder what sheas doing right now. but i guess you had a very busy dayy! =] i havent gotten a chance to ehar all your songs on your cd but i heard most of them and oh my gosh i loveee your voice. its like i dont have a word to describe it because it tooo amazing! but anyways we had a very safe trip to west virgina. it was a long trip but a safe trip! hopefully you were praying for us becuase no one got hurt!! yay. so thank you very much if you did. its okay if you didnt becuase you are such a busy lady!=] the most funnest thing about this trip was skiiing. i didnt want to snowboard becuase i thought i was going to break something and so i was smart and went skiiing.. and so i was with megan,morgan, and mr. hoag. and i fell and i got up and i didnt relize that my skis were pointing the direction going down the hill.. and mr. hoag is like jen you can do it!! and im like going so fast down the hill and i couldnt stop and i juss go straight into mr. hoag. oh my gosh i was laughing so hard but the same time i felt soo bad!! gladly i didnt hurt him! =] haha. well im going to end this kinda short.. shea we were singing worship songs today before we got checked out of the "motel" and we were singing.. umm i forgot. haha but it was one of the songs you use to sing at church. wow that song just made me miss your beautiful voice. i seriously can not wait until i hear that voice!! but shea i love you so much. you have gone through so much! you are an incredable(sp) chick i had ever met. god is doing such great things to you. he is answering our prayers little at a time each and everyday. well im totally sore from head to toe. and im going to leave you for now becuase your going have to read this long comment! but i love you shea so much. im sending flowers to you soon to show my love for you! =] i love you shea. your always on my mind and will always be in my prayers.
praying for you and your amazing family!

5:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Susan and Steve, thankyou for sharing your daughter and all her ups and downs, the good times and the bad and the "wonder of it all".
I continue to check the blog to see where the Lord has brought her from. I am so sorry for Mike's family, but so thankful this isn't the end. Lord Bless you all. Debbie Miller

7:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shea and family,
Your journey these past few months has made being on my church worship team a completely different experience. As I led the song "You Are Holy" this morning, I was reminded of when I led that same song right after the accident. As I sang the chorus then, consisting of many of God's names, I was moved to tears thinking of this broken body surrounded by a family praying and trusting our Alpha and Omega. This morning as I sang it once again, I grinned with joy this time recognizing that Our Father truly is Lord of Lords, King of Kings, and God of everything. He's our saving grace and He is the beginning and the end. He holds your family in the palm of His great hand, and I was once again touched and blessed by the faith of your family today. Thank you for sharing your miracle with us, and for causing me to know my Father that much more.

Love and blessings to all of you,
Robyn Snodgrass

8:42 PM  
Blogger HoagFamily said...

Hi Shea. It is great to be able to read up on your progress. I think it's great how each new doctor an instantly see what a miracle you are. I know it's easy for me to say, but remember that beauty is all about what is on the inside, and can't be seen with a camera (or x-ray).

Your beauty is how you reflect the love and grace of our Savior, and I'm thankful that we can bask in the warmth of that reflection.

I just got back from the Jr High ski trip, and I thougt I should tell you how much the girls missed you. Several mentioned how much they wished you were there.

The best part was coming home. Ryan was playing his iPod, and the kids started asking him to play something they could "sing along with". Imagine that, Ryan having music the Jr High kids didnt know... LOL.

Anyway, I eventually played your CD. As soon as the first song started (I started with 'You Are') they all hollared "hey, turn it up, I love this song!!". Then they started making requests, "hey, play 'song in me'," etc.

They knew them all, and they sang along with big smiles. It was the best part of the drive for me. I hope it warms your heart to know how much your record had done to brighten the world for kids of all ages.

It won't be long and you'll be hearing it from other cars at stop lights, or when they pull up next to you in the church parking lot.

We continue to pray for you. Thanks for continuing to share with us through the blog. We all love you so much, and we appreciate the beauty you add to our day!


10:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We continue to praise the Lord for your progress. We have been out of touch with the blog for several weeks and enjoyed catching up with what is going on. I didn't realize that your birthday is so close to mine and Tim's. Mine is the 8th and our son Tim's is the 9th - he turned 18! Your whole ordeal is a good reminder to make each moment count and love each other while we can. Thank you for your honesty and sweet spirit that shines through all you have been through (and your family). We are still praying. Love, Nancy Mumme (old friends of your folks!)

12:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Shea,
How are you doing today? I am back from JH ski trip. It was awesome. Kids had a lot of fun and they were not tired. It snowed all day while we were there and that means that it did not hurt that much when we were falling. One the way there and back we listen your CD. girls were asking a lot of questions about you coming back. They miss you a lot and I know that they are praying for you too.
I am hurting everywhere today, and that means that I need to get in shape. My old russian bones get tired too fast. I hope that you had good weekend too.
Love you and continue praying for you. Natasha

2:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Never fear for the Lord knows what tomorrow holds and the plans He has for you. I so admire your amazing faith and strength! You are an inspiration to me.

We continue to pray fervently for all that lies ahead - He will sustain you!

We love you pray for peace & wisdom.

Take care and God Bless you and your family.

3:27 PM  
Blogger Bardlady said...

Sweet Girl,

Your amazing journey is constant proof of God's love for His children. I find my spirits lift each time I read about your very touching day by day trials, hopes, concerns, and joy. That the Lord goes before you making a path is evident in the way the physicians have responded to your needs. May the rocks disappear and the bumpy paths become smoother each day. I pray God will continue to give you reason to praise Him. May Jesus hold your hand as you reach for His healing touch. Continue to blossom young flower, as we continue to pray. Know that you bring far more to others than you have ever received.

Sweet dreams, Sweet girl.

Susan Wild

2:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey beautiful. Well just got off work. Tha was good cause im getting really sick. Hope your day is going well; Im sure brightened many people's with just being you!
I have a friend who is in labor right now, its her first baby and its taking forever! lol. So, im just sitting here, watching the olympics. I think the only reason that is such a big deal here is cuz its snow. Nobody else cares, but the Arizonans who are like "whats the white stuff?? you skate on it?" its pretty funny.
Im gonna go now but i was thinkin about you today.

9:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Sheastar,
I have not talked to you in a couple of days and wanted to see how you are doing? I loved the Bill Jones Music sign. HA Maybe that is what I need to do. I called and texted you. Just thinking about you. We pray for all of you everyday. Is there anything I can do to help you? Miss you. How is the fam? text me
Yours in Christ
Love You

1:14 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Shea! I was just sitting here thinking about you before I have to get ready for school. I hope you have an amazing day today. You are always in my prayers. And I miss you and love you, girl!

Megan Kucala

7:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello, my name is Sam Khair I am a close freind of Bill and Anna Jones and like Bill an Allstate agent in Suwanee, Ga. I have followed Sheas story all along and read the blogger daily...I just wanted to say to Shea that I have been praying for her and her family daily and am very happy to hear of her progress...Shea you are a miracle child. I hope you contiued progress and hope to meet you one day...take

12:54 PM  

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