Lauren Shea Hickok

A daily update on the health of accident victim Lauren Shea Hickok. All comments will be read to Shea for encouragement during this ordeal and kept for her review once she has recovered. Shea's latest CD is now available on iTunes. Go to the iTunes Store and search for Shea Hickok to order.

Sunday, December 25, 2005

All I Want for Christmas

Good Morning and Merry Christmas to all our family -- wouldn't you say we're all pretty much family by now?

Shea's time at home was beautiful for us all. She was very tired as we had spent four hours yesterday morning trying to comb out the rats in her hair. She has been lying on the back of her head for over a month, and we figured that the nurses, Steve and I have spent 15-20 hours trying to save her hair. After much pain and tears Shea finally asked me to go ahead and begin cutting. I hated to do it as her hair grows very slowly, but we had no choice. Hair was falling as were my tears, but I carefully cut away. As I got to her scalp I discovered a large bald spot with a 1-inch round sore. Puzzled, I asked the nurse about it. It's called a decubitus, a pressure sore or ulcer, just like a bed sore. Her hair, all matted together in the back, put all the pressure on her head causing hair loss and the sore. Poor girl, neither of us realized it was there, and I had yanked on her head in that area over and over. Shea couldn't understand why she couldn't take the pain anymore. As the last snarl was cut away, I couldn't help but think how symbolic it was -- sometimes we must cut away that which we love, but hinders, to bring true healing.

Monty, a respiratory therapist came to work with Shea. They talked together and Shea shared with him that she just doesn't feel like she belongs here in the brain injury unit. She was a little discouraged about her face and teeth, and he began to speak truth into her life. "Shea, maybe your purpose in being here is to be a blessing to all the patients who aren't clear in their minds like you are." He spent a lot of time encouraging Shea. She thanked him, and he said, "Shea, I'm just being obedient to God right now -- you need encouragement today, and I know you'll bless others during your stay here." Thank you, Monty -- you were an "angel."

John and Liz, Elliot, Laura and Charles finally arrived from Connecticut last night after a long Christmas Eve flight delay. We greeted them at the door, and then could see in their eyes, "Good to see you, but where's Shea?" There's no comparison, I know, but it reminded us of the anticipation the shepherds must have felt as they came to see baby Jesus for the first time. Shea was seated on the couch, and the family gathered around. They gently hugged her, and Aunt Liz knelt on the floor beside her. Through tears she told Shea that she just had to come witness for herself the miracle God had done in our family. Shea slept much of the time she was home, but we still partied softly around her.

On our trip back to the hospital, Steve said to her, "Honey, I'm so sorry this had to happen to you." She responded, "Don't be sorry, Dad. I'm so glad this didn't happen to Luke. This is God's plan for my life." "Did you have a great Christmas Eve?" I asked her. She answered with a smile, "Yes, but 'all I want for Christmas is my two front teeth'"!!!

Shea is sleeping now, and when she awakens we will head home to spend a few hours again enjoying a quiet Christmas with our family. We think of the Jones family as they are spending their first Christmas without Mike. In the midst of our joy, there is always this sadness that hovers in our hearts. I know there are cliche things that we can say -- He's not suffering -- He's in a better place -- but we wish he were here with us, because we loved him. We found a piece of paper by Luke's bed where he had written, possibly beginning lyrics to a song, "God must have really missed you." We do too, and we are remembering Mike's whole family today.

Luke 2:11
"For unto you is born this day . . . a Savior, which is Christ the Lord."

May you cherish your families today, as we are.

Merry Christmas,

The Hickoks


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas! I love all of you. I'm still praying.


11:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas Hickoks!

11:53 AM  
Blogger Shelley said...

Good Morning and Merry Christmas! Even with the hustle and bustle that comes along with Christmas, I have been thinking about you and your family and praying that you could all be together! What a wonderful suprise to read the blog and realize you got to spend Christmas Eve and Christmas Day in your own home!
You truly are an inspiration!! I feel like I know you and I have never even met you. Hopefully one day I can! (I'll have to visit you with Rhonda and Payton one day soon!)
Merry Christmas to the Hickok Family!
Shelley Germann

11:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas Shea! I hope today will be another good day for you. I wish you and your family joy, peace and happiness. You are a miracle!!!! I've learned so much about God and prayer this past month as my family and I have read the blog each day and prayed for you. I'm praying today that you will have a wonderful Christmas day and that God will continue to make you stronger every day. Thanks for teaching me so much and for being someone I look up to.
I miss you and love you a lot.
Kaitlin Bishop

12:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dearest Shea,
I was sad to hear you had to cut your beautiful hair. Look at it like the other healing that is going on in your body as a new beginning and how healty and lovely it will be as it grows. What a pratical lesson in patience.

Barry praised God for the miracle of your life during our Christmas breakfast this morning. We are so thankful to get to know your family more since our move to Georgia.

Merry Christmas to all the Hickoks, Andersons. May peace be upon the Hickok home today!

Teresa Holman

12:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas. I have to ask one thing, and this may sound harsh, but is anyone praying for the guy who caused this accident?

Having killed Mike, and seriously injuring Shea, this boy has to live with that for the rest of his life.

I would understand the anger that goes with the damage he caused, but I haven't heard anything about him in these reports.

I give thanks for your healing Shea, and I pray for you daily.

1:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas, Hickoks! How nice that Shea was able to spend some time at home with you. This has been quite a journey to get from Macon to Atlanta for you all. I know the new year will bring more blessings for your famiy and healing for Shea. Thanks for taking the time (even on Christmas) to keep up the blog. I don't know what kind of weather your having in Atlanta today, but in Phoenix it's supposed to be 81! It was a little strange to see people in shorts and sandals at the Christmas Eve service last night :)
God Bless you,
Donna Maciag
P.S. I have five of my six home this year for Christmas. Zach is spending his second Christmas in Iraq. He will be back in April.

1:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas to all of you. I am so happy Shea has been able to spend some time in her own home as home has been somewhere else for the last month. God has truly answered so many prayers and we will continue to ask him for his support as Shea continues with her recovery. I look forward to visiting with all of you once the time is right. Enjoy your time together.

Love to all of you,
Peggy Pfohl

2:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas Shea!

4:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Shea!
Merry Christmas! Today I am at a hospital here in AZ, working with the pediatric patients, and I just can't stop rejoicing in the fact that you are not in the PICU anymore. Leaving there is a HUGE step in the right direction. I'm sure you miss all of the wonderful nurses and doctors we have heard so much about, but I bet you're about to meet so many more great people. You're on the road to mending, Shea, and you have made such amazing progress already. Christian was telling me a funny story about you and your dad the other day. He said he went to Chili's with you guys and he wore your leopard print skirt into the restaurant. Seeming a little embarrassed, I guess your dad kept reassuring everyone that Christian was only wearing the skirt as a joke. Once you got your food, Christian began praying. When the prayer was done, you, your dad and Sean opened your eyes and started cracking up. I guess your dad had put a chip on the bill of Christian's hat during the prayer. Every time Christian tells this story, we crack up. We love you, Jesse, Luke, your mom and dad so much. Know that we are missing you all on Christmas and praying for you countless times. Much love-Jenni Tessmer

4:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shea, I am so glad your angel came and gave you words that lifted your spirit. Those were such wise words and so true. God has a plan for you right where you are.
I know this must be so hard to see and trust right now, but I am praying for you to keep on- keeping on!!
You are encouraging so many!!!!

May you stay strong.

Merry Christmas,


6:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Shea and Hickok family,

Merry Christmas! What a blessing to be able to spend time together on Christmas! You all have such a place in my family and I were talking about your family and thinking of you this morning...whoever reads the blog first updates the rest of our family...we are all rejoicing with you today not only because Jesus came to earth, but also because He has done such a miracle in Shea and in your family! May this be one of your best Christmases yet!

With love,

Becca (and love from the rest of the Nolands too!)

6:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas, Hickoks.

Thanks for sharing some glimpses from your family celebration. We rejoice with you in the unexpected blessing of Shea's time at home. What an unforgettable Christmas this will be--God's healing hand fresh upon you.

Earlier today I was reflecting on God's faithfulness and the wide range of emotions it evokes in me. Sometimes it is a happy heart boasting of how He "came through." Or sometimes it is a saddened heart trusting Him even when I do not understand the pain. And sometimes it is a heart warmed by His presence and the assurance that He is in control.

These thoughts came back afresh as I read about the joy of coming home and the loss of golden locks; the gift of a life preserved and the grief of a life (on this earth) ended; the feeling of not fitting in and the sense of being sent.

"All I have needed Thy hand hath provided. Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord, unto me."

Lisa (for the Smith family)

Hugs and kisses from Jessie and Jana for Shea.

7:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas Shea!!

I'm sorry you had to cut your hair, but we can give you a stylish new cut when you're feeling up to it..I miss you lots and i am so very glad you got to go home for christmas and see all of your family. Family is most important in times of need and around the holidays! I love you girl!

Love, Dani

7:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Praise the Lord for all He has done for the Hickok family the past few weeks. I'm so happy that Shea was able to go home for a brief visit for both Christmas Eve and Christmas day. I'm sure it was exhausting for all of you, especially Shea, but the boost it will give her will prove to be immearsureable. You are my family now, and I love you!
In Christ,

8:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas Shea Shea,
Were praying your feeling God's Loving arms around you.
We love you hun,

9:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You all have been in my prayers since the day we met you (12-18-05)at The Ronald McDonald House. I hope your Christmas was filled with wonderful & many blessings. May you continue to have blessings and strength as Shea continues to get better.
Thoughts& Prayers
Tina & Devin Hammond

10:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas Shea and family!
I'm glad to see you like my poem. I like to write them when I feel the need. I'm sure it felt so good to be home for Christmas. I am in Texas right now with my mom and family. Sure does feel good to be with my mom again. Being without my father is sure tough this time of year. It will be three years in Feb. since I lost him. All I know is he is in a wonderful place just like Mike. They never leave our hearts,only our sight! Take care. Your always in my thoughts.

Love- Jaime

11:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Hickok Family
It's Christmas evening. We just got back to GiGi's house from a fun packed day at mom and dads house. All the kids had such a great Christmas. We stayed at Josh and Caries last night and this morning Kylie made a gingerbread house with Aunt Carie. We'll send you guys some Christmas pictures this week. We're so happy that Shea got to spend part of Christmas at home, and it was so wonderful to hear Shea's sweet voice on Christmas Eve. We love you guys and Merry Christmas to all of you. Tell Aunt Joy and Uncle Dave hi.
Love Drew, Julia, Kylie and Makayla

11:54 PM  
Blogger W. H. Conner said...

Dear Anonymous,

I acknowledge that it's perhaps not my place to address this, but since we all read the same blog, I would assume that we all also assent to the fact that our comments here are read, potentially, by everyone who was involved in this tragic accident. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt in believing that you mean well, but it would be adviseable for all of us surrounding these people to treat how and what's said with "kid gloves", as it were.
I can say, with no doubt whatsoever, that the young driver is prayed for earnestly and daily by far more people than we will ever know. Who is to know the mind of God in allowing these tragic events? This individual's hard road is better joined by those who will help carry him than by any who might be tempted to assign blame out of a need to find meaning in all of this. I believe these families are better served by our maintaining loving, careful sensitivity in our comments to them...

In Love,


12:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Shea, Steve, Susan, Luke & Jesse, each of you continues to be in our thoughts and prayers. Thank you for sharing with all of us your happenings and your hearts on this incredible journey. We learn from you! May God give you sweet rest tonight, Shea, strength one day at a time, and vast blessings always. With love, Gaylard & Sharon

1:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love and prayers for all of you. What a year lies ahead ...

Sleep with heavenly peace, Shea.

Portland, OR

2:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, Merry Christmas!!! I'm writing this in the very last few minutes of Christmas but it just didn't seem right to not share a piece of my Christmas with you, Shea. Wow. I just read that text you got from Mike. Its funny how those small little envelopes indicating you have a message can do strange things to your heart. I will be praying for you. Fom what I have heard, he was a very special guy (he must have been if he was dating you).
But I can't tell you how glad I was to hear you got to spend some time at home these past two days. I can't imagine not having that homey atmosphere on Christmas day. However, that will keep reminding me to pray for all the patients that live at Shephard who didn't have that opportunity.
And Shea, just know that I will be praying specifically that God will have your hair grow back quickly. I know how beautiful it was and I know that that can't be easy for you, it wouldn't be easy for anyone. I think society places such importance on how we look and not what's inside. But just from reading your blogs, I know that your love and compassion shines through all obstacles. God has really placed His hand on you and is using you for higher purposes.
well, its time i get going, but I will talk to you later!

4:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Susan, Steve, Shea, Luke and Jesse,

We rejoice with you all at Shea's amazing progress and the fact that she could be home with you all for a part of your Christmas. We read your blog every day, and are so grateful to our Lord for the miracles He has performed and will continue to perform in your lives.

We continue to uphold you all in our daily prayers. Thank you so much for keeping up this blog, even on Christmas Day. It has been so wonderful feeling that we have been a part of your 'journey', and look forward to remaining in contact with you as you continue healing and getting stronger, Shea.

God bless you all,
All our love,

Rob, Bev, Christi, Matt and Kelly

11:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Hickok family,
This is Natasha. I am here with Ryan and Jenny in California. We all wish you a very Merry Christmas. We are thinking and praying about you.
Shea, Jenny and I were talking about your short hair. We came to the same conclusion that with a short hair you will look even better. And two front teeth... you can borrow mine (Natasha's). Ingam's are very protective about their two front teeth. We canno't wait to see you. We love you precious Shea. You are our miracle and praise to Jesus.
Love, Natasha, Ryan, Jenny, and Ella.

12:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for ministering to me today. Shea, you are such a beautiful person from the inside out. That is a great credit to your mom and dad. What a wonderful legacy they have planted in your heart. It is now radiating from you. I am amazed at your spiritual maturity and love for our Lord. Thank you, Shea, for allowing the light of Jesus to shine so brightly through. I am so sorry that you are still having new found difficulties as you are healing. I hurt for you. As a mom of an eighteen year old young woman, I understand the tears that fall from your mother's eyes. I look forward to the day that Brittany Shea and I can come visit you and your parents. So for now, I just send a gentle hug to all of you. Thank you all for hugging us back with the words you write each day. They are greatly appreciated. Debbie Harmon

12:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a blessing to be able to come home for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day! Thank you for continuing to share with us, Steve and Susan. After going through therapy with my dad after his stroke, and going through it myself after my accident, I know it isn't always easy. We'll be praying for your Lauren Shea! Continuing to enjoy hearing of God's blessings in your lives. What a great God we serve!
Love from the Guthries in Arizona

2:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Merry (belated) Christmas Hickoks!
So Natasha and I sat down to write yesterday and it was so hard to communicate adequately our love for you I am giving it a shot today. I am just so stinking excited for you guys. No doubt, the most special christmas yet. I just cannot get over the amount of miracles that God is doing in you sheaster. If you made a list it would be pages and pages.
As natash and I read about your hair we talked about how you will still be are going for the more punk rock look=) You are truly one of the most beautiful people that I know inside and out. I think you are the cutest that you want your two front teeth for christmas. Soon enough girl!
Shea I am so amazed at your response to everything so far. You have been such an encouragement to me and those around you. You make me want to be more like Jesus! I love you shea and I cannot wait for the day to come see you. I am your faithful prayer warrior...keep giving us your requests. You are a true testimony that prayer is powerful and it works. Love you Shea...Jenny Ingram

3:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Shea I hope you get better soon. We love you and pray for you. love macy

6:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear shea I wanted to wish you a merry Christmas. Love you love macy

6:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas Beautiful!!
I am so glad that you got to go home and be with your wonderful family. I know that gave you so much comort! I am so sorry about you hair, i know that that must have been so hard for you, but it will grow back and i am POSTIVE that you still look Beautiful because you look Beautiful no matter what!! I love you girl and i still praying for you girl!!
Love always,

6:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Susan, Steve, and Shea: I'm just checking in once again after reading the updates.
Honey, My girls have long beautiful curly hair, and our hair does tend to be our natural glory so my heart went out to you Susan as you had to cut off those curls. Everything that makes us need Jesus just a little bit more (even if it's losing our curls) is good for us. I know you take great comfort in knowing the Lord loves your little girl more than you humanly can understand and He will never do anything to bring her harm. I will be listening and watching to learn what the Lord is either teaching you (through something as common as cutting off your daughters locks) or maybe "unlearning" you.
You know I am starting to feel like part of your family, almost like I should hop on a plane and come see you Shea.
I have you on my heart. Love, Debbie Miller (linda evans friend from Heart to Heart)

7:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas shea!!
i hope you have an amazing christmas!
i'm glad that you get to go home!

love ya girl!


7:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

God Bless you Shae. This is so amazing that a little over a month ago, you were on 100% machine oxygen, and today you were able to talk and come home and celebrate Jesus's birthday with your beloved family. And always remeber that you are the most amazing girl Shae. God can work so many wonders and you are a living miracle. I am so proud of the strength you have and I continue to pray for you and won't ever stop until its a praise to God that your better. GOD BLESS YOU!

8:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...



I'm glad you are all together for the holidays.


10:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Shea and the whole Hickok crew,
We are back from our trip and haven't celebrated Christmas yet - well unwrapping the presents that is. Our best Christmas present happened on Sunday when we got home from the airport when we got to talk to Shea. What a relief it was to talk to you Shea. It was really our Shea that we love.
The coolest thing happened when we walked in our house. Emily's boyfriend has made a lighted case for Mike's guitar that everyone signed at the celebrattions, and he hung it in our family room while we were gone. He even went so far as to "wrap" the entire wall for the family to. Mike is the center of our family right now and will be forever. Josh made the lighted case so that it can be moved if we ever move to another house.
Can't wait to see you all - maybe this weekend.
Love to all of you.
Anna, Bill, Emily, Kyle, Megan, and Katie

10:50 AM  

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