Lauren Shea Hickok

A daily update on the health of accident victim Lauren Shea Hickok. All comments will be read to Shea for encouragement during this ordeal and kept for her review once she has recovered. Shea's latest CD is now available on iTunes. Go to the iTunes Store and search for Shea Hickok to order.

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Update on Steve's mother's surgery

DeDe reported to us this evening that the surgery went well. The doctor was happy with the repair of her wrist and says she will have full mobility. Please continue to uphold her in prayer as the healing begins.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know Steve and Susan will remember the Wilkison sister's from Heart to Heart. I'm guessing Luke and Lauren Shea will too. We just recieved word of the accident from Helen Reid. Please know we are praying for you all.

11:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As many around the world -- I continue to watch and pray for you dear Shea. Specifically this morning I pray: that there is no thrombosis in your arm or if there is that it is identified and treated quickly; your body would rest and fight as needed; angels would calm your heart and it's output would be abundant; your kidneys would be fully functional and would not suffer any degradation; that the orbit of your eye would weave back together as would your sinus and jaw; and that any infection whether viral, bacterial or fungal would not find a home in your body. Much love,

9:14 AM  

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