Lauren Shea Hickok

A daily update on the health of accident victim Lauren Shea Hickok. All comments will be read to Shea for encouragement during this ordeal and kept for her review once she has recovered. Shea's latest CD is now available on iTunes. Go to the iTunes Store and search for Shea Hickok to order.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

No advertising, please.

The reason the posts were working differently is because we were trying to eliminate comments where people advertise stuff.

We'll change it back, but ask that comments not contain advertisements or links to other products or services.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have some swampland in Florida....
Melissa Eimers

1:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is the way of our fallen world ... to take something that can be used for good and chosing instead to use it for evil.

The printing press was a marvelous invention that allowed the average man to have access to a copy of the scriptures for the very first time. It has also been used to spread profanity, pornography and blasphemy.

The printing press and its inventor are not responsible for the evil. It just means we have to be vigilant and discriminatory regarding what we choose to read.

This miraculous technology that has allowed us to share in Shea's story around the country (and maybe even around the world) so very quickly, efficiently and easily, is exactly what makes it a target for those who would use the technology for evil (... and if not outright evil, at the very least annoying and inappropriate).

So, fellow bloggers, the site seems to have moved into a more protective and labor intensive phase for the Hickoks ... Have patience as they filter out the SPAM they are beginning to be deluged with (... I'm surprised it took them THIS long to find you, really ...).

Just don't let it stop you from posting. Your comments uplift us other bloggers, too.


3:19 PM  
Blogger W. H. Conner said...

Shea, dear...

Yeah, the spam (Christian spam is still spam) doesn't surprise me at all, considering someone came to my door to sell something the other day, so I didn't answer it. He put his mouth to the window while ringing the bell over and over, yelling into the house that he wasn't leaving until I looked at his stuff. Unbelievable..(lol).. It was great chatting the other day; everyone passes along their love, too....


1:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Shea and Hickok Family!

First off, Shea, don't worry, your family is not depressing us bloggers by what they write! Although I find myself laughing at one paragraph, amazed at the reading of another, and yet struggling to hold back tears in yet another (I don't hold them back that well, though, I will say!!), I enjoy traveling the emotional, yet AMAZINGLY MIRACULOUS Journey with you all!!! And I can guarentee I'm not alone in that!
We wouldn't expect anything less than reality and the truth of how you are coping. There will be good days AND bad days and that's okay! We want to share them all WITH YOU! You're a fighter, Girl and we love that about you!
Steve and Susan, thanks for your faithfulness in keeping us all posted. Despite the distance, we are able to feel close to the situation and that has been a joy!
Take care and we continue to think of you all often!!

Love Chris and Kelly (Warner) Shondelmyer

4:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SHEA!!!IT WAS SO AWESOME TO SEE YOU TODAY!!!You are such an inspiration to all of us and it was just so right to have you in the salon. Please dont be a stranger and come visit us again soon- you can just come spend as much time as you want- that would be GREAT!!!You will always be a part of us and I can't wait to have you back for real!! I love you and miss you already:)
Paige H

10:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I GOT TO SEE YOU!!!! YAY SHEA! how random was that? The mall, i wasn't even gonna go, mainly because i was just there.... but i went. and i saw YOU! one of my favorite people on the planet. And i have said this a million times in my blogs... but the best word in the whole dictionary to describe you is.... Precious. You are just so precious shea. Not only to us, here, but to the Lord. And no worries about being with the rookies, i don't know who anyone is either. And, when i left you i didnt want to, i wish we could have just sat down and talked! you know! But im so thankful i got to talk with you how much i did and HUG you like a million times! Shea, i pray for you daily and you are always in my thoughts. I pray for myself and others at work that they may see the amazing work God has done in your life and your familys life. Ill pray for your next surgery, you said in about a month? So, this all sounds very good. I miss you and Im just so happy i got to see you, i can't even describe! You make me smile sweet shea!
Oh and it was fun to get to meet your friend from Arizona, Hope the rest of your shopping day was awesome!

7:49 AM  

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