Lauren Shea Hickok

A daily update on the health of accident victim Lauren Shea Hickok. All comments will be read to Shea for encouragement during this ordeal and kept for her review once she has recovered. Shea's latest CD is now available on iTunes. Go to the iTunes Store and search for Shea Hickok to order.

Sunday, December 11, 2005

She's getting stronger!

It was another busy day here in Macon! Shea has been awake and moving since yesterday. After a constant vigil during the day, Susan and Steve took turns last night staying with her. They went up to say good-night, but she was so restless they ended up spending the night with her.

Tonight Steve takes the 10:00 pm - 3:00 am sift and I'll be there from 3:00 am until Susan arrives about 8:00 am. We felt she needed a good night's sleep after yesterday and last night!

Shea was removed from the morphine drip today. Tomorrow the Versed will also be stopped. She is receiving Methadone, a synthetic drug like morphine. She receives it every 6 hours. Tomorrow they plan to cut it to 3 times a day and every other day thereafter; they will continue to cut back on the oral medications (the drugs now given through the feeding tube instead of the IV drip).

The Respiratory Therapist is coming three times a day. The biggest problem Shea is having with her lungs is her inability to cough effectively so the bottom of her lungs are somewhat collapsed. Her oxygen level is in the upper 90's, Dr. dela Cruz reminded us--she just has to get the mucous out of her lungs. The therapist used a vibrator-like machine on Shea's chest for about 5 minutes. It is quite powerful and Shea didn't like it! Nevertheless, we trust it will be successful in breaking up the secretions and that the X-rays tomorrow look much better.

Shea attempted to sit up several times today. All of the struggling and moving around may be difficult to manage, but it does help her regain her strength. I could tell that she was stronger today than she was late yesterday afternoon. Even so, by the time the Physical Therapist arrived later this afternoon, Shea fainted when they attempted to sit her up. Bless her heart, she has been going strong for hours and hours!

After his rounds today, Dr dela Cruz returned to Shea's room and assured me that all was going well. ( Susan has always liked him. "He's such an encourager.") He told me that he had been with Shea from the beginning and he was very pleased with her progress. All the while he talked to me, he looked at Shea--almost as though he was remembering those scary and difficult first days. When he finished talking, he asked me, "May I kiss her on the forehead?" He kissed her gently on her forehead and then turned and walked out of her room. It is pretty remarkable to see the extraordinary compassion and love the doctors and nurses here exhibit towards their patients.

Prayer Requests:

(1) Please pray that Shea might finally fall into a restful sleep tonight.

(2) Please pray for Shea's emotional well-being. She cannot yet speak and is so frustrated. We are in turn frustrated because we don't know why she is crying or what we can do to help her. She continually mouths words to us, but we aren't sure what she is trying to tell us. Please pray that she will have peace of mind and trust us as we reassure her. There are times when she is obviously in a drug-like state. She may look startled and grab things in the air that are not there. But then there are times that she is Shea and recognizes us. She goes in and out of this state. She is clearly struggling physically and emotionally.

This period of drug withdrawal can last days or even weeks, the nurse told us. Susan looked at her and said, "Weeks?. . .Weeks?! Oh, we have lots of people'll be days." Got to love that Susan. She is confident in her family and friends' prayers for Shea. Indeed, Steve told me this morning after a very long night, "I could feel that people were praying for me."

(3) So, please continue to remember Susan and Steve. They are doing great, but this is exhausting physically and emotionally.

Many, many thanks,
Jeanne Burch


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey shea im so exited your getting stronger and showing alot of progress I love you so much and cant wait till you get better so we can hang out I just wat to remind you what a beautiful girl you are, how awesome your voice is and how extreme your love is!!!
You are my role model and Ilook up to you Shea Ilove you and im praying!!!
Love, Payton Polhill

6:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"you placed the stars in the sky and you know them by name. you are amazing god".
praying that through you, He will be glorified!

6:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i love the song "redeemer" be nicole c. mullen. it reminds me so much of you.
"who taught the sun where to stand in the morning?
and who told the ocean, you can only come this far?
and who told the moon, where to hide til evening?
who's words alone can catch a falling star?
i know my redeemer lives.....
the very same god, that spins things in orbit,
runs to the weary, the lost, and the weak.
and the same gentle hands, that hold me when im broken, they conquer death to bring me victory.
i know my redeemer lives...."
i love you shea and you, your family, and everyone around you are in my prayers.
love you,
Hannah Harte

7:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, Steve, Susan, Shea, Luke, and Jesse, we are ever praying for you. It's sometimes in those "night watches," when we are awake in the middle of the night. Praying that each of you will have a good night -- sleeping, resting, and seeing good things from God! We love you. One funny thing: last night, little David and Becky watched "Ambushed" and "Hoodwinked" at our house on DVD. Davey was especially "cranked up" after watching the second one, jamming on a black cowboy hat, running around in his jammies, and shooting the bad guys. The bug-eyed Chandler Miles in his hole-y coat was a very convincing "bad guy." Good horseback riding, too! :0)
Gaylard & Sharon

7:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We wont stop praying until we hear you singing! Praise the Lord for his wonderful healing!

7:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Get some sleep tonight Shea, Shea.....

Susan & Steve,

There are thousands praying that Shea will get out of this drug like state. We're praying for God's divine healing and for this to go fast.

Imagine, when you're awake with Shea at 3am, I know there are dozens and dozens awake praying for you two for emotional and physical strength.

We LOVE you so much!


8:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Keep it up! Before you know it you'll be at our favorite hot spot Starbucks....

Shea Bloggers!?!?

Does anyone know where we can get Shea's music CD? I would love to give it to friends and family for Christmas!

Let me know...

Shanna L.

8:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WOW! Shea has her own website which gets re-directed to her blog.

When I read Shanna's question about Shea's music, I typed in her name as a domain URL and this site came up. Cool Beans, now it's easy to access her blog.


Does anyone know about her CD? Good question Shanna.

Shea, we're so excited to see you getting stronger and stronger each day. God is so awesome. This is the best news yet, keep it up we can't wait to see you soon.

Love and Kisses to you all.

The Lavoie Family

8:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh thats great, shea! I'm so glad you are getting stronger!! I love you!

8:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm praying to our all powerful God to give His strength to you, Steve, Susan, Shea, Luke and Jesse.

Thankyou for the encouraging updates and the specific ways we can pray.

It's wonderful that Shea's off the ventilator and the weaning from the meds have started. I'll be praying for a smooth transition, for her emotional well-being and that she'd be protected from infection.

I love you and feel privileged to pray for your family.


9:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Finally, let the mighty strength of the Lord make you strong."
-Ephesians 6:10

"God's a safe-house for the battered, a savtuary during bad times. The moment you arive, you relax; you're never sorry you knocked."
-Psalm 9:9-10

your in my prayers.
keep it up and shine through God.

9:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You don't know me, but I was reading through some of your blogs and I just wanted to say that the whole family is in my prayers. It's terrible to here something like this could happen, but I know that God will help you through. God Bless you all, and don't give up hope.

10:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

God, please intervene and allow Shea to rest through the pain and through the changes in meds tonight. Give the doctors great wisdom in balancing her pain management with her need to become more alert. Keep her comfortable and take away the fear and panic. Please bless Dr. dela Cruz with your presence and continue to use him. Encourage Steve and Susan as they deal with the new pain of watching Shea struggle. Remind them moment by moment of your presence and your power. Thank you for Jeanne and her faithfulness to the family.
Strengthen all of our Jesus name.
susan farrar

10:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

God, please intervene and allow Shea to rest through the pain and through the changes in meds tonight. Give the doctors great wisdom in balancing her pain management with her need to become more alert. Keep her comfortable and take away the fear and panic. Please bless Dr. dela Cruz with your presence and continue to use him. Encourage Steve and Susan as they deal with the new pain of watching Shea struggle. Remind them moment by moment of your presence and your power. Thank you for Jeanne and her faithfulness to the family.
Strengthen all our Jesus name.
susan farrar

10:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bless you guys!!

My prayers and my thoughts are with you all the time.

I am grateful to have these specific prayer requests. Thank you. How powerfully cool it is that you (Steve) feel people praying for you...there are so many lifting all of you up. I'm comforted knowing you can feel that.

Tomorrow is Preston's 16th birthday and we will definitely approach it with a pronounced spirit of gratitude. Thankful for every "good day" in Macon, GA. Thankful for the spectacular miracle of life...for all of the friends we have...for our families...for the love and vast blessings God pours out on us each day...

Sleep well friends...stay healthy.

I love you guys!!! XXOOXX


11:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Susan,

As I read the last few updates, I couldn't help but remember the story Beth shared with us about untangling her little girl's hair. I just could picture the nurse combing Shea's blonde hair and struggling with every strand. I still have not put this study on the shelf. Beth was teaching us about gentleness, the tears of submission to HIS WILL. Knowing that the end was worth the means. Although part of the message was untangling life's messes, it is also about being able to "...REST in His faithful care, cry when you must..." With every minute you are caring for Shea, God knows you need rest, and He will lay His gentle spirit on you. Our prayers are with you and Steve, and for Shea.

By the way, when we say prayers with Nicholas at night before bed time, he says, "Jesus help Miss Shea's boo-boo's?" It's amazing, the faith of a child!

Love, your sister in Christ,
Jenell Roberson

12:00 AM  

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