Lauren Shea Hickok

A daily update on the health of accident victim Lauren Shea Hickok. All comments will be read to Shea for encouragement during this ordeal and kept for her review once she has recovered. Shea's latest CD is now available on iTunes. Go to the iTunes Store and search for Shea Hickok to order.

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Spring Wrinkle

Thanks for all the great comments this past week. It has been a good week for Shea. When you have something to look forward to, it's always easier to cope. Amy Thomas, Shea's friend from Scottsdale, AZ, got here on Thursday to spend her spring break with Shea. We wondered what it would be like when Shea and Amy saw each other for the first time, and it was a sweet reunion. They hugged and laughed and hugged somemore. I could see Amy looking at Shea as she talked. Shea sounds the same (except for a lisp) but she doesn't quite look like herself. The girls have been going nonstop since Thursday. It's music to our ears to hear the girls talking and laughing in Shea's room -- just like old times. Yesterday, Shea and Amy went to Salon 124 for the first time since the accident to see all Shea's friends she works with. She was a little apprehensive to see them, but of course, she was warmly welcomed.

This week Shea saw Dr. McDonald, the orthopedic surgeon from Shepherd Center. He can see that her knee has greatly improved and told Shea that she only needs to wear the leg brace when involved in rigorous exercise. She is walking normally without it, but too much walking puts a strain on it. So how do you tell a nineteen-year-old girl that maybe the high heels aren't the best idea for her right now? Too late!

We tried to set a date in April for Shea's surgery with Dr. Nunns and Dr. McKay, but were unsuccessful. Dr. McKay is not available until the beginning of the summer -- sometime in June. That is a big disappointment to Shea as she has to wait for three months to have the first of three surgeries. If it were a short procedure, they could work her in at the end of the day after another surgery, but they need a 3-4 hour block of time. We are on a waiting list, but unfortunately, there are others in front of Shea. Please pray for God's best timing in this.

As we drove through Atlanta with Amy and Shea, we pointed out the Bradford Pear trees. What a transformation! In the winter season, they are stark -- straight brown sticks pointing in every direction. As the spring months approach we see a bulging of what seems to be buds soon to appear. Now the white blooms are everywhere -- where many are planted together it looks almost like a field of baby's breath. As the sun hits the tops of these trees, one can see the lime green appearing. Spring is coming. Birds are singing. New life appears. Even in the winter months when everything appears dead, there is an inner working -- a preparation for the big show in spring! Just this week, Shea announced to all of us, "Hey everybody! Look at this wrinkle above my eye!" Sure enough. There it is! A wrinkle above the left eye has finally appeared. During the "winter" season in Shea's body, the nerves were sleeping -- and always in the backs of our minds we were thinking, "Will they ever wake up?" A good reminder to us that even when God seems silent, in the winters of our lives, He's always working.

Fresh spring love from the Hickoks


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love spring here in Portland! The plum trees are covered with pink or white blossoms, and the white flowers of the cherry trees are just about to burst. Today is sunny and bright.

Wednesday night I woke up at about 1:30 and thought I had left the back deck lights on, because it was so bright outside. Imagine my surprise to look out the window and see 4" of snow covering the world!

Spring in Portland: If you don't like the weather, wait a minute.


Here it is, the 11th of March, and I haven't pruned the raspberries or the blueberries. It may be too late for the blueberries. It doesn't harm the bush to go without pruning ... it just won't produce as much fruit. I saved an article about this from my local paper: "For blueberry bushes to keep producing well, new wood is essential." All the fruit I'll get this summer was determined last spring, because the fruit only grows on the new growth from last spring. I didn't do any pruning last year, so there was really very little new growth last spring ... so I won't get much this year. If I want a good crop NEXT summer, I'd better get out and whack those bushes!

The harsh trimming my blueberry bushes will experience this weekend will not produce immediate results. But next year they will produce like a champ.

It pains me to have to do this. The bush will look spindly. The sap will ooze out. There will be a mess of twigs to clean up. And to do it right will take alot of my time, becuase I only want to trim what needs trimmin'.

But next summer, it will all be worth it.

How in the world does our Heavenly Father have the patience to prune us all? And why do some of us get pruned more radically than others?

Fruit. That's my guess. Fruit. Today's pruing brings tomorrow's fruit.

And speaking of another type of pruning, let's hear it for wrinkles!

Shea, your ongoing recovery is miraculous! Praying for more signs of regrowth this spring. Can't wait to see what happens next ...


(the springtime winter wonderland)

3:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How funny it is to hear you all talk about spring. We didn't have much of a winter at all her in Phoenix and today it snows (in Scottsdale). We received some much needed rain too. But no worries it will be back up into the 80s by the end of the week!
We continue to praise God for your continual healing. Did you ever think you'd praise God for wrinkles? God bless you Shea! We continue to pray for you and your family!

3:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OOP's, the above comment was from the Gibbs!

3:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update. Like you I love the pears trees and am looking forward to the cherry trees blooming. Hope the visit is going wonderful. Enjoy your time with Amy.

I am really glad this week was better. I continue to pray for healing both physically and emotionally. You are such a inspiration to everyone.

As a mother and grandmother you might want to consider flats instead of heels!!!!!!!! I am sure you appreciated that comment.

Have a wonderful weekend. Love, Phyllis

4:20 PM  
Blogger W. H. Conner said...


Since we're on the subject of spring and winter, Pat or Jenny mentioned in an earlier comment that it snowed in north Scottsdale today, and really, the desert looks amazing with this heavy load of snow on all the saguaros, cholla, etc. Maybe we'll get to do some Flagstaff snowboarding this season after all! (Whoever's reading this from elsewhere: winter in Phoenix usually means you can golf in the morning, then drive 2 hours up 14,000 feet and board in the afternoon...not fair, I know....) Sweets, we're stoked to hear about your new wrinkle, and your getting to hang out with Amy, your Scottsdale friend. I hope and pray that your surgery schedule is exactly what your body needs, in spite of the fact that it seems a ways off, especially to you, I'm sure. I was thinking earlier how we've always loved you, you know, especially those of us who've known you your whole life; but it's been amazing, in a funny way, to have this accident and praying with you through your recovery create such a wonderful, unique place in our hearts for you. You are an incredible gift to all of us, everywhere. Take care, my to you soon...


8:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shea. i know this is my second blog in the same day,but i dont care! i have to tell you this. Tonight, i was outside on my back porch with my mom and dad. We were looking through my dads telescope and i saw saturn. It was so crazy because you can actually see the ring around it! I just got really excited and i wanted to tell you! I mean who would have thunk, you can actually see Saturns ring through a little telescope. I know this is so random, but it just puts so many things into perspective. Ever think about how God doesnt need a telescope so see us close like that. We NEED a telescope to see the planets. God is perfect he doesnt NEED anything like we do. Amazing. He doesn't need us either. But he STILL made us and thats just crazy. HAHA! GLORY BE TO GOD! And i love this whole blog thing you all have set up! what would i do without it? Love you Shea.... and how cute were you at the mall "let's hug!" haha... miss you...see you soon.... Tell amy HI!

8:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey gorgeous!
oh my gosh!!! im hearing that your comming to church tomarrow! im totally stoked dude. im like all excided when its in 24 hours. haha. man im probally going to bring a box of tissues. a brand new one cause i will be using all of it :) and its a good sign that i shouldnt wear mascara either! the tears im going to cry is going to be happy tears because you have been through so much and here you are today shea. its a mircle what god has done. im soo excided man you dont even know!! haha kinda TOO excided cuase my hands are shaking. haha. i cant wait to see your beautiful face. ah this means i can bring my book and everything that i made you. hmm. lol. ah thinking about seeing you tomarrow and giving you a big hug makes me feel all nifty inside. haha. we can finally throw a party for you in youth. haha ut oh. trouble makers i knoow! :) i love you shea and i totally cant wait till tomarrow! get ready for BIG hugs and kisses my dear.
i love you dearly

10:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


So happy that you got a wrinkle!!! These miracles showing proof of God's healing hand over you!!
Just like the seasons change-newness and life around the corner. Scottsdale had an answer to prayer- rain!!! The rain drops are falling right now, and the coolest thing was snow!! We drove to Carefree today and stood outside with snow falling on us. People were driving around with little snowmen they had made on their cars. It was more like Colorado today. A special treat!
Keeping you in prayer that as you keep seeking and asking-you will keep finding God's answer right there.
Blessings to you all from snowy Arizona,
Denise N

10:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

dearest shea.

im so glad ive gotten too see you so much the past week, and am even more excited to see you tomorrow!! im glad your having fun with amy, and im glad you are continuing to improve. you mean a whole good bunch to me, and i love you very much!

love, blair

1:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Way to go, girl! It was great to see you at The Bridge today. Thanks for sharing with us and letting us love on you and rejoice in what God has done. I know it must have been humbling to stand there while we all clapped and cheered--to God alone be the glory!

So glad we were witnesses to this huge milestone for you and your family. We love you all.

The Smith Family

1:58 PM  
Blogger HoagFamily said...


How amazing to see Shea standing on stage, addressing a room full of people that have been praying for you!

Thank you for letting us witness a miracle as a body today. It was moving, it was humbling, and it was a live-and-in-person miracle...

Thanks for letting us celebrate God's goodness with you today.

Ask your parents to give you a HUGE HUG for me.

...still praying and amazed at His goodness.


4:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey shea!
aw i was soo happy to se you today at church. you looked amazingly beautiful . ha i was gunna cry but i had mascara on and i forogt to bring the tissues so i held back the happy tears. :) im totally bumbed that i wasent there when you saw dory and morgan and hannah! i was in the todlers helping out. i was really looking forward to hug you. i hope you come back to church next sunday so we can hugg! i love you shea and you are pretty much my hero. =] i love you girl and have an amazing week! talk to you soon
love and prayers,

6:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SHEA! Girl it was so rad to see you todayy! You looked beautiful like always! I hope you get better and better! God's done so many miricales and will continue to work in your life! You're always in my prayers. We all can't wait until you come back to Junior High!

8:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gotta love spring wrinkles!
You looked great this morning. I hope you know how beautiful you are on the inside and the outside. You are truly a miracle, girl. I hope you know that. Even though you may not feel like it, you are! God will continue to repair those empty places and I continue to pray that your surgeons' hands will be the pathway for more more miracles! You look great dear- most importantly, I know your heart is absolutely glowing on the inside- it is visible through your story-- and people will continue to be drawn to you because of Christ. Keep hanging in there. It is so good to hear that you had a good girlfriend come to visit. There is nothing more healing than good friends and family- just good genuine laughter and love!!! I hope you have a great week. Enjoy all the spring blooms and God's love he is sending us through the warm sunshine. A new season is coming for you. Love and prayers, Marian Madden

8:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shea, sweet Shea, you are Beautiful! I didn't go to the first service, but I was there, and I knew you were gonna be up on stage so me and some of the highschoolers all went in and sat thru your thing, I was defintely tearing up during it. Then I went to the full 2nd service. Your amazing! I totally was sad I didn't get to hug you when you saw my brother and mom. I heard you got quite a hug from my brother. :-) He was so happy to see you, when we prayed over lunch you were pretty much the only thing he prayed about, it was so cute. We love you so much!

I was in the "garage" which is the coffee thing we have in between the 1st and 2nd service for Ignition people and I was hanging in there, and Jenn and Dory come in. Jenn was skipping and smiling, cause she was so excited to get to see you. Those JH girls miss you and love you so much. They look up to you too. Though I'm not a JH girl, I'm a HS, I miss you just as much and look up to you, girl! (don't tell them, but probably more.)

Girl, I love you! Thanks for the voicemail from a few days ago. That totally made my day plus so much more!

Have a great time with your friend.
Give Cali a hug for me and tell her I miss her.

I love you!

Megan Kucala

8:33 PM  
Blogger HoagFamily said...

Shea, we missed you at youth group tonight. I hope you can stop by for a group hug soon...

Let's talk about beauty again... You've never looked better than you did this morning at church. You were glowing.

And to those of you that couldn't cry because of mascara, that's an advantage of being a guy... I had no problem crying through the whole thing. The challenge was to get the tears to stop.

Seriously, it was amazing to see you. Little Emily mised it because she was in her class. But she knows you were there, and knows God is so good.

We love you!


10:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How I wish I could have been at your church today! What a time of rejoicing that must have been! It is a day that I have prayed for.

We will continue to pray for more wrinkles..and for the upcoming surgery.

7:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations on getting a wrinkle. I am glad to hear that your muscles are starting to work better now. You are a great testiomony to me. I am glad to hear that you were feeling well enough to be able to go to church. I am praying that you will be able to have your surgery sooner than the doctors told you if that is God's will.
Keep trusting God.
Marlene Steed

11:02 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Beautiful!!

It was so awesome to see you at church sunday!! You look amazing! I couldn't believe my eyes when i walked in the bathroom to get tissue to catch my tears,and there you were standing there teasing your hair like old times!! :) It was unreal! You are an amazing person and I look up to you so much, you have no idea how much you have changed my life..and others! knowing that someone can go through something so horrifying and turn it over to God like you have and make it into simething good is just awesome! I love you girlie and can't wait to hang out sometime! call me whenever!!! good luck with your upcoming surgery I will be praying for you!

Love, Dani :)

12:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So glad the Lord sent a dear friend for Shea to spend time with.
Loved the analogy's of winter and Spring. Always love reading and hearing how the events unfold. Love, Debbie Miller

10:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

... just catching up after being out of town for two weeks and always eager to hear the most recent news. What a beautiful last paragraph ... parallels ... visuals ... images ... deep truths ... fresh hopes. Thank you for being so open with your lives, Love, a friend from Darien :)

9:59 PM  

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