Lauren Shea Hickok

A daily update on the health of accident victim Lauren Shea Hickok. All comments will be read to Shea for encouragement during this ordeal and kept for her review once she has recovered. Shea's latest CD is now available on iTunes. Go to the iTunes Store and search for Shea Hickok to order.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

24 Days in ICU

Just a short note this evening before we head back to the hosital.

Shea was a little better last night. She was calmer and one person could more easily take care of her. However, she had little sleep again today. She walked a little with the help of the Physical Therapists and by the end of the day was being helped to the bathroom by the nurses. She strongly resists any help. She is definitely an "I can do it myself" kind of girl. She may not realize it but that attitude and your many prayers are responsible for her incredible progress.

A few hours before morning, I noticed Shea exploring her face with her hands. They slowly moved across all of the areas that had been operated on. She then moved her finger inside her mouth and I can only imagine what she was thinking as her finger traced the wires and foreign material used to repair her mouth and gums. She repeated this several times. When morning came, the crying began.

Many times during the day we reassure Shea that all of this tubing, the neck brace, the trach, the knee brace and even the wires will all be gone--they are temporary! We have been told to continually remind her because she drifts in and out and does not necessarily remember what we have told her. I do think she is remembering more and more.

Shea's nurse today was a sweet Christian woman, Chris Slager. She worked so hard with Shea and was so successful in communicating with her. I kept watching Chris today and wished my daughter, Lauren, who is studying to be a nurse, could watch Chris in action. She radiates the joy of Jesus and treats her patients like her own children. Excellent, excellent care. We just can't say enough about the fabulous, loving care given to our Shea.

Shea had difficulty writing this morning but then grabbed the board with great determination and spelled different words throughout the day. At first her writing was scribbly and maybe we could make out a letter, perhaps a word or two. But suddenly, she would write complete sentences and even draw a heart instead of writing the word love. Shea still has times like this afternoon when she cannot write at all and is extremely restless.

We suspected she was very thirsty today because she held her hand as though she had a glass and tipped it toward her mouth. Sure enough, today she wrote, "I am soooooo thirsty." And under that she drew a smiley face. Dr Clark just shook his head in amazement. "You understand," he told Susan, "We just don't see this. It normally takes a long, long time for these developments." Guess he never met the likes of our Shea and the God she loves.

One of her doctors reviewed her chart and shook his head when he saw all the narcotics Shea has received in the last 3 1/2 weeks. He told us it would take quite a while to get this all out of her system. So that is our prayer request tonight; Please pray for rest for Shea--rest and sleep. And let's all pray that God would rid her body of this withdrawal earlier that is expected.

Susan and Steve are getting to sleep through the night as Kathy and Karen have now arrived. The sisters are pulling night duty so Susan and Steve can be awake and alert when Shea is and also be at the hospital when the different therapists and doctors make their rounds.

Off for a nap before I pull the 11:00 pm to 3:00 am with Karen!
Thank you all for your faithfulness in dilligently praying for Shea, her doctors and nurses and for us.
Our family can never thank you enough.
Jeanne Burch


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Praise God for His marvelous works! Susan, this morning I was remembering that a long time ago you told me about how Shea reacted to Benadryl when she was little once when you tried to use it to help her sleep. And the description of her day yesterday reminded me of your description of her then :)

Shea, You keep on amazing the doctors, OK? Allow Him to continue working in and through you. I'm praying for you for the rest you need.

Steve and Susan, You guys too, get the rest you need. I hope you know how much your whole family is loved.

Betty Anne

10:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, this is great! Shea, sweet girl, your doing amazing! Keep it up. Everyone is keeping you in our prayers so much. I miss you. It was so great to see Jesse yesterday. He's so sweet, not to mention hilarious. I can't wait to see you, Shea. I love you all.

Megan Kucala

10:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Lauren your doing awsome. Keep up the good work. Still praying for you over here.

Love ya
Ryan W

10:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Kathy, Jeanne, Karen, and Shea,

I am soooo praying for you tonight! Go easy on them, Shea. Remember, they're a lot older than you - and all-nighters don't come so easy!

Kathy Collver
Jamestown, Ny

10:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Shea, how we thank God for His grace and help! May His imperishable beauty within give you continuing peace and strength. You and your dear family are ever in our prayers.
In His Love, Gaylard & Sharon Moore

11:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello my sweet sheaster...
How thrilled I am on your progress.
It was great to see you friday and just to see your sweet mom and dad and how much you all love each other. You are such a beautiful girl and all the nurses and doctors love you. But seriously, how can you help but love the sheaster?
You have been such a charger these last couple days. How cute are you that you write a little smiley face and a heart to symbolize love.
You are such a little artist. You are the only person that I have ever played cranium with and you made the most beautiful and detailed rose out of the playdoh.
Who does that but our shea?
I love you so much girl. You have so many people that love you. You are truly a one of a special! Only 12 days until christmas Shea....I cant wait to see what progress you have made by then. As soon as you get well enough I am going to bring you a starbucks anytime you want it o.k.!
We are praying non stop for you and we will come visit after christmas.
Susan..I just finished the scarf tonight! I can't wait to give it to you. We are praying for you to be ministered to by Jesus as you just love on your shea.
We love your whole fam!
Jenny Ingram

11:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So excited to hear about your progress that you are up and walking some. You are in my thoughts all through the day. I am on jury duty right now so I have lots of "hurry up and wait" time that I can pray for you all. Thanks for your faithful update and helping us feel more like a part of what God is doing there. We will keep praying.

Nancy Mumme

11:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shea you are just awesome. You are one determined young lady to show everyone that between you and God you are making real progress. It is amazing that you are already recognizing what your body needs...for an example when you let everyone know you were thirsty. Hoping you and your Mom and Dad get some good sleep tonight

Heavenly Father thank you for providing Christian nurses to attend to Shea. You are her refuge God during the times she is restless and confused. How comforting to know that she is safe within your arms at all times. Amen

12:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Shea, its Rachel again. Wow, I have been gone a few days but I cannot believe the things God is doing in your life right now. I can't believe how hard things must be not being able to communicate, with all the wires and tubes and the meds. Just know how much I love you and think about you honey....... I wasn't always able to check this blog this weekend but I would stop at my work and wonder,"What is Shea doing right now?" Is she talking, or sleeping, or crying? Does she even remember who I am???!!! Lol. Well it doesn't really matter if you remember who I am or not. God is always talking about how we are to bear one another's burdens and I want you to know I have cried with you so many times. I have rejoiced at your progress and even gotten discouraged to hear about the set-backs. I would give anything to be in your hospital room and just hold your hand and "talk" to you. And I believe what your grandpa said about singing again. God would not give you such a sweet and beautiful gift only to take it away without reason. I can't imagine your pain but God can get you through this. It is times like this that God chooses to bring people back together.
Well, it is very late, I need to get a final paper written, but continue your progress. i had no idea you were at the point where you were sitting up and going for rides in a wheelchair. That's great! i hated the idea of you in a bed without being up and seeing the sun or people.
You know i remember the time you said you took some sleeping medication to help you when you were sick. Didn't it make you see clear dinosaurs or something???? It was a funny story but I remember how scary you said it was that night. So I will be approaching the throne of Jesus that you don't encounter any nasty beasts again. Ok??? Ill be praying that He keeps the devil with all his anxiety and sleep depravity far from you. Alright, i really need to go now, so Ill talk to you tomorrow. I cannot wait to one day get on my email and hear from you. Until then, I'll keep praying.......

12:20 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Our prayer for you today (and for mom & dad!) is for rest. As little as you like the idea, rest is probably the best thing for you right now. Sure, you'd like to be up and around and active, wandering down the halls and enjoying the sunroom. . . but you'll need to trust the doctors and nurses - and your sweet family. They all know just how much you need to rest.

Psalm 66 today reminded me so much of God's great work in and through you:
1 Shout for joy to God, all the earth;
2 sing the glory of his name; give to him glorious praise!
3 Say to God, “How awesome are your deeds!
. . .
5 Come and see what God has done:
he is awesome in his deeds toward the children of man.
. . .
8 Bless our God, O peoples;
let the sound of his praise be heard,
9 who has kept our soul among the living
and has not let our feet slip.
10 For you, O God, have tested us;
you have tried us as silver is tried.
. . .
12 yet you have brought us out to a place of abundance.

As we have seen over and over again htese last 24 days: He is indeed a mighty and a glorious God!

Our love to all the family!

Keith & Kathy Shull

12:33 AM  
Blogger W. H. Conner said...

Dear Medical Staff,

Thank you for emotionally investing yourselves in our dear friend, in addition to the superior care that you've obviously rendered over the last month. It's a cliche', usually, in the field of medicine, for professionals to indicate their inability to get involved on this level, citing that, for one to do their job most effectively, a kind of distance must be maintained. While this is often true, I believe that you've come to know that Shea truly IS special, and that it's impossible to not grow to love her and her family in this proximity. God has used each of you, in turn, to add essential aid and comfort when most necessary to these wonderful people, and you deserve our gratitude and respect for your willingness to be vulnerable, and to get involved with your patient by truly caring, rather than paying lip-service to the same. You are a model for other staffs to emulate, and we thank you.


W. Hayes Conner, CRT, RCP

(maybe someone will pass that along)

12:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good Morning Macon!!!!!!!!
I just arrived at work and thank God for all he has done in Shea's recovery and what He will continue to do. Thanks for the updates it helps me feel connected to all of you.

Susan it was GREAT hearing your voice. I pray you and Steve got a good night rest and are ready for whatever you encounter today. Keep smiling! You are always in my thoughts and prayers. Have a wonderful day in Macon.
In Christ, Phyllis Denicke

7:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


You are truly amazing. All of the Topeka Huckabees read your blog every day and pray for your continued amazing recovery. Love to you and your family.

Susan, George, Christopher and David Huckabee

7:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey you guys,
Every morning when I get to the office I start with reading the blog. I cry a little, smile a lot, and then pray. I thank God for a miracles that we see every day in Shea's life. Right after the accident, that Sunday, we had JH prayer for Shea. We prayed for a miracle...and here it is....right before our eyes. THANK YOU JESUS. THANK YOU FOR A FAMILY AND FOR THE BODY OF CHRIST. I love you all and I expect many more miracle from God in Shea's life and I strongly believe that there are many more to come. Russian in Atlanta misses you like crazy. Love, Natasha

8:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"His strength is perfect
when our strength is gone..
He'll carry us when
we can't carry on...
Raised in HIS POWER
the weak become STRONG..
His strength is perfect..

His strength is perfect."

This song came to mind this morning as I prayed for Shea and for those at her bedside...


10:26 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hi. This is Deb Crater from Michigan, sister to Tim Ross and Daughter to Don Ross. I read your posts often. I just want to say I am excited about your progress. I truly understand and can picture how things are going as it reminds me of the joy we had daily with the new steps taken each day when our friend Dave was going through a similar process. It sounds like you are getting great care and it sounds like Shea is a strong strong lady! It is that strength with God's work through prayers that will show much progress.

I teach charachter qualities to a 1st and 2nd grade class during my counseling internship. Last week we talked about Joy. I explained that we can have joy even when things are hard, like Shea in the hospital. This week we talked about Hope. There is much hope in your life right now... Hope is wishing with belief. And we know our belief and faith in God is the true power. THANKS for being an encouragement for 28 little 1st and 2nd graders in Michigan!

Deb Crater
a friend in prayer

10:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Shea:

We're so glad to hear about all your progress. I guess it doesn't feel like much progress to you since you're just now realizing you're in this "valley" - but lean heavily on the Good Shepherd as you start walking again! As you may know, He's been gently carrying you for many days now. Isn't it good to know that in Him you have a friend who will take every step through the valley with you, while at the same time He owns and controls every inch of the rough territory you must cross.

We pray for Christ's special favor to cover you today, and we eagerly look forward to more news of the healing His favor brings to you.

Mike Susan and Emily Ruetz

P.S. Steve and Susan, it's strange how so many of our years have passed with no contact between us yet now you are constantly on our hearts. I check the blog almost every day, then I give Susan and Em the update. We talk often about your ordeal and what you must be thinking and feeling. I was raking leaves in the yard all day the other day and I think you guys were all I thought about the whole day! We're lifting you up continually. God give you the strength He's promised! If not right away, we'll see you when we all make it to the same Big House one day!

10:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your doing wonderful. Keep up the great work. I would love to come see you soon.Thats if the family and hospital is letting co workers and friends by to see you. I will call to find out. I just want to give you a huge hug and tell you how much I look up to you and your strength. Your a wonderful person inside and out. I think the best gift I'm get this Cristmas is having you as my friend!

Love- jaime

11:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Praise be to God. He IS the great physican. God is soooooooooo good!

Much love and prayers!
Your Friends From Suwanee <><

1:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi my name is page. i just moved here in georgia from scottsdale. i am a new member of the bridge. i know hannah harte and payton polhill because if go to school with them. my mom knows you from saolon 124. i am keeping you in my prayers!
Page Parker

2:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

good afternoon Shea! i hope you had a better night last night and were able to sleep deeply. I finally got to sleep before 1 am yesterday so I am feeling a lot better today. I don't know if you went for another ride alng the hall today but i'm sure yesterday did you good, to see the outside and feel refreshed. Well, i'll still be praying for you. i hope to hear about your progress soon. All talk to you later!!

4:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Every time I check I can see the encouraging signs of God's work. We love you and are continually praying for the whole family. Steve and Susan and family, it is obvious how much you are loved all around the country. It is a blessing just to read about all the prayers for you guys. We all love you back here in Scottsdale. We will keep lifting you up. God Bless.

Kevin and Dawn

4:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey shea girly!
its jen here! i thank god that you are getting better and better! it is such a mircle that you are writting and walking! im so glad you can write! you little artist drawing a heart for love! hehe. well i can draw such a bigger heart meaning that i LOOVVEEE you! :) shea i pray for you day and night! on my birthday which was last saturday you know what i wished for? i wished that my sheastar is going to come back home very soon and alli want from her is a great big hug and a kiss! and i know my wish is comming true!! i love you so much shea. you are my everything!! kep up that work that you are doing! you are such a tough chick ever!! wow. you have so much things to teach me when you get back babe!! lol. well i would totally like to thank god for such a great job he is doing for you. i love you sooo much shea. you get well soon now girl! im making you this gorgeous sign for you. i love you hunn!
love and prayers,

5:22 PM  

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